Archive for calls, 2016

January 02, 2016
[ecrea] Conference: Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines 2016, 15 - 18 November, University of Cape Town, South Africa
[ecrea] Call for Chapters - Collecting Coins: The evolution and social impact of video game economics
[ecrea] CFP: Spies on Our Screens
[ecrea] CFP pre-constituted panel(s) for NECS 2016 Conference: Sonic Connectivity
[ecrea] Communication and Mass Media Conference Athens Greece
January 03, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - silent cinema and song - Special issue of IMMAGINE (Journal of AIRSC, Italian Association for Research in Film History)
January 04, 2016
[ecrea] deadline 15 January 2016 - ECREA CALL for EDITED BOOK PROPOSALS
[ecrea] call for articles: From TV to Screen
[ecrea] CFP special issue: Documentary Film and Migration in Twentieth-century Italy
[ecrea] Cinema Under Pressure (Images Journal) CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Stanley Kubrick A Retrospective, De Montfort University
[ecrea] Call for Papers Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference 2016
January 05, 2016
[ecrea] Aleksanteri Institute Visiting Fellowships - Call open until 5 February 2016
[ecrea] Call for Book Chapters - Handbook of Research on Multi-Platform Advertising,Strategies in the Global Marketplace
[ecrea] New Issue of Global Media Journal & CfP "Refugees, Migration and Media"
[ecrea] CfP: 'Visualizing Climate - Changing Futures?'
[ecrea] CFP: Transition to Sound
[ecrea] CFP: EASA 2016 P059 - Kinship - taking stock in the light of social media
[ecrea] Conference Call - Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion
[ecrea] CFP: Rhythm as Pattern and Variation: Political, Social and Artistic Inflections
[ecrea] CfP SERCIA 2016 Cinema and Seriality
[ecrea] CFP: PROTEST - 2016 Graduate Student Conference @ Penn
[ecrea] cfp: WWW Workshop Making Sense of Microposts
January 06, 2016
[ecrea] Material Cultures of Television Conference, University of Hull
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 9th International Central and East European Media Conference (CEECOM)
[ecrea] IAMCR Pre-conference, 26-27 July 2016 at LSE: Children's and Young People's Rights in the Digital Age
[ecrea] call for abstracts Italian Journal of Sociology of Education
[ecrea] CfP - Political Communication Section Preconference
[ecrea] Colour on Film: 1st International Conference
January 07, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: spring issue Mediální studia / Media Studies 10(1) 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Urban Island Studies | Special issue on Peripheral Discourses of Modernity
[ecrea] CFP: Kick-Starting Media - International Symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Yoga Justice/ Yoga Violence
January 08, 2016
[ecrea] EPIC2016 Call for Participation
[ecrea] cfp - Inaugural Play Design Workshop
January 09, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: NECS 2016 Panel "Recollecting (hi)stories: post-communist cultural and memorial practices in Balkan film”‏‏‎
[ecrea] cfp Governance of Deliberative Environments section- ECPR General Conference 2016
[ecrea] Symposium Non-Knowledge and Digital Cultures
January 10, 2016
[ecrea] cfp Communication rights and focred mobilities
[ecrea] cfp - 7th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms
January 11, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Stanley Kubrick: A Retrospective
[ecrea] CfP Moral Economies of the Digital - SASE MiniConference 2016
[ecrea] Throwing Shadows - a symposium on Japanese expanded cinema at Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design
[ecrea] CFP: VI Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture - Transvisuality
[ecrea] cfp: 40 Years of Mute
[ecrea] UNESCO Call for Proposals - World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development 2017
January 12, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Fame-inism: Feminism and Global Celebrity Culture
[ecrea] CFP 'Translation and borders', special issue of TranscUlturAl
[ecrea] CFP: Spain's Civil War 80 years later: The wound that will not heal?
[ecrea] Work and Play Conference CFP
[ecrea] CfP MeCCSA PGN Conference 2016 - Media, Communication,and Cultural Studies Association Postgraduate Network
[ecrea] CEECOM 2016 new CFP / 9th International Central and East European Media Conference
[ecrea] 1916, Cinema and Revolution Conference, Final CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Cyfrwng conference 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers - etum (e-Journal for Theatre and Media)
[ecrea] CFP: Publications special edition on digital publishing 'Transformations'
January 14, 2016
[ecrea] Call For Applications: 2016 Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute
[ecrea] Call for Paper: Italy and its audiences
[ecrea] CfP: Beyond stereotypes--boys, girls, and their images
[ecrea] Second Princeton/Vienna doctoral workshop
[ecrea] Call for Application: Media@McGill Postdoctoral Fellowship
[ecrea] IAMCR Pre-Conference: Media and Governance in Latin America
[ecrea] CfP 'Surveillance and Security in the Age of Algorithmic Communication'
January 15, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: International Media, Religion and Culture conference
[ecrea] CFP: Game History Symposium 2016, Montreal
[ecrea] CfP: Cinema and Media Studies in Translation
[ecrea] Digital existence - Call for chapters
January 17, 2016
[ecrea] IGNCC Comics Conference - 'Graphic Gothic' - cfp
[ecrea] CFP Frames Issue 'Breaking Labels'
[ecrea] Education and Humanities Conference, University of Technology, Jamaica
[ecrea] Call for papers of the Internet Policy Review
January 18, 2016
[ecrea] CFP The New Old. Special Issue of Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media
[ecrea] Photomediations: symposium & launch of an open access book
[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Working Group on Culture and War, Cultural Studies Association (US).
[ecrea] CFP: Digital Media, Psychoanalysis and the Subject
[ecrea] CfP: Catholics and Cinema in Italy between the 40s and the 70s
[ecrea] Call for Applications for the International Summer School of Political, Communication and Electoral Behavior
[ecrea] CFA: Black Matters - Diffractions | Issue 7
[ecrea] CFP the 5th Conference on Korean Screen Culture
January 19, 2016
[ecrea] 2016 CFP: Working Group on the Theories of Cultural Studies, 2016 CSA Conference
[ecrea] call for candidates for Urban Communication Research Grant 2016
January 20, 2016
[ecrea] Media, Event and Social Theory workshop
[ecrea] Call for Articles in Communication/Media/Journalism studies
[ecrea] CFP 9th International Central and East European Media Conference (CEECOM)
[ecrea] Participatory cultures, institutions, methods - PhD course
[ecrea] cfp - Locations in Television Drama Series
[ecrea] 23rd International Public Relations Research Symposium BledCom 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Ethical and deontological issues in the professionalization of communicators
[ecrea] Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.IV
[ecrea] cfp: Alternative Media and Counter-Surveillance
January 21, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Refugees and the Media
[ecrea] CFP Cultural Unbound "The performative power of cultural products"
[ecrea] CFP: Two Sessions on Comics at ALA 2016, San Francisco, May 26-29
[ecrea] CFP "Life-Writing and Celebrity", ESSE Conference Galway
[ecrea] CFP: Capitalism Crime and Media conference, University of Winchester
[ecrea] cfp merzWissenschaft 2016
[ecrea] Re-Imagining Challenging History conference CFP
January 22, 2016
[ecrea] Workshop: Discourse Theory and the ‘Essex School’
[ecrea] CfP/AAC 3rd International Conference COMSYMBOL/Religion(s), secularity(ies), society(ies) and the digital humanities turn/Religion(s), laïcité(s) et société(s) au tournant des humanités numériques
January 24, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Paper - New Media Scenarios on the Digital Horizon
[ecrea] Call for book proposals: Critical Digital & Social Media Studies OA book series
[ecrea] CFP HoMER@NECS 2016: Connectivity in the History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception
[ecrea] CFP: Global Studies Association (GSA) Call for Paper
[ecrea] WG: 1st CfP: Cultural Studies and the Research of (Digital) Games. Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. 14.-17. December 2016, Sydney, Australia
[ecrea] cfp - Communication in The Millenium
[ecrea] CFP January 24th - 9th International Central and East European Media Conference (CEECOM)
[ecrea] CFP - Verging: Technologies/Practices/Aesthetics in Contemporary Documentary
[ecrea] CfP "Critical Mediatization Research"
January 25, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Social Networks and political Actors: what political communication today?
[ecrea] CfP/AAC 3rd International Conference COMSYMBOL/Religion(s), secularity(ies), society(ies) and the digital humanities turn/Religion(s), laïcité(s) et société(s) au tournant des humanités numériques
[ecrea] CfP: Fantasies of Contemporary Culture
[ecrea] CFP Conference -- Andrew Davies: the screenwriter as adaptor
[ecrea] CfP - Communication, Technology and Creativity - ICSC 2016
January 26, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Proposals for MeCCSA Practice events
[ecrea] CFP: New Media and Processes of Social Change in Contemporary Africa
[ecrea] AATI-Naples conference CFP Innovations and tensions in Italian and world cinema
[ecrea] Call for Participation - 5th International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
[ecrea] CFA: Deadpool and Philosophy
[ecrea] ECREA 2016 Pre-Conference: Media Accountability at the Crossroads - European Challenges and Perspectives
[ecrea] Call for papers - JANUS 2017
[ecrea] The Taboo Conference 2016 - extended deadline
[ecrea] 1st African ITS conference - 10-11 March 2016
[ecrea] 10th Anniversary COIL Conference
January 27, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers "Communication and Conflict: Iraq and Syria"
January 28, 2016
[ecrea] CFA Comedy and Critical Thought (Kent, 3-4 May 2016)
[ecrea] CFP for KCL-CMCI PhD Conference (In)Visible Cultures
[ecrea] Call for papers for the 5th International Conference on Conflict, Terrorism, and Society - Non-State Actors in Conflicts: Conspiracies, Myths, and Practices
[ecrea] CFA: Perry Mason and Philosophy
[ecrea] CEC / IADA Conference Announcement & Call for Papers
[ecrea] call for applications to summer school on violent online political extremism
[ecrea] Cfp: Freedom & Control of Digital Political Expression, Toulouse, France, October 2016‏
[ecrea] International Conference: Press, Digital Transition and Small Markets
[ecrea] CFP for the workshop "Freedom of Information in Crisis Zones"
[ecrea] CFP Victorian Periodicals Through Glass
[ecrea] Workshop: Human Rights and Media - University of Glasgow
[ecrea] CfP: EASA 2016 Media Anthropology Network Panel
[ecrea] Colour in Film conference
[ecrea] "be a better being" - Call for Entries: international short film competition and festival
January 29, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: avant-garde pedagogies
[ecrea] Call for Papers and Films to IVSA 2016 - International Visual Sociology Association
[ecrea] Call for applications for summer school Digital Traces in a Mediated World, at the University of Amsterdam
January 30, 2016
[ecrea] CfP Small Cinemas COnference in Krakow, September 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Culture and Cultural Production in Iran: Past and Present
[ecrea] CFP: Beasts of the Deep: Sea Creatures in Popular Culture
[ecrea] CFP: The Communication Histories Project
February 01, 2016
[ecrea] CFP ANZCA 2016 conference in Newcastle, Australia
[ecrea] CFA: Theorising Media and Conflict
[ecrea] AoIR 2016 Berlin: Internet Rules! conference
[ecrea] 2nd Conference of the ECREA Journalism & Communication Education TWG - higher communication education
[ecrea] CFP RIPE@2016 Public Service Media I a Networked Society?
[ecrea] CfP: Video games and the 1980s - Cogent Arts and Humanities special issue
[ecrea] David Bowie Symposium, Toulouse, France
February 02, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: First Person Scholar
[ecrea] CFA: ECREA 2016 Pre-Conference - Digital Games Doctoral Colloquium
[ecrea] CFP: Cunning Knowledge and Media Technologies
[ecrea] CFA - Nation Branding and the Creative Industries: What nation? What people? What synergies?
