Archive for calls, November 2012

November 02, 2012
[ecrea] CFP "Audiences, Elsewhere?" ICA pre conference 17June 2013
[ecrea] The BRIC Nations: Between National Identity and Global Citizenship -2013 ICA Pre-Conference on 17 June
[ecrea] CFP - YOUTH 2.0 - 20-22 March 2013 - deadline submission 30 November 2012
[ecrea] CfP Special Issue Media, Culture & Society - 'Social Media - Social Memory'
[ecrea] CFP: The Spectacular/Ordinary/Contested Media City Conference - May 2013, Helsinki
November 03, 2012
[ecrea] CFP - mini track digital citizenship and activism - ECEG 2013, Como, Italy, June 13-14
[ecrea] Call for Papers CCI 2013
[ecrea] CFP Media and Passion
November 05, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Panels and Papers--Beyond the Culture Industry (National University of Singapore)
[ecrea] CFP Redefining Animation - June 23-27 2013 Los Angeles
[ecrea] Call for Papers to 12th Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS 12)
November 06, 2012
[ecrea] CFP Geemu and media mix: theoretical approaches of Japanese video games
[ecrea] Conference: Networks of transnational and transcultural communication
[ecrea] IAMCR 2013 conference (25-29June 2013, Dublin, Ireland): call for papers now available
[ecrea] cfp: 2nd National Conference about Communication Research Methodology
[ecrea] Feminist Media Studies Commentary & Criticism CFP - Fifty Shades of Grey and "Mommy Porn"
November 07, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers I Technological Innovation in a Mobile world Conference
[ecrea] CFP for special issue on Internet Memes for Journal of Visual Culture
[ecrea] CFP: Sports-Media-Military Nexus
[ecrea] Media and War conference with John Pilger, Seamus Milne, Peter Oborne and many others: 17 November
[ecrea] CfP: 13th International Symposium of Information Science
[ecrea] CFP - ICTs and Work: the United States at the Origin of the Dissemination of Digital Capitalism
[ecrea] Reminder: Investigative Journalism Symposium, NUI Galway
[ecrea] CFP Ray Browne Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Computer Culture (SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference, February 13-16, 2013)
November 08, 2012
[ecrea] Radio Conference 2013 confirms Bruce Girard as Keynote
[ecrea] Call for papers - Third International Congress of Cultural Studies
[ecrea] CFP 2013 Rutgers Media Studies Conference: Extending Play - December 1st Deadline
November 09, 2012
[ecrea] CFPs: Symposium on Queer/ing Regions, Nottingham Trent University
[ecrea] CFP: EUPOP 2013 University of Turku, Finland 31st July - 2nd August
[ecrea] Gender, Media and Generation - CFP and Postgraduate Workshop Announcement
November 10, 2012
[ecrea] call for participation in Winter School_ 'SPACES AND TIME OF GLOBALIZATION. THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS' (University of Padova, Italy, February 2013)
[ecrea] Sport, Media and Regional Identity Symposium
November 12, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Submissions: "The Work of Return" (edited collection)
[ecrea] CFP: International Conference "Images of Terror, Narratives of (In)security: Literary, Artistic and Cultural Responses"
November 13, 2012
[ecrea] ICA Pre-conference: Conditions of Mediation - 17 June 2013 at Birkbeck, University of London
[ecrea] Special Issue: Call For Papers. Media Research on Climate Change: Where have we been and where are we heading?
[ecrea] Call for Paper International Symposium Towards an Ecology of Data
[ecrea] CFP Redefining Animation
November 14, 2012
[ecrea] II International Conference on Media Ethics, University of Seville, 3-5 April 2013
[ecrea] Call for Papers of the International Conference "Technology in the Age of Information"
[ecrea] Symposium: History, Memory and Green Imaginaries, University of Brighton, UK
November 15, 2012
[ecrea] FFRN CfP for pre-constituted panels on Film Festivals at NECS and SCREEN, June 2013
[ecrea] CFP Special issue of Film, Fashion and Consumption
[ecrea] CFP Framing the Furry Paradigm: Fandom Divergences and the Creation of Community (PCA/ACA 2013)
November 17, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers: "Atmospheres: tuned rooms and sensory perception"
[ecrea] Call for Papers GOR 13
[ecrea] CFP RSS conference 2013
[ecrea] CfP: New Models of Innovation for Development – Manchester International Workshop and Special Issue
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Advancing Media Production Research
[ecrea] Fast/Slow Symposium: Reminder and Keynotes Announced
November 18, 2012
[ecrea] Panel submissions sought for Reception Study Society conference
[ecrea] CFP- Differential Mobilities, Montreal, May 8-11, 2013 Reminder Nov 21, 2012 deadline for abstracts
[ecrea] CFP The Body in Eastern European and Russian Cinema
[ecrea] CFP Cultural Memory Conference
November 20, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Videos - the visuality of security
[ecrea] Call for papers on "Communicating Emergencies"
November 21, 2012
[ecrea] CALL FOR AUTHORS: Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics
[ecrea] CFP: Cops on the Box
[ecrea] CFP: Wide Screen A Century of Indian Cinema
[ecrea] CFP: "Film Criticism in the Digital Age"
[ecrea] CfP ICA Preconference at Leicester: "Audiences, Elsewhere?"
[ecrea] CfP New Media, New Politics? (post-)Révolutions in Theory and Practice, London (UK), 26 April 2013
[ecrea] cfp: Special Edition of Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research
[ecrea] International Conference. The Power of Information. 20-23 January 2013
November 23, 2012
[ecrea] CFP SERCIA workshop Dijon 2013 Naming, Labelling, Addressing in English-speaking Films
[ecrea] CFP: Transparent Communication. Organisations, Communication and Transparency, International Conference, Brussels, November 2013
[ecrea] CFP: Titles, Teasers and Trailers
[ecrea] VLV Conference 26 November, London - with Lord Patten, Chair of the BBC Trust 10.30-3.45
[ecrea] CFP: Comics, Picturebooks and Childhood.
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Advancing Media Production Research
[ecrea] CFP: Console-ing Passions at 21
November 24, 2012
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Writing Worlds : Models of World and Space in the Fantastic
[ecrea] international symposium in Padova, December 2012
[ecrea] CfP Open Panel “Newness and Emergence in Digital Media"
November 26, 2012
[ecrea] Conference: 'Current Affairs Television: Then and Now'
[ecrea] Climate Change Communication & the Internet: workshop at the University of Leicester
[ecrea] International History of Public Relations Conference
November 27, 2012
[ecrea] Call for abstracts: Strategies for Media Reform - An International Workshop, ICA Pre Conference, London June 2013
November 28, 2012
[ecrea] CFP: East Asian Popular Culture Conference for Undergraduates, Princeton University, April 26-27, 2013
[ecrea] CFP: Voices of Resistance
[ecrea] Game Studies Area: 2013 PCA/ACA National Conference
[ecrea] Call for Videos on Visuality of Security
November 30, 2012
[ecrea] CfP; War and Culture
[ecrea] CFP-Journal of Social Media Studies (JSMS)
[ecrea] Call for ICA Journal Editors
[ecrea] CFP: SF & F Area: 2013 PCA/ACA National Conference
[ecrea] CFP - The small economies of the 'new' music industry, Bristol 25/3/13
January 02, 2023
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