Archive for calls, November 2012

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[ecrea] Call for ICA Journal Editors

Fri Nov 30 02:22:02 GMT 2012

Call for ICA Journal Editors

/Communication, Culture & Critique/

The ICA Publications Committee is soliciting nominations for editor of /Communication, Culture & Critique/ (CCC). Self-nominations are welcome.

/Communication, Culture & Critique/ provides an international forum for critical, interpretive, and qualitative research examining the role of communications and cultural criticism in today's world. The journal welcomes high-quality research and analyses from diverse theoretical and methodological approaches from all fields of communication, media, and cultural studies.

A completed nomination package would include a letter of application from the candidate indicating a willingness to serve and a vision for the journal, a CV, three letters of support from published scholars familiar with the candidate's work and experience, and a letter of institutional support from the candidate's home institution. Responsibilities are detailed in the ICA Publication Manual on the ICA website: Details about the journal are available through the following links: <>

Editors of ICA publications should reflect and seek to enhance the diversity of the Association in interest, gender, ethnicity, national origin, and regional representation. Some previous ICA editors have worked with a support structure of associate editors to meet the diverse demands.

The term of editor extends three years beginning 1 January 2014. Please send your nomination package by 15 December 2012 to: Frank Esser, Chair, Publications Committee (mailto:(frank.esser /at/


/Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication/

The ICA Publications Committee is also soliciting nominations for editor of /Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication / (JCMC). Self-nominations are welcome.

The /Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication/ is a web-based journal that publishes scholarship on computer-mediated communication. Broadly interdisciplinary in scope, the JCMC publishes mostly empirical research making use of social science methods, which should be presented according to the accepted standards for each method. Although the field of computer-mediated communication research is still young, successful original research submissions are expected to include comprehensive literature reviews, and to be theoretically grounded and methodologically rigorous, in addition to advancing new knowledge in innovative ways.

A completed nomination package would include a letter of application from the candidate indicating a willingness to serve and a vision for the journal, a CV, three letters of support from published scholars familiar with the candidate's work and experience, and a letter of institutional support from the candidate's home institution. Responsibilities are detailed in the ICA Publication Manual on the ICA website: <> <> Details about the journal are available through the following links: <>

Editors of ICA publications should reflect and seek to enhance the diversity of the Association in interest, gender, ethnicity, national origin, and regional representation. Some previous ICA editors have worked with a support structure of associate editors to meet the diverse demands.

The term of editor extends three years beginning 1 January 2014. Please send your nomination package by 15 December 2012 to: Frank Esser, Chair, Publications Committee ((frank.esser /at/ <mailto:(frank.esser /at/>).

/Frank Esser
U of Zurich
Chair, Publications Committee



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