[ecrea] CfP Hip Hop Studies Conference - University of Cambridge
[ecrea] 2016 CSA CFP: Policing crises now
[ecrea] Conference: Change and Innovation in the MENA Teaching/Learning Settings: Resistance or Receptivity
[ecrea] CfP Internet, Participation, and Democracy: Opportunities for the Global South
[ecrea] Call for papers: Photojournalism and editorial processes
[ecrea] Anti-Austerity and Media Activism - an IAMCR 2016 pre-conference
[ecrea] Call for Book Chapters - Journalism, Diaspora and Conflict
[ecrea] call for papers Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D
[ecrea] cfp - Digital Nomadism as a Global and Siberian,Trend
[ecrea] CfP 4th Argumentor Conference
[ecrea] Feminist Media Studies - Special issue on Online Misogyny: Call for abstracts
February 03, 2016
[ecrea] Second Princeton/Vienna doctoral workshop
[ecrea] Call for panels and papers- ECPR Conference, section 26: Governance of Deliberative Environments
February 04, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Dealing with the local: media, proximity and community (ecrea pre-con)
[ecrea] cfa - Information and Communication Overload in the Digital Age
[ecrea] CFP: Technologies of Help: Transformations of Humanitarianism in the Age of the Internet
[ecrea] CfP Conference: Online Media, European Actors and Discourse
[ecrea] CFP: Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment: 10th International Somatechnics Conference
[ecrea] Call For Papers: International Vampire Film and Arts Festival - 26-29 May 2016
[ecrea] Int' Journal of Press/Politics conference Sep 28-30, call for papers
February 05, 2016
[ecrea] Call European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2016
February 06, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Image/Interface Symposium, University of Toronto
[ecrea] CfP: Journal of Media and Journalism - Media and Colonialisms | Deadline: May 16, 2016
[ecrea] KISMIF 2016 CFP
[ecrea] CFP Music, Ageing, Technology symposium. 11-13 May, Finland, DL 29.2.2016
[ecrea] CFP: Image/Interface Symposium, University of Toronto
February 08, 2016
[ecrea] VIEW Journal Call for papers on Non-fiction Transmedia.
[ecrea] CFP - Colloquium Communication, and material and discursive power dynamics
February 09, 2016
[ecrea] Children's Media Conference Sheffield UK 6-7 July 2016 Call for Proposals
[ecrea] Call for Book Chapters - Media, Margins and Education
[ecrea] CFP Gender and Communication Conference
[ecrea] Horses on Film, One-day symposium at the University of Sussex
[ecrea] Call for Papers for Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration
[ecrea] CFP - Production Studies: Film, Television, and their Industrial Contexts
[ecrea] CFP: Symposium on Media, Communication, and Film Studies Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges
[ecrea] Call for applications: TRANSMEDIA USE(R)S - 20th International Summer School in Cultural Studies
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Radio and Revolution
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Radio and Revolution
[ecrea] Call for application to PhD positions in POLITICAL SCIENCE & SOCIOLOGY for the academic year 2016-2017 (Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Bologna)
[ecrea] CFP Hollywood Encyclopedia
February 11, 2016
[ecrea] UNESCO Call for Proposals - World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development 2017
[ecrea] CFP New communications: new politics?
[ecrea] Call for papers: spies on British Screens, Plymouth University 17th-19th June 2016
[ecrea] CFP South African Communication Association Conference, 2016, Univ of Free State,
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts - SPACE, IDENTITIES AND MEMORY, Birkbeck Institutes Graduate Conference
[ecrea] CfP "Communication, social change and digital activism: spreading protests and alternatives in times of crisis"
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Cities as Community Spaces - apologies for cross-posting
[ecrea] Award - call for entries: Best Scholarly Book on Animation
[ecrea] CFP RIPE@2016 Public Service Media In a Networked Society?
[ecrea] Call for Papers "Digital Traces"
[ecrea] Call for submissions - NECSUS
[ecrea] Call for Papers - 'Theorising the Popular' conference
[ecrea] Call for papers: Political communication in networked societies - Northern Lights
[ecrea] CFP - Verging: Technologies/Practices/Aesthetics in Contemporary Documentary
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Screen Industries - State of Play, May 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Prague Media Point 2016: Media and Migration
February 12, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers - Special Issue on Second Screening
[ecrea] Call For Papers - Special Issue: "Imperial Afterlives: The US, Vietnam, and the Global Imagination"
[ecrea] The Ageless Agatha Christie: A One-day Conference
[ecrea] CFP 'New Media-New Possibilities' - Fourth International Scientific-Expert Conference
[ecrea] Music, Pedagogy and Community, One Day Symposium
[ecrea] CFP: CounterPlay
February 13, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers: "Cultural Struggle and Praxis: Negotiating Power and the Everyday"
[ecrea] CFP: Re-conceptualizing Cultures of Remote Warfare
February 14, 2016
[ecrea] cfp Conflict in discourse and discourse in conflict
February 15, 2016
[ecrea] International Scientific Conference on Cultural Group Behaviour: Historical Re-Enactment, Contemporary Paganism and Fantasy-Based Movements
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Migration in Artistic, Academic and Media Discourses
[ecrea] Transformations CFP Extension: Human-machine Configurations
[ecrea] CfP: Becoming old in the age of mediatisation
[ecrea] CFP The New Old: Archaism and Anachronism across Media
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts- Computing the Corporeal
[ecrea] CFP: Conspicuous by Absence: Exploring Silence and absence in discourse
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism. Critical Perspectives on Media, Culture and Society
February 16, 2016
[ecrea] Call for panels - International Conference Activisms in Africa
[ecrea] CfP: ECREA 2016 Pre-conference *Cleaning the House: Testing critical concepts on communication and society*
[ecrea] Denis McQuail and Giovanni Gozzini - key speakers at the conference 'New Media - New Possibilities'
[ecrea] 4th Edition of the International Workshop of the GRCP
[ecrea] ITAC3. call for proposals: Best, next and radical practice in participatory arts
[ecrea] Call For Papers - ECREA 2016 Prague - deadline 29 February
[ecrea] Extending Play 3 CFP
February 17, 2016
[ecrea] cfp JeDEM SI on Open and Visual Access to Information
[ecrea] Call Photography and the Left
[ecrea] CFP- International Seminar ‘Audiovisual Diversity on the Internet: Economics and Policy’
[ecrea] CFP IAMCR Pre-conference at Leeds: Media and Governance in Latin America
[ecrea] cfp: Symposium on Arctic Cinema
February 18, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Death and Culture Conference
[ecrea] CfP: Acting on media: pioneer communities, social movements and civil society organizations
[ecrea] CFP: Gothic Feminism at the University of Kent
[ecrea] Call for papers: Studies in horror and the Gothic
February 20, 2016
[ecrea] conference Laughing and coping during WWI - Luton UK
[ecrea] 3rd Annual Chinese DiGRA Conference
[ecrea] cfp Book Menstruation Now
February 21, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Journal of Sonic Studies - General issue
[ecrea] CfP ICT and political participation: innovations in digital democracy
[ecrea] CfP: Contemporary Political Youth Culture and Communication Symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Bodies in Transformation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Fictional Representations of Bodies on Screen
[ecrea] CFP for special issue of Information Research (JCR)
[ecrea] Cfp - 'Teaching Ethics: Why Bother?' Conference
February 22, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - 'Sportif au lit': Athleticism and its Discontents
February 23, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: The Bridges of Media Education 2016
[ecrea] ANZCA 2016 Call for papers
[ecrea] Gendering Austerity CFP
[ecrea] call for paper: Ageing celebrities and ageing fans in popular media culture
[ecrea] Northern Lights 2017: CFP Political communication
[ecrea] ICA Regional Conference in Kenya
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Innovation in visual journalism: opportunities and challenges for the conceptualization, practice and consumption of journalism
[ecrea] Conference 3/31-4/2, THE (IN)SANE SOCIETY: Remembering Erich Fromm and the Frankfurt School
[ecrea] CFP BCNmeetingPR#6
[ecrea] Cfp Brazilian Journalism Research: Special Issue Journalism and Democracy
February 24, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - National Populists: Right-wing Celebrity Politicians in Contemporary Europe
[ecrea] Call for Participation: Archives Unleashed 2.0 - Web Archive Datathon
[ecrea] Call for Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies
[ecrea] CFP - Residual Practices in a Digital Landscape of Film Distribution
[ecrea] CfP MeCCSA PGN Conference 2016 - Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association Postgraduate Network
February 26, 2016
[ecrea] Call For Papers: Crossroads In Cultural Studies, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Revitalizing concepts in mass communication Conference
[ecrea] CFP Forced migration and digital connectivity in(to) Europe, Special collection of Social Media + Society
[ecrea] YouTube Conference CFP
[ecrea] CFP - Re-conceptualizing Cultures of Remote Warfare
[ecrea] Communication and Mass Media Conference Athens Greece
[ecrea] Call for Paper for i-COME'16" An ICA Regional Conference
February 29, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Deadline 30 June 2016. "Re-Imagining Australia: Encounter, Recognition, Responsibility"
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Screen Industries - State of Play, May 2016
[ecrea] CfP: DS10 Storytelling and Justice: Digital Storytelling Festival Call For Papers
[ecrea] CFP: The 8th International Joint Summer School in June 2016, Zhejiang, China
[ecrea] Final Call for Papers: Hip Hop Studies Conference, University of Cambridge
[ecrea] Acting on Television symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Cunning Knowledge and Media Technologies
[ecrea] Call for Applications: Australian Feminist Studies Travel Award to "Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment, " Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Alternatives to the Present
[ecrea] CFP: Mediating Gendered State Violence
March 03, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: ImageTexT Special Forum - Comics and Fine Art
[ecrea] Cfp: Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural
[ecrea] [CfP] Climate Change: Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics
[ecrea] CFP: Special Issue AJMS on the coverage of the migration crisis
[ecrea] Call for Submissions (Book chapters for a Book on Democracy, Media and Education)
[ecrea] CFP: BFE One-Day Conference - Radio and Ethnomusicology: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
[ecrea] Call for Two Volumes of Emerald Studies in Media and Communication on Latin America
[ecrea] HBO! Life After Legacy, Edited Collection Call for Abstracts
[ecrea] CFP Media Engagement: Connecting Production, Texts and Audiences Symposium
[ecrea] CfP TELE: Special Issue on Educational Applications on the Web of Data: New trends and perspectives
[ecrea] CFP: Special issue of Social Media + Society – Infancy Online
[ecrea] Postgraduate workshop in Digital Sociology
[ecrea] CCCS Conference 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Superhero Identities Symposium
