Archive for calls, October 2012

September 30, 2012
[ecrea] Abstract Call Deadline Approaching: Audiences, media environments and democratization
October 02, 2012
[ecrea] Cultural Studies Association 2013 Conference CFP
[ecrea] Ageing-Communications-Media. 17-OCT. Open Workshop.
[ecrea] Symposium: History, Memory and Green Imaginaries, University of Brighton
[ecrea] International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society
October 03, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers GOR 13 4-6 March 2013, Mannheim, Germany
[ecrea] International Henry James Conference
[ecrea] Radio 2013 CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Iraq: 10 Years After the War - 17-19 April 2013
[ecrea] CFP Researching Film and Television Through the Archive (Deadline 08/10/2012)
[ecrea] CFP - Conditions of Mediation - 17 June 2013 at Birkbeck, University of London
[ecrea] International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance and Sustainable Development (ICCSR-GSD)
October 05, 2012
[ecrea] International online Conference Communication and Digital Society
[ecrea] CFP The Liveliest Medium
October 07, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: Theories of journalism in a digital age
[ecrea] cfp "The Shape of Diversity to Come: Global Community, Global Archipelago, or a New Civility?"
[ecrea] The politics of trolling and the Negative Space of The Internet - Fibreculture CFP
October 09, 2012
[ecrea] Call for book chapters "MAPPING THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA IN TURKEY"
[ecrea] ICA Call for Papers DEADLINE for is 1 November
[ecrea] Call for papers - confrence "Music, Gender & Difference"
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Etmaal 2013
[ecrea] Channel 4 and British Film Culture conference
October 10, 2012
[ecrea] Call for papers: Mobile Telephony in the Developing World
[ecrea] CALL FOR AUTHORS: Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics
[ecrea] cfp 4th International Conference of Young Scientists of the "Challenges of New Media" series.
[ecrea] CFA: Gale Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Strategies
[ecrea] call for books to review/book reviewers
[ecrea] Current Affairs Conference
October 11, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: Affect, Memory and the Transmission of Trauma - London, March 2013
[ecrea] Call for Papers - 'Civilising Bodies'
October 12, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Redefining Journalism in the Era of the Mass Press
[ecrea] Symposium: Deorientalizing citizenship? 12-13 November 2012 London
[ecrea] CFP -- Special Issue of Visual Communication journal on "Difference and Globalization"
[ecrea] The British Monarchy on Screen Conference 23 and 24 November Senate House, University of London
[ecrea] CFP: New challenges to ethics
October 13, 2012
[ecrea] cfp: The Power of Play: Motivational Uses and Applications of Digital Games
[ecrea] Conference: The 4th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses
October 15, 2012
[ecrea] Call for papers: International Communication Students Congress
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Conference "Music, Gender & Difference"
[ecrea] COMMUNICATIONS & STRATEGIES Call for papers - The radio spectrum: future steps
October 16, 2012
[ecrea] Call of Proposals QQML2013, 5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 4 - 7 June 2013, "La Sapienza" University, Rome Italy
[ecrea] Call for Papers: ‘Media and Consumption’, special issue of Animus
[ecrea] 7th GigaNet Symposium: registration is open
October 17, 2012
[ecrea] Conference : ‘Writing Against the Grain: Dissent, Minorities and the Press in History’.
