Archive for calls, October 2016

October 02, 2016
[ecrea] Los Angeles 2017 CMCS Conference Workshop and Roundtable Panels
[ecrea] CFP for proposed workshop at Visible Evidence 2017 Female Authorship and Documentary Images
October 03, 2016
[ecrea] Call For Papers: 'Always On Their Mind': Elvis Presley and Consumer Culture
[ecrea] CFP The American New Wave: A Retrospective
[ecrea] CFP: Screening Scarlett Johansson: Gender, Genre and Celebrity
[ecrea] Call for book proposals for Lexington Book Series: Communication, Globalization, and Cultural
[ecrea] CfP: Geomedia 2017 conference
October 04, 2016
[ecrea] Borders - Identity, Difference and Representation CFP
October 05, 2016
[ecrea] International Conference Investigating Cultural Expertise/Colloque international la prescription culturelle en question
[ecrea] call for chapter Research Journalism
[ecrea] 2017 CFP - Language, Form, Emotion: Creative and Critical
[ecrea] Call for papers on soft power and public diplomacy
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Annals of the International Communication Association
[ecrea] CFP Quaderns del CAC 43 - Diversity and cultural industries
[ecrea] Evaluation of Communication for Development conference
[ecrea] Storymaking Symposium Liverpool John Moores University
October 06, 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: Researching Media Companies Producing Audio-visual Content
[ecrea] ACM TVX 2017 - Call for Workshop proposals and Full and Short Paper Submissions
[ecrea] CFP: Public Health & Communication
[ecrea] cfp tracing entanglements in media history
[ecrea] CFP PSA 2017 - "Mediatization of politics and (social) media participation"
October 07, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: “Digital Media and the Spatial Transformation of Public Contention” - ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop
[ecrea] International "Communicative Figurations" conference
[ecrea] cfp: Queering the Whedonverses
[ecrea] SRN2017 conference
[ecrea] CFP Reality and screen, a postmodern mirror, IX International Conference on Communication and Reality
[ecrea] CfP: Apocalypse and Authenticity
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Life Communication: Data, Symbol and Wisdom
[ecrea] PhD course on Internet governance and economics
[ecrea] Call for Papers: SWPACA Harry Potter Studies
[ecrea] Call for Proposals for Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema - Star System en Europe - deadline extension
October 08, 2016
[ecrea] MATLIT, v. 5 (2017): Call for Papers & Call for Sounds
[ecrea] Call for participation - Digital Methods Winter School 2017 - Amsterdam
[ecrea] CFP - Non-Use in the Age of the Post-Digital
October 09, 2016
[ecrea] CfP - Audiences? The familiar unknown of communication historiography
[ecrea] Call for Papers and Panels for The 2017 Annual Conference Israel Communication Association Sapir Academic College, Israel April, 2, 2017
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 2017 What is...? Conference-Experience
October 10, 2016
[ecrea] Transmedia Earth Conference: Global Convergence Cultures
[ecrea] CfP: 3rd Bremen Conference on Multimodality, 20-22 September 2017, University of Bremen
[ecrea] CFP - Digital Media and the Spatial Transformation of Public Contention
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Costume Dress and Culture Conference
October 11, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Convergence: YouTube Special Edition
[ecrea] Call for Alumni chapters SuSo16 book
[ecrea] CFP - 'Mobilities, Literature, Culture' conference - Lancaster University - 21-22 April 2017
[ecrea] CFP. Future of Old Media. Tel Aviv University Conf. April 19-21, 2017
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts (One Thousand and One Nights)
[ecrea] 'Distribution Matters // Media Circulation in Civic Life and Popular Culture' ICA Pre-conference
October 12, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Special Issue of Celebrity Studies on Reality TV Celebrity
[ecrea] Call for Papers | Edited Volume: The Families We (Do Not) Want
October 13, 2016
[ecrea] cfp: Future directions of Strategic Communication: Towards the second decade of an emerging field
[ecrea] CFP: Critical Approaches to Monty Python
[ecrea] Cfp for 'Contemporary Social Science' Journal: Election Campaigns and Political Communication
October 14, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Poetics and Politics of Documentary 2017
[ecrea] Conference Dynamic entrepreneurship in developing countries & new technologies
[ecrea] NordMedia2017: Call for temporary working groups
[ecrea] CFP Local news - sustainability, participation and community life
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 5th Global Conference on Transparency Research
October 15, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Children's Media and Texts in a Mediatized World
[ecrea] CFP Visual Sociology: Montreal 2017
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Women's Head Hair as a tool of communication, in media outlets and social media activism
[ecrea] CfP: International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2017: Track Political Communication & Public Spheres in a Digital Age
October 16, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Somatechnics: Cinematic Bodies
[ecrea] CFP: No Turning Back: Re-Thinking the Postmodern / XV MAGIS – Gorizia International Film Studies Spring School
October 17, 2016
[ecrea] SAM Postgraduate Symposium > Art as Meaning: Redefining Communication
[ecrea] workshop: Cinema and Memory
[ecrea] CfP: The Digital Public Sphere in Question: From Counter- to Crypto-Publics.