[ecrea] International conference on Promotional Logics in Current Societies
[ecrea] Media and Classics Conference
[ecrea] Call: Locations in Television Drama Series (SERIES - International journal of TV series narratives)
March 05, 2016
[ecrea] Randy Martin Prize: Call for Nominations and Applications
[ecrea] CfP - Critical Mediatization Research
March 08, 2016
[ecrea] CFP, Domesticity Reader
[ecrea] CfP: Journal of Media Practice and MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium
[ecrea] International Conference in Scandalogy
[ecrea] International Conference: Viral Art - The New Imageries of GIF Culture
[ecrea] cfp: Urban bodies in motion
[ecrea] Call for papers - MeCCSA - Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network
[ecrea] CfP - National Populists: Right-wing Celebrity Politicians in Contemporary Europe (Special Issue of Celebrity Studies)
[ecrea] Call for papers - Cities as Community Spaces
[ecrea] CFP - Special issue 'Transformations'
[ecrea] Cancellation of the 7th International Labor and Communication Conference
[ecrea] Call for papers on Non-fiction Transmedia
March 09, 2016
[ecrea] CfP Digital Media, Psychoanalysis and the Subject
[ecrea] Call for conference papers. The Seventh International Tourism and Media (ITAM) Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Production Studies: Film, Television, and their Industrial Contexts
[ecrea] CFP- Visualizing Consumer Culture, Commodifying Visual Culture
[ecrea] CFP for the workshop "Freedom of Information in Crisis Zones", 26-27 May, City University London
[ecrea] CfP Women Who Kill
[ecrea] CFP Constructed | Constructive Journalism
[ecrea] CFP for Special Issue of Social Media and Society: Ethics as Method in an Era of Big Data
[ecrea] CfP: “The backlash of the extreme: communicative constructions and media discourses mainstreaming populism and right wing radicalism in Central and Eastern Europe” (CEEPOPCOMM)
March 11, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Conference on Space and Cinema - Lisbon - Nov2016
[ecrea] CFP: Cunning Knowledge and Media Technologies
March 12, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts workshop Audiovisual Data and Digital Scholarship
[ecrea] CfP Media Sociology Preconference, Seattle,
[ecrea] Musedelica: First symposium on psychedelic music - Call for Proposals
March 13, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Book Chapters for Edited Volume “The Internet and the 2016 Presidential Campaign”
[ecrea] Call for Book Reviewers: African Journalism Studies (AJS)
[ecrea] CFP- The Supernatural in History, Society, and Culture
[ecrea] CfP 2nd Interdisciplinary Cyber Research (ICR) workshop
[ecrea] CEC / IADA Conference Announcement & Call for Papers
March 14, 2016
[ecrea] CfP "Queer/ing Film Festivals" Special Issue of Studies in European Cinema
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts: Edited collection on New Queer Horror Film and TV
March 16, 2016
[ecrea] Journal of Media Practice - new call for submissions
[ecrea] call for book chapters - Journalism, Diaspora and Conflict
[ecrea] Call for host 2017 MeCCSA PGN annual conference
[ecrea] CFP Subversive Histories for Public Cultures, Brighton and Sussex postgraduate conference
[ecrea] 3rd International Universal Design Conference
[ecrea] Call for papers - Cities as Community Spaces
[ecrea] Cfp: Freedom & Control of Digital Political Expression, Toulouse October 2016
March 17, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Gender, Crime and Media
[ecrea] International Conference Bestiarium. Human and Animal Representations
[ecrea] Call for Proposals: Opacity and Communication
[ecrea] CFP IV International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies in Modern Languagues (CILLEC)
[ecrea] CFP: Digital Images, Global Conflicts - special issue of Media, Culture and Society
March 18, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Communication, Politics and Culture Journal
[ecrea] CFP: Queerbaiting (Special Issue in Journal of Fandom Studies)
[ecrea] CFP: Journal of Popular Music Education
[ecrea] cfp: Media Engagement: Connecting Production, Texts and Audiences Symposium
March 20, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers - Ecstatic Truth: Defining the Essence of an Animated Documentary, 6th Animation PGR symposium
[ecrea] Cfp: Political communication in networked societies - Northern Lights
[ecrea] CFP : Seminars at the 2016 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference
March 21, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Communication, and material and discursive power dynamics - Uppsala University
March 22, 2016
[ecrea] A new Journal and Call for Papers: Kaleidoscope
[ecrea] 9th CEECOM conference - Media and Communication studies: bridging disciplines, bridging,countries
[ecrea] conference: 15th International Pragmatics Conference
[ecrea] CfP - conference: Fomenting political Violence - phantasy, language, media, action
[ecrea] YouTube CFP April 4 Deadline
[ecrea] 3d ACGS Conference: Where Are We Now? Temporalities of Globalisation
March 24, 2016
[ecrea] international conference understanding transition IV
[ecrea] CFP - Revista IC - Visualities in tension
[ecrea] Call for Papers: LSE Media and Communications PhD Symposium 2016
[ecrea] CfP ECREA pre-conference: Media and Migration
[ecrea] call for abstracts: radio and revolution
[ecrea] cfp Access, Participation and the Mediatised World
[ecrea] CommUnity 4th International Symposium of Communication Students
[ecrea] RADiCAL.PiRATiCAL: Call for Workshops
[ecrea] 'Childhood and Nation in World Cinema' conference
[ecrea] CfA New Directions in Media Research conference
[ecrea] International Transdisciplinary Research and Practice Online Conference "Connect-Universum"
[ecrea] Transnational Screens Conference at the CATH Research Centre, De Montfort University, Sept 2016
March 25, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Power, Politics and Digital Development
[ecrea] Call for Papers Center for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College University of London
[ecrea] PhD/ECR Conference - Saturday 2nd July 2016
[ecrea] Freedom of Information in Crisis Zones - reminder and extension of CFP
[ecrea] Social Media Training Workshop for Early Career Researchers
March 26, 2016
[ecrea] Post-Screen Cultures/Practices symposium
[ecrea] CFP: King's College London CMCI PhD Conference "(In)Visible Cultures"
[ecrea] CfP "Critical Mediatization Research"
March 27, 2016
[ecrea] CFP "Media Studies: Reports and Papers"
[ecrea] CFP: CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East
March 29, 2016
[ecrea] Conference - Real Injuns and Real Indians : Trends in Native American Cinema - Sorbonne Nouvelle
[ecrea] CFP New Research on Horror Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers - CATH Postgraduate Conference 2016, Production Studies
[ecrea] Capitalism, Crime and Media Conference
[ecrea] Symposium - New Media Gatekeepers: Ecosystems of Access and Denial
[ecrea] CFP: Transmedia Earth: Understanding Global Convergence Cultures
[ecrea] CFP - Mock the Weak: Comedy and the Politics of Representation conference
March 30, 2016
[ecrea] Call for chapters: The dynamics of religious media in Europe
[ecrea] Cyberparty: popular politics in digital times conference
[ecrea] CfP: One-day workshop on online commitment to collective action
[ecrea] Screen Studies Conference
[ecrea] Summer school: Media Literacy and Media Education Research - Call for applications
[ecrea] CFP JoBEM special issue on second screening
[ecrea] cfp: Agenda Setting Journal
March 31, 2016
[ecrea] Call for proposals: Post-Snowden Internet Policy
[ecrea] Call for proposals for The politics of 'looking good', whilst 'doing good': Understanding the role(s) of media in international development - DSA16
[ecrea] CFP: South Asian Literary Association Annual Meeting
April 01, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Sex & Sexualities in Popular Culture 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Special Issue of Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance
[ecrea] Call for submissions for Sightlines 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Becoming old in the age of mediatization - Nordicom Review
April 03, 2016
[ecrea] British Academy Conference: Civil Rights Documentary Cinema and the 1960s
[ecrea] cfp Practices of Transformation Conference
[ecrea] Live Cinema Conference
April 05, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Media, Ideology and Hegemony
[ecrea] Call for Papers - IMC Review: Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications
[ecrea] Researching (Jazz) Festivals symposium, Cheltenham Jazz Festival
[ecrea] Doctoral workshop on discourse as intervention for social change
[ecrea] Call for papers: Conceptualising the Podcast: Interdisciplinary Analyses of New Aural Cultures
[ecrea] 'Public standards, ethics and entrapment': One-day conference
[ecrea] CfP: sex and the cinema
[ecrea] International Symposium - Think Tanks as Agenda Setters
[ecrea] cfa-Istanbul University Faculty of Communication Journal
April 06, 2016
[ecrea] Multidisciplinary Approaches to Social Change, Protest, and Political Mobilisation: Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for Papers for funded conference on AVMS in Europe Brussels
[ecrea] Call for Participation- The Practices and Politics of Inclusivity in Games
[ecrea] cfp - Communication, Religion and Visual Culture
April 07, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Shared Histories: Media Connections Between Britain and Ireland
[ecrea] cfp: Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference 2016
[ecrea] CfP - Taste of City Conference, Belgrade 2016
[ecrea] Crossing Traditions: Reimagining the Political - International Rhetoric Workshop
[ecrea] CFP: IASPM-ANZ 2016 Conference - Isolated Musics, Connected Musics
April 09, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: King's College London CMCI PhD Conference "(In)Visible Cultures"
[ecrea] Seminars at the 2016 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Television studies
[ecrea] Call for Chapter Abstracts: Seen but not Heard: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Child Migrants and Refugees
April 11, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp - New Directions in Media Research (NDiMR) conference 2016
[ecrea] CfP - emma Doctoral Summer School on Media Entrepreneurship
[ecrea] CFP Reminder - Residual Practices in a Digital Landscape of Film Distribution
April 12, 2016
[ecrea] TaPRA CfP: Performing the Quantified Self
[ecrea] CFP for Mapping the Magazine conference (Sydney, December 2016)
[ecrea] CfP Communication Studies-Remembering
[ecrea] Capitalism, Crime and Media Conference, 22 April 2016, University of Winchester
[ecrea] Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2016
[ecrea] cfp: political preferences journals
April 13, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: The Bridges of Media Education 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Future and reality of games (FROG) 2016. Vienna - September 23-25
April 14, 2016
[ecrea] Symposium "Children's Products & Media: From Design to Circulation"
[ecrea] Call for submissions and reviewers - IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies
[ecrea] CfP - The Politics of Representation - Graduate Conference
April 15, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: International Conference on Media & Communication (Symbiosis, Pune)
[ecrea] cfp: From Here to Ubiquity: Critical and International Perspectives on Mobile and Ubiquitous Media
[ecrea] CfP - Media and Everyday Life Journal @ UFF, Brazil
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts: Nation Branding and the Creative Industries: What nation? What people?,What synergies?