[ecrea] Call for book reviews: Ecquid Novi - African Journalism Studies
[ecrea] Bestseller and Blockbuster Culture CfP
[ecrea] CFP: The Limits of Responsibility (Massey University, New Zealand, 3-5 Dec. 2012)
October 18, 2012
[ecrea] CfP Special Issue Media, Culture & Society (MCS) 'Social Media - Social Memory'
[ecrea] ICA Pre-Conference CFP Strategies for Media Reform
[ecrea] Call for papers - Popular Music & Politics in the 21st Century
[ecrea] CFP: 'Utopia Now', Special Issue of Cultural Politics
[ecrea] CFP: Spaghetti Westerns in Transit
[ecrea] Call for papers: The Media of Zeitgeist
October 19, 2012
[ecrea] Call for papers - Popular Music & Politics in the 21st Century
[ecrea] CFP: Media Mutations, University of Bologna
[ecrea] 2nd International Symposium on Language for International Communication - Riga - 23/24 May 2013
[ecrea] VI Conference Cycle of the Centre for Intercultural Studies
[ecrea] Symposium: Deorientalizing citizenship? 12-13 November 2012 London
October 20, 2012
[ecrea] Console-ing passions De Montfort Call for papers
[ecrea] Rethinking Jazz Cultures conference, MediaCityUK Salford, April 11-14 2013
[ecrea] Digital Expertise Workshop, 15 November 2012, University of Sussex, Brighton
[ecrea] Call for Publications - KOME
October 21, 2012
[ecrea] Alphaville CFP: conference and film festival reports
[ecrea] CFP: "Fighting Women: A Symposium on Women's Boxing"
October 22, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: Protest and the New Media Ecology, Networking Knowledge
[ecrea] Call for ICA 2013 Panelist – Activist Public Relations
[ecrea] CFP International Symposium: Towards an Ecology of Data. Political and Scientific Issues of Digital Data.
[ecrea] CFP Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies : issues on Experimental Methods in Communication and Secret, Publicity, Social Sciences Research
[ecrea] CfP POPID Conference "Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Memory and Cultural Identity"
[ecrea] CFP The creation and circulation of Chinese Identities in and through cinema
[ecrea] call for participants - Creating worlds: The affective spaces of experimental politics
October 23, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 'Adventures in Textuality - Adaptation Studies in the 21st Century'
[ecrea] CfP - Special Issue Media, Culture & Society - 'Social Media - Social Memory'
[ecrea] Call for papers: journalism studies pre-conference Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2013
[ecrea] CFP - RESET no 4. "Game Worlds"
October 24, 2012
[ecrea] Call for extended abstracts - Women in politics and the media in emerging democracies.
[ecrea] CFP: Canadian Communication Association (CCA) 2013
[ecrea] CFP: Cultural workers: Mediations and sociocultural movements (Teknokultura journal)
October 25, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: New Media and Cultural Transformation Conference in Shanghai, Dec. 7-9, 2012
[ecrea] Rovaniemi conference - Credibility and creativity of integrated media
October 27, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: “The return of American films to Europe”: economics, politics, aesthetics
[ecrea] CFP - Validating cyber-interventions
[ecrea] CFP: Screen Studies Conference, 28-30 June 2013, Glasgow -"Cosmopolitan Screens"
October 29, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: An Education in Facebook (Edited collection, abstracts due 19 Jan 2013)
[ecrea] CFP - WCCA'2013 - Projections
[ecrea] CALL FOR PAPERS: 10 Years On: Looking Forwards in Mobile ICT Research - ICA PreConference June 2013
[ecrea] Call for papers / Convocatoria de artículos - Comunicação Midiática journal
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Law and Policy Implications of Convergent Media - Special Issue of International Journal of Technology Policy and Law
October 31, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Second International Symposium on Language and Communication: Exploring novelties
[ecrea] CFP: Rhetoric as Equipment for Living. Kenneth Burke, Culture and Education (May 22-25, 2013 Ghent University, Belgium)
[ecrea] CFP - Regionalism and Representation 26th April 2013, University of Warwick
[ecrea] CFP: 'WorkingUSA' special issue on Film
[ecrea] CFP Deadline 16 November- ICA Pre-Conference - Global Communications and National Policies: The Return of the State? 16th June
[ecrea] CFP: Texture in Film
[ecrea] CFP IAMHIST 2013: Childhood and the Media
[ecrea] CFP book workshop – Visual aspects of security – CAST, Copenhagen, December 7-8, 2012
[ecrea] International Conference. The Power of Information. 20-23 January 2013
[ecrea] CfP: Protest and the New Media Ecology
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Strategies for Media - An International Workshop
[ecrea] CFP G|A|M|E - Technology evolution and perspective innovation: 3D and spatial depth today and yesterday
[ecrea] CFP: Picturing the Popular
[ecrea] Global Communications and National Policies - ICA pre-conference 16 June 2013
January 02, 2023
[no subject]