Archive for calls, 2016

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[ecrea] CFP Digitization and Sociel Transformation in the Globalizad World

Mon Apr 25 20:31:05 GMT 2016

We are pleased to inform you that the Sociology Department and the Sociological Laboratory at South-West University "Neofit Rilski" Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria organise the following *I**nternational conference:**/“Digitization and Social Transformations in the Globalized World”/*

The conference will be held at the South-West University Blagoevgrad (Sociology Department, Philosophy Faculty) on September 29 and 30, 2016 *in the University* center “Bachinovo”.

*The Call for Papers is now open until the deadline: April 30th, 2016*.

*Relevant topics to be discussed at the conference include, but are not limited to:*


     New patterns and socio-cultural models and practices shaped by
     digital technologies;


     Digital technologies and creating new social inequalities;


     New communication technologies and civil society ;


     Media education and media literacy of full value**participation in
     contemporary globalization processes ;


     Role of the digital technologies in promoting new divides -
     economic, educational, religious, ethnic, age, gender, etc.

*/Abstract submissions/*

Abstracts can be submitted in English. In 250 words at most they must include the presentation and justification of the topic, the methodology employed in the research and the main findings. The title, the name and the affiliation of the authors, as well as three keywords, have to be also specified. Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for presentation by the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts must be submitted online to the next e-mails: (mario_marinov /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(mario_marinov /at/')>(Assist.Prof. Dr Mario Marinov); (dkeranova /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(dkeranova /at/')>(Assist. Prof. Dilyana Keranova)

The papers will be published in a special printed issue as well as in e-journal “ Postmodernism problems”The articles accepted and published in*Postmodernism Problems Journal*are indexed with the academic databases ERIH PLUS <>.

The best 3 papers will be awarded withspecialcertificates.

*/Key Dates /*

*30^th April*: abstract submission deadline and notice of acceptance/rejection of abstracts.

*1^th May*– *30^th June*: Early bird registration deadline (standard price).

*1^th July – 10^th September*: second registration period (60 €).

*10^th September*: late registration deadline (70 €).

*15 Septembe*r: final programme sent to participants.



Registration rates are the following:

- 50€ standard price

- 40€ Master students and PhD candidates (upon certification)


*The Registration Fee includes*:

Admission to all conference’s sessions

Conference package

Certificate of Attendance as a participant

Dinner and coffee breaks for the two conference days

Access to the computer area and Wi-fi


*Accommodation is organized *at the hotel University Center “Bachinovo”, Blagoevgrad (main place of the conference)

The special reduced price for conference guests of approximately 25 -30 euro per night is valid for 28, 29 and 30 of September .

*Scientific Committee *

Prof. Divina MEIGS - Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Chaire UNESCO « savoir devenir dans le développement numérique durable, Paris, France;Prof. Hillel NOSSEK - Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel; Prof. Maria RITKO – University Maria Sklodowska-Cure, Lublin, Poland;Prof. Valentina MARINESKU- Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania;Prof. Mohamed ALLALI-High Institute of Information and Communication, Rabat, Morocco;

Assoc. Prof. Dobrinka PEICHEVA, South - West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria; Prof. Valentina MILENKOVA, South - West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria; Assoc. Prof. Georgi APOSTOLOV, South - West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria; Boris MANOV, South - West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria;Assoc. Prof. Tania SHOPOVA; South - West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria; Prof. Ana Mantarova – ISSK at BAS, Sofia Bulgaria; Assoc. Prof. Andrey NONCHEV - UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria; prof.Lilia RAYCHEVA, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria; Prof Russi MARINOV - New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

*Organizing Committee**:*Assoc. Prof. Dobrinka Peicheva -/**//(peichevad /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(peichevad /at/')>/; /Prof. Valentina Milenkova - (vmilenkova /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(vmilenkova /at/')>; Assist. Prof. Mario Marinov - (mario_marinov /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(mario_marinov /at/')>; Assist. Prof. Vera Veleva - (veleva_v /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(veleva_v /at/')>;Assist. Prof. Angel Tsvetkov - (angetsvetkov /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(angetsvetkov /at/')>;Assist. Prof. Petrana Stoykova - (petrana_stoikova /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('(petrana_stoikova /at/')>; Assist. Prof. Dilyana Keranova -(dkeranova /at/ <javascript: internSendMess('-(dkeranova /at/')>

/Dobrinka Peicheva - PhD; DSc/

/Head of    Laboratory of Sociology /

/ Head of International Seminar "Media and Education"

/ South West University "N. Rilski", Faculty of Philosophy

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