[ecrea] "Understanding Visual Culture" conference in Bologna, Italy
[ecrea] Call for Applications - Workshop (Forced) Migration and Media, 13th of June, University of Leicester
[ecrea] Call for papers- Digital Opportunities and Challenges: Researching Journalism and Media in a Digital Age
April 17, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Extended Deadline - Radicalisation in culture and media
[ecrea] cfp: Shared Histories: Media Connections Between Britain and Ireland & Freedom of Speech in France, Germany, and Ireland in Time of Conflict
[ecrea] World Association for Public Opinion Research regional conference, Moscow, 15-17 September, 2016
April 19, 2016
[ecrea] Rhythm as Pattern and Variation Conference
[ecrea] Call for Applications EnsadLab 2016
[ecrea] The Inaugural Live Cinema Conference 2016
[ecrea] 2nd conference call for abstract to the The Seventh International Tourism and Media (ITAM) Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers: PG Symposium at TFTV, University of York
April 20, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Acting on media: pioneer communities, social movements and civil society organizations
[ecrea] cfp: Cultural production: Diversity, equality and exclusion
[ecrea] IAMCR pre-conference: The "Brexit" Campaign: The 2016 referendum on UK membership of the European Union
[ecrea] digital subject symposium
[ecrea] Conference: Civil Rights Documentary Cinema and the 1960s
[ecrea] Transnational Screens Conference at the CATH Research Centre, De Montfort University
[ecrea] Call for papers: Besides the Screen International Conference
[ecrea] CFP Digitization and Social Transformations in the Globalized World
[ecrea] cfp: akademisk kvarter/ academic quarter Volume 15 1
April 21, 2016
[ecrea] CFP #EduResistance: Activist media in struggles for public education
[ecrea] LSE Media and Communications PhD Symposium 2016 - Everyday politics and media and communications
[ecrea] Kick-Starting Media Symposium: Registration Now Open
[ecrea] CfP: "Economic Challenges of Media Firms" (Deadline for Full Papers: 30 June 2016)
[ecrea] Reminder CFP Black Matters | Diffractions journal
April 22, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers: Public Relations Inquiry
[ecrea] CFP International Conference: Viral Art - The New Imageries of GIF Culture
[ecrea] CFP: Consuming Gender
[ecrea] CFA: Hamilton and Philosophy
[ecrea] Call for Papers for funded conference on AVMS in Europe Brussels
April 23, 2016
[ecrea] CfP The Politics of Representation - Graduate Conference
[ecrea] IAMCR Pre-Conference Media and the Development Challenge -- New Frontiers in Media Development Research
[ecrea] Call for Papers - International Meeting /Cinema and other Arts
April 24, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Internet Governance research a decade after WSIS - GigaNet Annual Symposium
April 25, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Digitization and Sociel Transformation in the Globalizad World
[ecrea] Call for Responses: Flow Conference 2016 - Sept. 15-17, 2016 - Austin, Texas
[ecrea] cfp: Freedom of Speech in France, Germany, and Ireland in Time of Conflict
[ecrea] cfp The new communication and the processes of political mobilisation: parties, media and citizens
[ecrea] CFP Radio and Ethnomusicology
April 26, 2016
[ecrea] cfp EUTIC 2016 - Network Logic and New Forms of Governance
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Social Media, Design and Creative Citizenship
[ecrea] ECREA Pre-Conference invitation, Dealing with the Local, Prague
[ecrea] Feminist Media Studies Special Issue on Gendered Ageing Bodies in Popular Media Culture: Call for Papers
April 27, 2016
[ecrea] Call for submissions to special issue of Journal of Media Practice on Disruptive Media
[ecrea] CfP: Conference Revitalizing concepts in mass communication
[ecrea] Data, Society and the Self postgrad workshop
[ecrea] Postgraduate Conference 2016, Department of Film Studies, University of St Andrews
April 29, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Power of Hip Hop
[ecrea] CfP - conference: Fomenting political Violence - Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, Essex University, 9-10 Sept. 2016
May 01, 2016
[ecrea] call for papers - Visualizing Consumer Culture, Commodifying Visual Culture, 21-22 October 2016
[ecrea] Society for Phenomenology and Media: 19th Annual Conference
May 02, 2016
[ecrea] VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo / Ziberkazetaritzako Nazioarteko VIII. Kongresua / 8 International Conference on Ciberjournalism
[ecrea] cfp - Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism // Critical Perspectives on Media, Culture and Society
May 03, 2016
[ecrea] CfP - Dark Leisure and Music Symposium
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Networks, Movements & Technopolitics in Latin America: Critical Analysis and Current Challenges
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: 40 Years of Mute Records
May 04, 2016
[ecrea] Fantasies of Contemporary Culture symposium (23 May, Cardiff, University)
[ecrea] CFP: International Symposium on Media Innovations
May 05, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Union for Democratic Communications 2016 Conference
[ecrea] CFP - Edited Collection Eastsploitation: Eastern Europe and the Cinematic Lowbrow
[ecrea] Current Thinking on the Western III conference
[ecrea] CFP: Special Issue European Cultures of Production
[ecrea] Shared histories conference
[ecrea] cfp - Speeding and Braking: Navigating Acceleration
[ecrea] Conference Call: Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism. Critical Perspectives on Media, Culture and Society (ESA RN18)
[ecrea] CfP David Bowie Symposium
[ecrea] cfp - Disruption In Media Industries: Management And Education Challenges
[ecrea] 5th Annual International Conference on Journalism & Mass Communications (JMComm 2016)
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: /ReFocus/**: The Films of Mary Harron
May 06, 2016
[ecrea] Conference: Italy and its Audiences 1945 to the Present
[ecrea] Live Cinema Conference 2016
[ecrea] Call for Chapters Latin American Filmmaking: From the New Cinemas to Liberalism
[ecrea] Call for expressions of interest for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship applications - Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University
[ecrea] World Forum for Democracy - Call for lab submissions - Due May 15 - Education and democracy: How to bridge the social divides
[ecrea] The State of our Disciplines Symposium, May 19th - A Symposium with Natalie fenton and Gavan Titley.
May 08, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Applications - (Forced) Migration and Media Workshop
May 09, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Independent Italian Cinema
[ecrea] Digital Media, Journalism and Factual Storytelling Symposium, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
[ecrea] CFP: Queer Sinners and Saints
[ecrea] 'Media Environments'-Keele University-Free Workshop-26 May 2016
May 10, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Subversive Histories for Public Cultures, Brighton and Sussex postgraduate conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers Queer Transnationalities: Visual Culture, Film, Narrative, Micropolitics
[ecrea] ACGS Annual Conference: Where Are We Now? Temporalities of Globalisation
[ecrea] Kick-Starting Media symposium
May 11, 2016
[ecrea] cfp JeDEM SI on Open and Visual Access to Information (June 10, 2016)
[ecrea] 1916, Cinema and Revolution International Conference
[ecrea] Comics symposium (26 June) and exhibition (2 May - 1 July)
[ecrea] CFP for a special issue of Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics
[ecrea] CFP: Complex Evolution - Media and communication in contemporary Asia (MedieKultur vol. 33, no. 62)
[ecrea] CFP: PhD/ECR conference, Saturday, July 2nd 2016, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
[ecrea] Culture and politics of data visualisation: a one-day conference, 11th October 2016, University of Sheffield
[ecrea] Random String, a symposium on postdigital creativity
May 12, 2016
[ecrea] Call for proposals: I.B. Tauris International Library of Gender in Popular Culture
[ecrea] Call for Proposals Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema - Latin American Cinema manifestos - deadline: May 15th
May 13, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: DATA Feminist Media Histories
May 14, 2016
[ecrea] cfp Social Sciences and the Olympic and Paralympic Games
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Discourse studies: theories and methodologies at the crossroads of language and society
[ecrea] Call for Paper - questioning locality (iComicos) 2016, Yogyakarta-Indonesia
[ecrea] Call for host 2017 MeCCSA PGN annual conference
[ecrea] CFP: Revisiting the Concepts, Politics and Cultures of Multitude
[ecrea] Call for papers - Visualizing Consumer Culture and Commodifying Visual Culture in the English-speaking World
May 16, 2016
[ecrea] Elsewheres of Nordic Cinema - cfp
[ecrea] CFP Feminism and Sound Commentary and Criticism Feminist Media Studies
May 17, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Automating the Everyday
[ecrea] MeCCSA 2017: Call for Papers
[ecrea] CFP: Queerbaiting (Special Issue in Journal of Fandom Studies)
[ecrea] CFP - Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures
May 18, 2016
[ecrea] Call for proposals for Policy Impacts series (Rowman & Littlefield International)
[ecrea] Call for Papers-Digital Opportunities and Challenges: Researching Journalism and Media in a Digital Age
[ecrea] CFP for a conference on synergistic leadership for social and communication innovations at MICA, India
[ecrea] CFP: Queer Nostalgia and Queer Histories
[ecrea] Summer school: Media Literacy and Media Education Research - Call for applications
May 19, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Applications - Workshop (Forced) Migration and Media at the University of Leicester
[ecrea] Discourse theory and analysis (intensive one-week course - prof. Veronique mottier)
May 20, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: ESA RN18 Mid-Term | Conference Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism Critical Perspectives on Media, Culture and Society
[ecrea] CfP Media and Migration, Prague Media Point conference 2016
[ecrea] Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism - Call For Papers and Audiovisual Essays
[ecrea] Screen Studies Association of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Conference November 23-25 2016, Wellington
[ecrea] CFP - DOC On-line n. 20
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Computing News Storylines 2016 (CNewsStory 2016)
May 22, 2016
[ecrea] The Politics of Representation: Ontology, Agency, Practices - Doctoral Researcher Symposium
[ecrea] Cfp Brazilian Journalism Research: Special Issue Journalistic professionalism in the digital age
May 24, 2016
[ecrea] International Conference - Cultures of resistance, minorized peoples and languages
[ecrea] Cfp: "Rethinking Media Through the Middle East" - conference at AUB (Lebanon), January 2017
[ecrea] Digital Subjects conference - Podcasts
[ecrea] conference "Critical Mediatization Research"
[ecrea] Social Media and Politics Symposium, Ulster University Belfast Campus., June 3rd
May 25, 2016
[ecrea] ECREA 2016 Pre-Conference: Media Accountability at the Crossroads - European Challenges and Perspectives
[ecrea] Children's and Young People's Rights in the Digital Age: IAMCR pre-conference
[ecrea] CATH Postgraduate Conference - Production Studies: Film, Television and their Industrial Contexts
[ecrea] BFI Media Conference 2016
May 26, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts: Transit Europe: Mobility, Communication and Governance
[ecrea] CfP - AoIR preevent on STS and Internet governance
May 27, 2016
[ecrea] conference: e-Connecting Europe
[ecrea] CfP: ‘Something old, something new: the wedding spectacle across contemporary media cultures’
[ecrea] CFP: ‘Discourses of Care: Care in Media, Medicine and Society’, University of Glasgow
[ecrea] CFP Media Information Australia (Sage) - Published in May 2017 - Children's Television in Transition
[ecrea] CFP International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality (ICDMT2016)
[ecrea] CFP: Hidden Cameras
May 30, 2016
[ecrea] cfp -2016 Central and Eastern European Game Studies (CEEGS),conference in Lublin
[ecrea] CFP : Communist Homosexuality (1945-1989) - International Conference
[ecrea] Panel on political humor as social action -- International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast
June 01, 2016
[ecrea] VOX-Pol Conference, Dublin, 22 - 24 June
[ecrea] CFP: Textual & Visual Media
[ecrea] CFP 'Small Screen Fiction', special issue of Paradoxa
[ecrea] Call for Papers "Bianco e Nero" 3/2016 "Alida Valli"
[ecrea] Camp Convivialities and Refugee Communications workshop
[ecrea] fourth annual Fan Studies Network Conference
[ecrea] Transitions 7 Comica Symposium
[ecrea] 'Teaching Ethics: Why Bother?' reminder cfp Institute Of Communication Ethics
[ecrea] CfP Journal Commons: special issue on "Epistemologies of the South and Communication"
[ecrea] CfP: Geomedia 2017 conference
[ecrea] CFP: 2016 Challenging Media Landscapes Conference: Access, Participation and the Mediatised World
June 02, 2016
[ecrea] Final CFP - Reimagining Beauty and the Beast - One-day Interdisciplinary Conference
June 03, 2016
[ecrea] CFP The West: Concept, Narrative, and Politics
[ecrea] CFP for seminar on music, sound and radio, May 2017
[ecrea] Open call for professor at Department of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana
June 05, 2016
[ecrea] 2016 Northeast Popular/American Culture Association Call for Papers - Television
[ecrea] CFP: Journeys and Narratives
June 06, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Workshop on National Webs
[ecrea] MATLIT, v. 5 (2017): Call for Papers & Call for Sounds
[ecrea] One-day conference on social media images - 20 June
June 07, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Edited Collection on Korean Dramas
[ecrea] European Screens: An international conference on film, TV drama and the audiovisual industries in Europe
[ecrea] Media Workers, Labour and Action - IAMCR Pre-Conference, Leicester 26th July
[ecrea] cfp: IV UskoMus Symposium, Music and Islam
[ecrea] CFP: Special issue of The Soundtrack on ‘Sound and Music in Emerging Audiovisual Media’
[ecrea] VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo / 8 International Conference on Ciberjournalism
June 08, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp - European Co-production Symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Media and Student Protest
[ecrea] SSAAANZ CFP - Sea Change: Transforming Industries, Screens, Texts
[ecrea] CFP: International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality
[ecrea] CfP International Conference on Media, Communications, and Sociology (iCOMICOS)
[ecrea] CFP: Book on Religion and Mediated Reality
[ecrea] CFP: Special Double Issue, Journalism Practice and Digital Journalism
June 09, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - ReFocus: The Films of Doris Wishman
[ecrea] CfP: Academic Mindtrek 2016, in Tampere Oct. 2016
June 10, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Ali in Un/Expected Spaces
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Networks, Movements & Technopolitics in Latin America: Critical Analysis and Current Challenges
[ecrea] Comics Forum 2016 - Genre: A Conference on Comics
June 11, 2016
[ecrea] Conference Northern Light: Landscape Photography and Evocations of the North
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts: Transit Europe: Mobility, Communication and Governance
June 13, 2016
[ecrea] PDC16 Workshop: Empowering People with Impairments
June 14, 2016
[ecrea] Call For Papers: Journal of Science and Popular Culture
[ecrea] Call to host 2017 JMP & MeCCSA practice network symposium
[ecrea] Conference: The Power of Hip Hop EXCHANGE
June 15, 2016
[ecrea] Borderlines IV:Resisting, Persisting, Performing 4th annual interdisciplinary conference DMU
[ecrea] Redesigning or Redefining Privacy CfP-
[ecrea] Call for papers: Conceptualising the Podcast: Interdisciplinary Analyses of New Aural Cultures
[ecrea] CFP - Feasting on Hannibal: An Interdisciplinary Conference
[ecrea] The New Soundtrack Journal: Call for Papers | Special Issue: "The Theory of Practice"
[ecrea] FoME Symposium on "Media and media assistance in fragile contexts"
[ecrea] Tamara Journal for Critical Organizational Inquiry: Call for Papers
[ecrea] CfP: spheres – Journal for Digital Cultures #4 "Migration"
June 16, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Funding and Media Management in the Convergence Era
[ecrea] Symposium: Indefinite Visions
[ecrea] Day Conference - Radicalisation in Media and Culture (Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network)
[ecrea] Assoc for Photography in HE Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers - International Meeting /Cinema and other Arts
[ecrea] CFP: “It's [not just] in the game”: the promotional context of video games - Kinephanos - Journal of Media Studies and Popular Culture
[ecrea] cfp JeDEM SI on Open and Visual Access to Information
[ecrea] CfP: memories between symbiosis and conflict
[ecrea] CfP - lesbian lives
June 17, 2016
[ecrea] ISMMS 2017 - call for expression of interest from host universities.