[ecrea] CFP -online journal for analyses, research works and criticism
[ecrea] CfP: Quantitative methods, big data and gender
[ecrea] Call for Papers - 6th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, London, UK
[ecrea] Media and Fear CFP
October 18, 2016
[ecrea] CFP Deception/Deceptive Communication
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Music, Festivals, Heritage conference
October 19, 2016
[ecrea] Call for Presentations: Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe
[ecrea] CFP: VOX MEDIA: Sound in Literature
October 20, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - "Specialized Journalism" book chapters
[ecrea] CFP: Porn on the Couch: Sex, Psychoanalysis, and Screen Cultures/Memories
[ecrea] ICA Media Industry Studies Interest Group -- Call for Panelists on Method and Methodology in the Political Economy of Communication
[ecrea] cfp for Special Issue of Communication Theory
[ecrea] GamiFIN Conference 2017 - Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for applications for Google Digital News Senior Visiting Research Fellowship
[ecrea] CfP: Semiotic Theories of Media? Prospects and challenges of combining media theory and semiotics
October 21, 2016
[ecrea] 2017 CFP - Language, Form, Emotion: Creative and Critical
October 23, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: The Social Implications of Genre in Historical News Language (CHINED VI), University of Sheffield
[ecrea] call for papers: Is no local news bad news?
October 24, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Locating Imagination: Popular Culture, Tourism, and Belonging
[ecrea] CFP: 'Materialising Absence in Film and Media'
October 25, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: CCA Annual Conference, Ryerson University
[ecrea] VisMX - Visualization, emerging Media, and user-eXperience Symposium - Call for Participation
[ecrea] Open Research for Academics: A workshop and hackathon at Goldsmiths, U of London
October 26, 2016
[ecrea] British Cinema in the 1960s conference CFP
[ecrea] CfP: Cato Street Conference, September 2017
[ecrea] CFP: Audiences2030: Imagining a future for audiences
October 27, 2016
[ecrea] CfP/Essachess/ Rhetoric and Peace at Crossroads: Public and Civic Discourse, Culture and Communication Perspectives
[ecrea] CFP: Speculative Finance / Speculative Fiction
[ecrea] CFP: Histories of the Surveillance Society
October 28, 2016
[ecrea] CFP - Normative Theory in Communication Research ICA pre-conference
[ecrea] CFP: Human Rights Memory, Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media & Culture
October 29, 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Call for Papers: /Women in Irish Film: Stories and Storytellers
[ecrea] De/Materializing Bodies: Activist Media Archives Symposium
October 31, 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Textual Reception – Exploring Audiences’ Writing Practices from a Gender Perspective
[ecrea] CFP PopCAANZ Wellington 2017
[ecrea] Fusions on Cinema - Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for papers: Discourse studies: theories and methodologies at the crossroads of language and society
[ecrea] CFP Pocahontas & After
[ecrea] Call for Papers - International Journal of Digital Television