[ecrea] Culture and politics of data visualisation one-day conference
[ecrea] Workshop: Legal and Policy Dimensions of Cybersecurity
[ecrea] CFP: The politics of expertise in media and cultural research
[ecrea] CfP: ECREA pre-conference ‘Cleaning the House’, Prague 8-9 November
[ecrea] cfp Taste of City Conference 2016, Belgrade
June 18, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Constructed | Constructive Journalism
[ecrea] CFP the politics of expertise in media and cultural work
June 20, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Stereo & Immersive Media - Photography and Sound Research 2016
[ecrea] The Selfie and Social Activism Symposium, UNSW Art & Design, Monday Dec 12
[ecrea] CfP: Social Criticism in Women's Movements and (queer)Feminist Public Spheres
[ecrea] Call for Papers - post-Kubrick
June 21, 2016
[ecrea] CfP Digital Intimacies Symposium
June 22, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: The Power of Ridicule, 25-26 October 2016, Helsinki
[ecrea] Call for Political Communication Tenure-Track Position, NTNU - Trondheim, Norway
[ecrea] CFP now open for "Communication and Society" (UMinho), issue 31
June 25, 2016
[ecrea] MeCCSA PGN conference 2016
[ecrea] CFP 10th Annual Critiquing Culture Conference - Deadline Extended
[ecrea] Call For Abstracts - GIG-ARTS 2017 Conference - 30-31 March 2017 Paris
[ecrea] Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies Conference CFP June 2017
[ecrea] CFP Researching Citizen Media Workshop
June 27, 2016
[ecrea] Storymaking Symposium proposal submission deadline 9th September
[ecrea] CfP: Academic Mindtrek
[ecrea] CFP: 2016 Challenging Media Landscapes Conference: Access, Participation and the Mediatised World
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Conceptualising the Podcast: Interdisciplinary Analyses of New Aural Cultures
[ecrea] Call for Manuscripts for Co-Edited Volume on "Ethnic Media in the Digital Era"
June 28, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Gender, politics and the media
[ecrea] CfP Researching Journalism and Media in a Digital Age
June 30, 2016
[ecrea] Games and Promotion CFP
[ecrea] Call for Contributions: Workshop on the Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Robots in Therapy and Education
[ecrea] Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies Conference CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Emergent Feminisms
[ecrea] CFP for an edited anthology on Narratives of Place in Literature and Film
[ecrea] CFP: Digital Affordances: Techno-Social and Critical Concerns
July 01, 2016
[ecrea] European Screens conference - Debate on the implications of Brexit for UK film and TV
[ecrea] Call to host 2017 & 2018- JMP & MeCCSA practice network symposium
[ecrea] New issue of gamevironments + CfP for the next issue
[ecrea] conference: SKAD Symposium, European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
July 04, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Internet and Democracy
[ecrea] Call for papers Journal of Information, Technology & Politics Special issue Online Campaigning
[ecrea] CfP: Communicating family memory: remembering in a changing media environment
July 05, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - ICDMT 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Digital Games Research Association Australia, 2016 Symposium
[ecrea] Media Education Summit - updates and final call for submissions
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Internet and Democracy
[ecrea] CfP - Media in Muslim contexts: inventing and re-inventing identities
July 07, 2016
[ecrea] Call for submissions/Special Issue of JoC: Communication for Development and Social Change: Experiences & Future Convergences
July 08, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: New Heart and New Spirit: Perspectives on the Modern Biblical Epic
[ecrea] CFP: (un)clear and present danger - terrorism, media and technology
[ecrea] 2nd CfP: Computing News Storylines 2016 (CNewsStory 2016) workshop @EMNLP 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Game Studies for the 2017 PCA/ACA Conference
July 09, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Chapter Proposals - on professional wrestling
[ecrea] [CfP special issue of Communications on 'Communicating family memory'
[ecrea] Call for Paper International Association for Dialogue Analysis
July 10, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Journal of Sonic Studies - General issue
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Advertising in Ibero-America
[ecrea] Call for Papers - CTI 2016 - International Conference on Computing and Technology Innovation
July 11, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Legal and Policy Dimensions of Cybersecurity
[ecrea] CFP: Science & Popular Culture at PCA Conference
[ecrea] CfP: Digital Opportunities and Challenges: Researching Journalism and Media in a Digital Age
[ecrea] Call for Chapters - 'A Companion to Screen Production'
[ecrea] CfP: NeoLiberalism and Media of Journal of Media Critiques
July 12, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Heroism as a Global Phenomenon in Popular Culture
July 13, 2016
[ecrea] CfP Media and Time
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Australian Fandom book
[ecrea] Screen Studies Conference Reminder
[ecrea] Call for Papers IALJS-12
[ecrea] CFP: Sound and the Public, Special Issue of Communication and the Public
[ecrea] VIEW Journal Call for papers on History of Private and Commercial Television in Europe
[ecrea] Call for Submissions: 3rd Computational Social Science Winter Symposium (#cssws16)
July 15, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Radical Film Geographies (SCMS 2017)
[ecrea] Cfp: XXII International Conference of Cinema Studies
[ecrea] CFP TV in Scotland: Past, Present and Future. A Special Issue of the International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen
[ecrea] CFP - Animation and the Comic Book. A one-day symposium
July 19, 2016
[ecrea] Conference Critical Mediatization Research
[ecrea] Preconference workshop @AOIR2016: The Internet Rules, But How? A STS Take on Doing Internet Governance
July 21, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: The Millennial Generation and its Future Prospects
[ecrea] Call for papers Conference Danielle Darrieux A Star Crossing the 20th Century
[ecrea] CFP - Societies in Flux: Media, Democratisation, and Political Socialization
July 22, 2016
[ecrea] Conference (H)acktivism and Participation?
[ecrea] Call for Participation: 'Games for Cities' training school
[ecrea] CfP: Conference Revitalizing concepts in mass communication
July 23, 2016
[ecrea] Call for paper: 22nd International Bremen Film Conference
July 25, 2016
[ecrea] CfP - The Poster - Visual Politics: Political Party Imagery
[ecrea] cfp: ‘Imagining the peoples of Europe: political discourses across the political spectrum’
[ecrea] CFP: Femorabilia Study Day
[ecrea] Society for Phenomenology and Media: 19th Annual Conference
[ecrea] New Journal - CFP Kaleidoscope: The Journal of Alternative Media and Social Movements
July 26, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Science Fiction Film and Television Special Issue
[ecrea] CfP - Archives of the Digital (deadline: 31 July 2016)
July 27, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: GIG-ARTS 2017 Conference: “Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue”
July 29, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Paper: Revisiting Media and Communication Research Traditions in Globalized World - Amity Journal of Media and Communication Studies Volume 6 Number 2
July 30, 2016
[ecrea] Animation Studies 2.0 - September CFP
[ecrea] CFP - Edited Collection Eastsploitation: Eastern Europe and the Cinematic Lowbrow
July 31, 2016
[ecrea] Transmedia Musics Call for Papers
[ecrea] CfP: autumn issue Mediální studia / Media Studies 10(2) 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Reading and Writing in the Twenty-First-Century Literary Studies Classroom: Theory and Practice
August 01, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: 'After Chantal: the Legacy of Chantal Akerman', a conference at the University of Westminster
[ecrea] Call to host Practice symposium / the Journal of Media Practice and the MeCCSA Practice network
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: ReFocus: The Films of Mary Harron
August 03, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Contributions - The dark side: A supervillians reader
[ecrea] call for World of Media-2017
[ecrea] Call for Contributions and Papers. Journal#3, Vol.2 No. 1 - Migration and Motion: Dialogues on Human Movement
August 04, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Special Issue International Communication Gazette
[ecrea] Call for chapters: Online, offline and transcultural spaces in Australian Fandom
[ecrea] cfp: MeCCSA Conference 2017 - Culture, Media, Equality and Freedom
[ecrea] Call for papers Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations no. 1 2017
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts: ICMCS 2016 - Amity University Rajasthan India
August 05, 2016
[ecrea] EuropaCorp Conference in Paris, January 13, 2017
August 06, 2016
[ecrea] ECA Fribourg 2017 2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference
[ecrea] CFP: Activist Media Archives: De/Materializing Bodies
August 07, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Edited Collection on Corporate Crime and Conspiracy in Contemporary Television
[ecrea] CFP for SCMS 2017: The Media and the Failed Coup Attempt in Turkey, July 2016
August 09, 2016
[ecrea] Visualising the city (5th International Visual Methods Conference)
[ecrea] CFP: “Culture 4D: Digitization, Data, Disruptions, Diversity”
[ecrea] Call for papers:Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts - Edited Collection on Korean Dramas
[ecrea] Course Director, Visual Effects BA, London South Bank University
[ecrea] CFP: Play Cultures
August 10, 2016
[ecrea] Femorabilia Study Day: CFP and Keynote Announcement
[ecrea] Conference CFP - 2017 SWPACA (Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice Area)
[ecrea] Call for a Symposium on Academic Freedom in Turkey
[ecrea] CFA: Comics Crossroads 2 – Postgraduate workshop and symposium (7-8 October 2016 @Courtauld)
[ecrea] call for papers for edited collection- "Discourses of anxiety about childhood and youth across cultures"
[ecrea] CFP: Feminisms Here and Now: Communicating Alongside | Across | Against
August 12, 2016
[ecrea] 2017 QUT DMRC PhD Scholarships: Call for expressions of interest
[ecrea] CFP the giallo and cinema in Italy (1910-1972) - Bianco e Nero I/2017
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Workshop on National Webs
[ecrea] Media Across Ages - Ph.D. course
August 14, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Uses of Fantasy in Changing Media Landscape, dl September 5
[ecrea] CFP for Computer Culture
[ecrea] Call for Articles in Communication/Media/Journalism studies
August 15, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Arab Media and Society
[ecrea] Call for Two Volumes of Emerald Studies in Media and Communications: eHealth and Social Movements
[ecrea] CFP: NCA PreConference / Media & Class in the 21st Century
[ecrea] Call for sessions deadline 15 September ! - 6th Afroeuropeans conference
August 16, 2016
[ecrea] NeMLA 2017 - Call for papers, "Telephones after Telephones. Reshaping the Discourse of Connectivity"
[ecrea] Alphaville Issue 11 - Cinema Heritage in Europe & Call for Papers: Issue 13 "Screening Race"
[ecrea] IALJS-12 Call for Panel Proposals
August 17, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: 30 years of Pixar Animation Studios – Symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Special Issue of NANO on Star Wars: The Force Awakens
[ecrea] CfP Society for Phenomenology and Media: 19th Annual Conference
August 18, 2016
[ecrea] Production in Media and Journalism - Call for Papers (thematic issue)
August 19, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: Transmedia Musics
[ecrea] CFP: Film Criticism journal
[ecrea] cfp: Participatory Digital Cultures and Contemporary Discourses of (De)Legitimization
[ecrea] CFP: Amateur Film and the Institution (Film History Special Issue)
[ecrea] Conference "Acting on media: pioneer communities, social movements and civil society organizations"
August 20, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Human Rights Memory, Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media & Culture
August 22, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: The West: Concept, Narrative, and Politics
[ecrea] JICMS conference CFP
[ecrea] CfP Researching Journalism and Media in a Digital Age
[ecrea] CFP: The American New Wave - A Retrospective
[ecrea] CFP: Biblical Epics Collection
August 24, 2016
[ecrea] Wedding Spectacle symposium, Leicester, September 16th
[ecrea] Call for Chapter Proposals - Nocturnes: Popular Music and the Night
[ecrea] CFP: Journal Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 2, 2017
August 25, 2016
[ecrea] MECCSA 2017 call - Culture, Media, Equality and Freedom
[ecrea] CFP: Youth Mediations and Affective Relations
[ecrea] Cfp - international conference film and media aesthetics
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Mediated Intercultural Communication in a Digital Age
[ecrea] Special Issue Call: Ferments in the Field: The Past, Present and Futures of Communication Studies (Journal of Communication)
[ecrea] cfp: The Worlds of Violence and Discontent
August 28, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - 10th International Conference and Festival on Global Cult Film Traditions
August 29, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Australian Fandom book
[ecrea] CFP - Mental Health and Mental Illness in Popular Culture / 2017 PCA/ACA Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers "Migration and Communication" - Revista Interin (Brasil)
August 30, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Proposals Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema - Star System in Europe
[ecrea] CFP - (un)clear and present danger - terrorism, media and technology
August 31, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Submissions (Book chapters for an edited book) *Revisiting the Aca-fan concept with and beyond Jenkins*
[ecrea] cfp - Hungarian Communication Society journal KOME
September 01, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: Women’s Filmmaking and Feminist Criticism in the Digital Era
[ecrea] Cfp - ECREA Journalism Studies Section Conference 2017
[ecrea] CFP: Locating Imagination: Popular Culture, Tourism, and Belonging
[ecrea] CFP - 'Literary Journalism' conference (Warwick, 26 November 2016)
[ecrea] CFP Sphera Publica
September 02, 2016
[ecrea] CFP- Queer Communication Pedagogy: Intersectionality and Activism
[ecrea] CFP Australian Fandom book
[ecrea] CFP Vol 15:1 Special issue: Public Service Radio
[ecrea] 2016-17 General call for research articles for the Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal:
September 03, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Conference - The Role and Position of Sounds and Sounding Arts in Public Urban Environments
[ecrea] cfp. Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans - 13th World Congress of Semiotics
September 04, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Culture/Politics of Datavis
September 05, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Journal of Communication theme issues
[ecrea] Call for abstracts: Special Issue 'Communicating Science and Collaborating for Resilient Solutions to Climate Change'
[ecrea] CFP: Speculative Finance / Speculative Fiction
[ecrea] Call For Chapters for Narratives of Place in Literature and Film
September 06, 2016
[ecrea] CFP for Feminisms Here and Now: Communicating Alongside | Across | Against
[ecrea] CFP: Conference on Political Communication in an Age of Crisis and Change
September 07, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism
[ecrea] CFP: SAGE Handbook of Web History
[ecrea] CFP: The Velvet Underground
[ecrea] CFP: Convergence Culture, Fandom, and the Expanded Harry Potter Universe
September 08, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Moving Image Review & Arts Journal: special issue on South Asia
September 09, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Cine americano: The Cinema of Latin America and the United States
[ecrea] CfP: Political Participation, Mass Disruptions and the New Fortresses
September 10, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Postcolonial Mediations: Globalisation and Displacement
September 12, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Console-ing Passions Conference 2017 @ ECU
[ecrea] cfp - Discourses of anxiety about childhood and youth across cultures
[ecrea] CFP: The Politics of Expertise in Media and Cultural Research
[ecrea] CFP: Funding and Media Management in the Convergence Era
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Character Assassination in Theory and Practice
September 13, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: And Now for Something Completely Different: Critical Approaches to Monty Python
[ecrea] CFP Science & Pop Culture Conference
[ecrea] CFP: visualizing consumer culture conference
September 14, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers: Under the Volcano, 70 Years On
September 15, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Beyond Backlash: Remediating 1980s Activisms
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Liminal Celebrity and Small Nations- Special Issue of Celebrity Studies
[ecrea] Call for Papers and Sessions/ Interpersonal Violence Interventions - Social and Cultural Perspectives
[ecrea] CFP: Postcolonial Perspectives in Game Studies - Special issue of Open Library of Humanities
[ecrea] CFP: Value Creation in Media Markets: Business Models, Clusters and Ecosystems (2017 emma conference)
[ecrea] CfP I EvalComDev International Conference
[ecrea] CfP : 3rd fusions on cinema
September 16, 2016
[ecrea] CFP -- Exploring the Intersections of Fashion, Film, and Media
[ecrea] CFP: Resonances of the Work of Judith Butler
[ecrea] CFP: Censorship and East Asian Media
[ecrea] Call for papers - Conference - Media and history: crime, violence and justice
September 18, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Music - Sound- Radio
[ecrea] CfP Guest Issue Parallax Journal - Walter Benjamin's "Barbarism", Technology and Contemporary Media Ecology
September 19, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: One day-colloquium on 'Discourse: Multidisciplinary Perspectives'
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Imagining the Engaged Citizen and Public in the Age of Social Media
[ecrea] International Selfie Conference
September 20, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Living and Sustainability: An Environmental Critique of Design and Building Practices, Locally and Globally
[ecrea] CfP on "History of Private and Commercial Television in Europe"
[ecrea] call for contributions diggit magazine
September 21, 2016
[ecrea] Call for papers: ViNM conference
[ecrea] The zoo and screen media Symposium
September 22, 2016
[ecrea] Symposium "Media and Media Assistance in Fragile Contexts"
[ecrea] CFP All about Cinderella: Retellings in the Cultural Imagination
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Music & Magic
[ecrea] cfp: Environmental Debates Over Nuclear Energy: Media, Communication, and, the Public
September 24, 2016
[ecrea] cfp Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government CeDEM 2017
[ecrea] Invitation ECREA 2016 Pre-conference "Cleaning the House"
[ecrea] CFP China Perspectives: "Grassroots makers of China's e-commerce miracle"
[ecrea] Cfp: World of Media-2017
[ecrea] Call for 3rd Computational Social Science Winter Symposium
[ecrea] CFP - Docuverse 2017
September 25, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Communicating Music Scenes: Networks, Power, Technology
September 26, 2016
[ecrea] IASPM Canada 2017 CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication
[ecrea] cfp - Immagine // "Beyond the Istituto Luce. Views from the Italian Documentary Periphery (1924-1943"
September 27, 2016
[ecrea] CFP -- communication +1 -- Media:Culture:Policy.
[ecrea] 2 day workshop on 'Advanced media content analysis' at Loughborough University
[ecrea] Circuits of Cinema CFP ::: HoMER 2017
September 28, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Remapping European Media Cultures during the Cold War: Networks, Encounters, Exchanges
[ecrea] Call: 2017 Westminster Institute for Advances Studies-International Research Fellowships in Critical Digital & Social Media Studies
[ecrea] Call for Participants: Videographic Criticism workshop, June 2017
[ecrea] CfP - Living in Emergency: humanitarianism and medicine - European Spring School
[ecrea] CFP: Mediated Intercultural Communication in a Digital Age
[ecrea] Call for Proposals: CounterPlay: The Power of Play
[ecrea] Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies conference
September 29, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Chapters - Participatory Digital Cultures and Contemporary Discourses of (De)Legitimization
[ecrea] Call for Papers- Ruin Porn: Essays on the Obsession with Ruin (Edited Collection)
[ecrea] CFP: Textual Reception – Exploring Audiences’ Writing Practices from a Gender Perspective
September 30, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Visuality 2017: Tourism vs Urban Heritage in a Creative City
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Screen Studies Conference 23-5 June 2017
October 02, 2016
[ecrea] Los Angeles 2017 CMCS Conference Workshop and Roundtable Panels
[ecrea] CFP for proposed workshop at Visible Evidence 2017 Female Authorship and Documentary Images
October 03, 2016
[ecrea] Call For Papers: 'Always On Their Mind': Elvis Presley and Consumer Culture
[ecrea] CFP The American New Wave: A Retrospective
[ecrea] CFP: Screening Scarlett Johansson: Gender, Genre and Celebrity
[ecrea] Call for book proposals for Lexington Book Series: Communication, Globalization, and Cultural
[ecrea] CfP: Geomedia 2017 conference
October 04, 2016
[ecrea] Borders - Identity, Difference and Representation CFP
October 05, 2016
[ecrea] International Conference Investigating Cultural Expertise/Colloque international la prescription culturelle en question
[ecrea] call for chapter Research Journalism
[ecrea] 2017 CFP - Language, Form, Emotion: Creative and Critical
[ecrea] Call for papers on soft power and public diplomacy
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Annals of the International Communication Association
[ecrea] CFP Quaderns del CAC 43 - Diversity and cultural industries
[ecrea] Evaluation of Communication for Development conference
[ecrea] Storymaking Symposium Liverpool John Moores University
October 06, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: Researching Media Companies Producing Audio-visual Content
[ecrea] ACM TVX 2017 - Call for Workshop proposals and Full and Short Paper Submissions
[ecrea] CFP: Public Health & Communication
[ecrea] cfp tracing entanglements in media history
[ecrea] CFP PSA 2017 - "Mediatization of politics and (social) media participation"
October 07, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: “Digital Media and the Spatial Transformation of Public Contention” - ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop
[ecrea] International "Communicative Figurations" conference
[ecrea] cfp: Queering the Whedonverses
[ecrea] SRN2017 conference
[ecrea] CFP Reality and screen, a postmodern mirror, IX International Conference on Communication and Reality
[ecrea] CfP: Apocalypse and Authenticity
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Life Communication: Data, Symbol and Wisdom
[ecrea] PhD course on Internet governance and economics
[ecrea] Call for Papers: SWPACA Harry Potter Studies
[ecrea] Call for Proposals for Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema - Star System en Europe - deadline extension
October 08, 2016
[ecrea] MATLIT, v. 5 (2017): Call for Papers & Call for Sounds
[ecrea] Call for participation - Digital Methods Winter School 2017 - Amsterdam
[ecrea] CFP - Non-Use in the Age of the Post-Digital
October 09, 2016
[ecrea] CfP - Audiences? The familiar unknown of communication historiography
[ecrea] Call for Papers and Panels for The 2017 Annual Conference Israel Communication Association Sapir Academic College, Israel April, 2, 2017
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 2017 What is...? Conference-Experience
October 10, 2016
[ecrea] Transmedia Earth Conference: Global Convergence Cultures
[ecrea] CfP: 3rd Bremen Conference on Multimodality, 20-22 September 2017, University of Bremen
[ecrea] CFP - Digital Media and the Spatial Transformation of Public Contention
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Costume Dress and Culture Conference
October 11, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Convergence: YouTube Special Edition
[ecrea] Call for Alumni chapters SuSo16 book
[ecrea] CFP - 'Mobilities, Literature, Culture' conference - Lancaster University - 21-22 April 2017
[ecrea] CFP. Future of Old Media. Tel Aviv University Conf. April 19-21, 2017
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts (One Thousand and One Nights)
[ecrea] 'Distribution Matters // Media Circulation in Civic Life and Popular Culture' ICA Pre-conference
October 12, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Special Issue of Celebrity Studies on Reality TV Celebrity
[ecrea] Call for Papers | Edited Volume: The Families We (Do Not) Want
October 13, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Future directions of Strategic Communication: Towards the second decade of an emerging field
[ecrea] CFP: Critical Approaches to Monty Python
[ecrea] Cfp for 'Contemporary Social Science' Journal: Election Campaigns and Political Communication
October 14, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Poetics and Politics of Documentary 2017
[ecrea] Conference Dynamic entrepreneurship in developing countries & new technologies
[ecrea] NordMedia2017: Call for temporary working groups
[ecrea] CFP Local news - sustainability, participation and community life
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 5th Global Conference on Transparency Research
October 15, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Children's Media and Texts in a Mediatized World
[ecrea] CFP Visual Sociology: Montreal 2017
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Women's Head Hair as a tool of communication, in media outlets and social media activism
[ecrea] CfP: International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2017: Track Political Communication & Public Spheres in a Digital Age
October 16, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Somatechnics: Cinematic Bodies
[ecrea] CFP: No Turning Back: Re-Thinking the Postmodern / XV MAGIS – Gorizia International Film Studies Spring School
October 17, 2016
[ecrea] SAM Postgraduate Symposium > Art as Meaning: Redefining Communication
[ecrea] workshop: Cinema and Memory
[ecrea] CfP: The Digital Public Sphere in Question: From Counter- to Crypto-Publics.
[ecrea] CFP -online journal for analyses, research works and criticism
[ecrea] CfP: Quantitative methods, big data and gender
[ecrea] Call for Papers - 6th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, London, UK
[ecrea] Media and Fear CFP
October 18, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Deception/Deceptive Communication
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Music, Festivals, Heritage conference
October 19, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Presentations: Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe
[ecrea] CFP: VOX MEDIA: Sound in Literature
October 20, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - "Specialized Journalism" book chapters
[ecrea] CFP: Porn on the Couch: Sex, Psychoanalysis, and Screen Cultures/Memories
[ecrea] ICA Media Industry Studies Interest Group -- Call for Panelists on Method and Methodology in the Political Economy of Communication
[ecrea] cfp for Special Issue of Communication Theory
[ecrea] GamiFIN Conference 2017 - Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for applications for Google Digital News Senior Visiting Research Fellowship
[ecrea] CfP: Semiotic Theories of Media? Prospects and challenges of combining media theory and semiotics
October 21, 2016
[ecrea] 2017 CFP - Language, Form, Emotion: Creative and Critical
October 23, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: The Social Implications of Genre in Historical News Language (CHINED VI), University of Sheffield
[ecrea] call for papers: Is no local news bad news?
October 24, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Locating Imagination: Popular Culture, Tourism, and Belonging
[ecrea] CFP: 'Materialising Absence in Film and Media'
October 25, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: CCA Annual Conference, Ryerson University
[ecrea] VisMX - Visualization, emerging Media, and user-eXperience Symposium - Call for Participation
[ecrea] Open Research for Academics: A workshop and hackathon at Goldsmiths, U of London
October 26, 2016
[ecrea] British Cinema in the 1960s conference CFP
[ecrea] CfP: Cato Street Conference, September 2017
[ecrea] CFP: Audiences2030: Imagining a future for audiences
October 27, 2016
[ecrea] CfP/Essachess/ Rhetoric and Peace at Crossroads: Public and Civic Discourse, Culture and Communication Perspectives
[ecrea] CFP: Speculative Finance / Speculative Fiction
[ecrea] CFP: Histories of the Surveillance Society
October 28, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Normative Theory in Communication Research ICA pre-conference
[ecrea] CFP: Human Rights Memory, Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media & Culture
October 29, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Call for Papers: /Women in Irish Film: Stories and Storytellers
[ecrea] De/Materializing Bodies: Activist Media Archives Symposium
October 31, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Textual Reception – Exploring Audiences’ Writing Practices from a Gender Perspective
[ecrea] CFP PopCAANZ Wellington 2017
[ecrea] Fusions on Cinema - Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for papers: Discourse studies: theories and methodologies at the crossroads of language and society
[ecrea] CFP Pocahontas & After
[ecrea] Call for Papers - International Journal of Digital Television
November 01, 2016
[ecrea] TRANSLIT conference
[ecrea] CFP - The American New Wave: A Retrospective
[ecrea] Media and Time cfp
November 02, 2016
[ecrea] 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference
[ecrea] CFP SIEF: a (fun!) panel in Germany on digital ethnography and related methods
November 03, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers GOR 17 - General Online Research
[ecrea] Anachronism: a symposium
[ecrea] Doctoral seminar / PhD-course on "The Softening of Journalism"
[ecrea] Call for Papers: ICA 2017 Preconference - The Consequences of the Internet for Authoritarian Politics: Comparative Perspectives
November 04, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Conference "Watching music"
[ecrea] Video Game Art Reader - Call For Papers Fall 2016
November 05, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Special Issue on Youth, Social Media & Gender - 1 FEB 2017
[ecrea] Call for papers: Articulations of International Media and English
[ecrea] Call for Two Volumes of Emerald Studies in Media and Communications: eHealth and Social Movements
November 06, 2016
[ecrea] Symposium - The Mediation of Migration
November 07, 2016
[ecrea] Transitions Comics Symposium
[ecrea] CfP Journalism Studies PhD Colloquium - ICA Preconference
[ecrea] CFP: Screening Scarlett Johansson
[ecrea] Symposium Experiences, Emotions, Episodes - Contemporary Positions in Film Phenomenology
[ecrea] CFP - From media to mediations: rethinking mass media communication in Spain after Franco's regime
November 08, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: The Velvet Light Trap #81: Power, Freedom, and Control in Gaming
[ecrea] Call for papers: Screenwriting - Fact and Fiction, Truth and the Real
[ecrea] Untold - An Un-conference about Digital Storytelling
[ecrea] Call for lesson plans for Teaching Media Quarterly
[ecrea] CfP: Children's Media and Texts in a Mediatized World, Aarhus University
November 09, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Imag(in)ing the Apocalypse
[ecrea] Symposium - Reassessing the Contemporary Exotic
[ecrea] JAM postgrad conference University of Reading
[ecrea] Docuverse 2017 CFP
[ecrea] CfP: Ubiquitous Cinema
[ecrea] UU-IM PhD course on Discourse Studies and Method
November 10, 2016
[ecrea] CfP "Re-Animation. Contemporary Animation between Cinema and New Media"
[ecrea] 'Cinema, Memory and the Community' workshop
November 11, 2016
[ecrea] SICSA Conference on Big Data Science Innovations: Prospects in Smart Cities, Media and Governance
[ecrea] CFP: Spatial Bricolage
[ecrea] DiscourseNet 19 Conference Discourse, Knowledge and Practice in Society
November 12, 2016
[ecrea] Production in Media and Journalism - Call for Papers (thematic issue)
November 13, 2016
[ecrea] cfp Preconference Digital inequalities and discrimination in the big data era
November 14, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Console-ing Passions
[ecrea] WAPOR Annual Conference
[ecrea] GIRCAM international conference : "From retro to neo, between nostalgia and reinvention. Objects in movement !"
[ecrea] CfP: Workshop on the politics of sensing and data infrastructures, April 5-7
[ecrea] Call for the ICA 2017 Pre-Conference "Data and the Future of Critical Social Research"
[ecrea] CFP for Ruins: UCSB Media Fields Conference
[ecrea] CfP: Populism, Post-Truth Politics and Participatory Culture - ICA Popular Communication Division Preconference
November 15, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Why VR? Why Now?: A critical discussion of Virtual Reality experiments and experiences
[ecrea] CFP January Special Issue - Journal of Media Critiques
[ecrea] CFP: Annual Conference 2017 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (US)
[ecrea] CFP: ‘Artist strategies and methods of resistance in the regenerated city’
[ecrea] CFP: Digital Folk - University of Sheffield - 19 April 2017
[ecrea] Call for Panels: Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA)
November 16, 2016
[ecrea] International Conference - Call for papers - Computer Networks Histories 14-15 December 2017 - Lugano Switzerland
[ecrea] CFP: New Directions 2017 in Critical Theory Graduate Conference 2017:,Transgressions: Performance, Practice & Code
[ecrea] Conference - The 2017 French Presidential Election and its Primaries: Political Communication Challenges
[ecrea] Programme: "Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment: the 10th Somatechnics Conference"
[ecrea] Call for book proposals: Cultural Studies and Marxism Book Series
November 17, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: Political Communication in Uncertain Times
[ecrea] VLV Conference - back to the future - What next for viewers and listeners?
[ecrea] CFP - Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) Conference > De Montfort University, Leicester
[ecrea] CFP: Women in Gothic and Horror Cinema
[ecrea] Conference CFP: Contemporary Spanish Screen Media and Responses to Crisis and Aftermath
[ecrea] Call for articles - Special issue - European Union - e-Communicating & Networking
[ecrea] CFP JoPP #11 CITY
November 18, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Multilingualism and Journalism in the Era of Convergence
[ecrea] CfP: Data Publics conference, Lancaster University, spring 2017
[ecrea] Call for articles - special issue on the European refugee crisis - Journal of Communication Management
November 19, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp Media and Sleep - Health Communication
[ecrea] CFP - 'Digital Media and the Spatial Transformation of Public Soon'
[ecrea] Flow Journal Special Issue CFP: Media, Activism, and Politics in/for the Age of Trump
[ecrea] cfp - Special Issue: Political communication and campaigning in South-East Europe for Media Research - Medijska istrazivanja
November 20, 2016
[ecrea] Second call for papers: Postcolonial Mediations
[ecrea] CFP - Emerging Media (EM) Mini-Symposium, The 16th Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, WTS 2017
November 21, 2016
[ecrea] CfP NECS 2017 Conference Paris "Sensibility and the Senses: Media, Bodies, Practices"
[ecrea] Visualising Human Rights Conference
[ecrea] call for papers: The role of States in the digital transition. The case of the print media in small markets in Europe and Northern America
November 22, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: World Press Freedom Day Academic Conference, Jakarta 2017
[ecrea] Call for Applications: Individual Research Visits to EUROLAB, GESIS, Cologne, Germany
[ecrea] CFP: Convergence Culture, Fandom, and The Expanded Harry Potter Universe
[ecrea] CfP Commons Journal. Special Issue EvalComDev
[ecrea] LSE Symposium: The Future of Public Service Media in Europe
November 23, 2016
[ecrea] ICEL 2017 - 12th International Conference on e-Learning
November 24, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Equality & Diversity in the Events sector: Special Issue of Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
[ecrea] call for registration: Sex and the cinema, a film studies conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Special Issue of Business & Society
[ecrea] cfp - Media and Fear
[ecrea] CFP - What is Life? Lifeworks, lifestyles, lifeworlds / University of Oregon
November 25, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp. Researching Media Companies Producing Audio-visual Content
[ecrea] CfP Political Communication Workshop NOPSA 2017
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age
[ecrea] CFP: Internet Histories
[ecrea] Call for the Papers - International Journal of Digital Television- Autumn Issue
November 26, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Black Film British Cinema Conference 2017
[ecrea] CFP: Transmedia Skills - International Journal of Transmedia Literacy.
November 27, 2016
[ecrea] CFP PopCAANZ Wellington 2017
[ecrea] CfP Tamara Journal of Critical Inquiry "Academia after Brexit and Trump"
November 28, 2016
[ecrea] Law and Literature Conference 2017
[ecrea] Cinematic Ethics 2 Symposium: Emotion, Ethics, and Cinematic Experience, Dec 15-16, Macquarie University
[ecrea] CFP: Women in Animation
[ecrea] International "Communicative Figurations" conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers Affects - Media - Power
November 29, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Curating Affective Technologies
[ecrea] Call for Chapters - Environmental Awareness and the Role of Social Media
[ecrea] Affect and Social Media#3 cfp
[ecrea] Media Mutations 9 Conference - "The Format Factor"
[ecrea] CFP: Cultures of Capitalism: Cultural Studies Association of Australasia 2017
[ecrea] Call for papers - 'Understanding Transition V - Developing Dialogic Communication' international conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Velvet Light Trap #81 - Power, Freedom, and Control in Gaming
[ecrea] The Association of Adaptation Studies 12th Annual Conference
[ecrea] CFP Postcolonial Perspectives in Game Studies - Special issue of Open Library of Humanities
November 30, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Tracing entanglements in media history
[ecrea] Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies conference Rome 9-10 June 2017
[ecrea] Toys: Tradition, Technology and Innovation -conference 2017
[ecrea] cfp Agents of Power in The Transformation of Media Systems AND Postgraduate spring school on Comparative Media Systems
[ecrea] CFP: 5th International Communications Students Congress (ICSC)
December 01, 2016
[ecrea] cfp All about Cinderella
December 03, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Understanding Transition V - Developing Dialogic Communication
[ecrea] Course Leader Vacancy in Digital Photography at Ravensbourne
[ecrea] Mediapolis: Open Call for Contributions
[ecrea] CFP for BIANCO E NERO journal *Latin Lovers in Contemporary Italian Cinema*
[ecrea] CFP: Multicultural Discourses of Security
[ecrea] CfP: Exploitation Cinema in the 21st Century
[ecrea] Conference call: Provincial Newspapers: Lessons from History
[ecrea] Spiral Film and Philosophy Conference: "Love and Death"
[ecrea] CFP - Ladies and Gentlemen: Miss Grace Jones
[ecrea] CFP 'What Is Cinema?' Conference
[ecrea] Problemi dell'Informazione, call for papers (including papers in English)
[ecrea] CfP Media Mutations 9: "The Format Factor. Television Shows, Brands and Properties in the Global Television Scenario"
[ecrea] CFP: "The Operatic"
December 04, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Consumer Identities and Digital Culture Symposium
[ecrea] Call for papers - The Museum Reader International Conference
December 05, 2016
[ecrea] UU-IM PhD course on Discourse Studies and Method
[ecrea] Applications for Doctoral seminar / PhD-course on "The Softening of Journalism"
[ecrea] CALL FOR PAPERS: The Industrialization of Creativity and its Limits: Value, Self-expression and the Economy of Culture in Times of Crisis
[ecrea] CfP : Emotional Publics and Political Feelings in Participatory Media
[ecrea] Journalism & Mass Communications (JMComm 2017) call for papers
December 06, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - IAMCR 2017 Cartagena, Colombia
[ecrea] CfP Guest Issue Parallax Journal - Walter Benjamin's "Barbarism", Technology and Contemporary Media Ecology
[ecrea] New Call for Open Access Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies
[ecrea] CFP - Call for Papers & Practice SHOWREAL - Irish Screen Studies Seminar 2017
[ecrea] Call for additional chapter on Skam/Shame
December 07, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Millennial Culture and Communication Pedagogies: Narratives from the Classroom and Higher Education
[ecrea] CFP: Indian Media Studies
[ecrea] CFP Transnational Journalism History
[ecrea] CFP Psychoanalysis in Our Time
[ecrea] CFP: #CinemaIsDead Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Teenage Kicks - Global teenage cultures, representations and practices
December 08, 2016
[ecrea] Communication Studies Spring School 2017 - Call for Applications
[ecrea] Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media CFP: Conference, film festival, and exhibition reports
[ecrea] Conference: Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise (DICOEN9)
[ecrea] CFP : The Industrialization of Creativity and its Limits: Value, Self-expression and the Economy of Culture in Times of Crisis
[ecrea] CFP Post-conference ICA - Bridging practice and disciplinary perspectives on the formation and effects of country image, reputation, brand, and identity
[ecrea] Call for Paper Reminder: IACS Conference 2017 in Seoul
[ecrea] CFP: Audiovisual Records and China-Africa relations, The Second China-Africa Film and Television Cooperation Forum
December 09, 2016
[ecrea] Travel grants for IAMCR conference at Cartagena 2017
[ecrea] CfP/Essachess/ Rhetoric and Peace at Crossroads: Public and Civic Discourse, Culture and Communication Perspectives
[ecrea] Call for Submissions to the 2017 issue of Immediacy, a Media Studies online journal
[ecrea] Call For Papers MIA no. 164 (August 2017) Television Now
[ecrea] CfP reminder: 2017 Conference on Communication and Environment
[ecrea] CFP: Data Power 2017
December 10, 2016
[ecrea] Social Media Analysis workshop Boston University
[ecrea] Conference on character assassination research at George Mason University
[ecrea] CFP - InVisible Culture Issue 27: Speculative Visions
[ecrea] CFP - 8th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research
[ecrea] CFP: Reporting Poverty: Media Conference
December 12, 2016
[ecrea] CFP The Place of Music
December 13, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: New Horizons in the Ethnography of Communication Conference
[ecrea] Communication Studies Spring School 2017 - Call for Applications
[ecrea] CFP: Journal of Media Practice and MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium 2017 - 'Practice and/as Media Industry Research'
[ecrea] CFP: International conference “Comparative media studies in today’s world: Media Transformations in Times of Technological Boom and Political Polarization”
[ecrea] Call for Papers: CeDEM17 Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: A Companion to Arctic Cinema
[ecrea] CFP: Communicating Music Scenes: Networks, Power, Technology
[ecrea] CfP/Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies – issue july 2017/Rhetoric and Peace at Crossroads: Public and Civic Discourse, Culture and Communication Perspectives
[ecrea] Call for papers. IX International Conference on Communication and Reality, Barcelona.
[ecrea] Call for edited books proposals for Wave 14 of the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series
[ecrea] cfp Trial and Error: media education in a changing media world
[ecrea] CFA: Migrant Media: 2017-2018 Media@McGill Postdoctoral Fellowship
December 14, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - The Future of Journalism: Journalism in a Post-Truth Age?
[ecrea] Conference CFP: Contemporary Spanish Screen Media and Responses to Crisis and Aftermath
December 15, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 1968 in the Media
[ecrea] CFP "Researchers fair" TWG Advertising Research ECREA
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age
[ecrea] cfp - The Future of Media Content: Interventions and Industries in the Internet Era
[ecrea] CFP: Media and History: Crime, Violence and Justice
December 16, 2016
[ecrea] NAMLE 2017 Conference
[ecrea] Call for applications: Rockefeller Foundation Emerging Scholars Forum In Civil Society, the Nonprofit Sector, and Philanthropy
[ecrea] Call for Submissions: ICA Young Scholars Preconference on Interventions in the Practice of Visual Communication Research (Deadline: January 1 2017)
December 17, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Un/Social Cinema
[ecrea] Call for papers: IC2S2 2017 - International Conference on Computational Social Science
[ecrea] CFP: Edinburgh International Film Audiences Conference Returns
[ecrea] Call for Submissions: Immediacy, a Media Studies online journal
[ecrea] CFP: Gorizia Spring School 2017 - Porn Studies Section - Video (R)Evolutions
[ecrea] CFP - Body Politics: Representing Masculinity in Media and Performing Arts
[ecrea] CFP: Symposium on Media, Communication, and Film Studies Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges
[ecrea] CFP: Researching Media Companies Producing Audio-visual Content
[ecrea] cfp: Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era (Limassol, Cyprus)
December 18, 2016
[ecrea] Amsterdam Summer course: Doing Research with Discourse Analysis: A discourse perspective on making sense of social change
December 20, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Transmedia and advertising communication: challenges, narratives and emotions
[ecrea] cfp zonemoda conference - fashion as an interdisciplinary research field
[ecrea] RIDCH Conferences 2017 - Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Transnational Monstrosity in Popular Culture
[ecrea] Additional chapters requested; CFP: New Heart and New Spirit: Perspectives on the Modern Biblical Epic
[ecrea] CFP - Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures
December 21, 2016
[ecrea] JAM 2017 call for papers
[ecrea] CFP Gender, Media and the 2016 US Election
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Screen Studies Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers - ECPR General Conference Oslo (6-9 Sept. 2017) "Political Sciences and the Big Data Challenge From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of Big Data"
[ecrea] Call for papers-- "Ethnography", special issue of Moment Journal
[ecrea] Call for Papers: "Sexualities and digital culture in Europe"
[ecrea] "Online anonymity: Right or threat?": a CRCC symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Collaboration and Competition in the Cultural and Creative Industries
December 23, 2016
[ecrea] CfP International Conference Celebrating Hercules in the Modern World
[ecrea] CFP: Image Testimonies - Witnessing in Times of Social Media
[ecrea] CfP CICOM 33 Political Communication in Uncertain Times: Digital Technologies, Citizen...
[ecrea] CFP Song, Stage and Screen XII: Musical Multiplicity
[ecrea] Symposium 2017 - Culture and the Humanities in the Digital Age: China Focus
[ecrea] CFP: Media Innovations Symposium 2017
[ecrea] CFP - Panel on Community Media as part of the 15th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media
[ecrea] CFP: MAGIS Gorizia Spring School 2017 - MEDIA ARCHAEOLOGY - "Networks"
[ecrea] Call for communications - mobile technologies, innovations and development conference
[ecrea] CFP Northeast Media Literacy Conference
[ecrea] CFP Cyber Autoethnography, Cyber Culture, and Cyber Identities
[ecrea] CFP Mediterranea V9N2, V8N2 and V9N1
[ecrea] CFP - Moving Forward: Where is the Journalist in Social Media?
December 24, 2016
[ecrea] CfP Early Digital Culture in Turkey (1999-2004)
December 25, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Women's Head Hair Issues - a tool of communication, in media outlets and social media activism
December 27, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Lifeplay journal - Volume 6: Videogame anthropology
[ecrea] 'The People': symposium call for papers organized by the Political Constitutional Theory (PolCon) network
December 30, 2016
[ecrea] "Gamevironments of the Past", #5 (2016), and 2 new CfP: regular issue + 'Jewish gamevironments'
[ecrea] Call for papers 3rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017)
[ecrea] conference: Deliberation and Decision Making. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Civic Tech
[ecrea] Call for Chapters for the Refereed Volume: Global Millennials: Transnational and Intercultural Perspectives
[ecrea] CFP: Themed Section of Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies: Toxic Fan Practices
December 31, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Workshop on Extras, bit-players, and historical consultants in media history