Archive for calls, November 2013

November 01, 2013
[ecrea] CeDEM14 cfp: submission deadline 6 December 2013
[ecrea] CFP: Special edition of Porn Studies
[ecrea] CFP- Online Courtship: Interpersonal Interactions across Borders
November 04, 2013
[ecrea] CfP: Little Data and the Big Picture
[ecrea] Baltic Screen Media Review - Call For Papers
[ecrea] Call for Editorial Board members
[ecrea] Cfp: "Professional sociability of journalists on social networking sites"
[ecrea] CFP: Social, Casual, Mobile: Changing Games
November 05, 2013
[ecrea] cfp: Things to Remember: Materializing Memories in Art and Culture
[ecrea] Call for Papers for the 5th Edinburgh International Film Audience Conference
[ecrea] CfP: The Future of Experiencing Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2014)
[ecrea] CFP Feminist Activism and Privilege Online: Commentary and Criticism FMS
[ecrea] CFP and Seminar: Transmedia Literacy. From Storytelling to Intercreativity in the Era of Distributed Authorship.
[ecrea] Call for Papers: The International Symposium on Media Innovations
November 06, 2013
[ecrea] 7th International Central and East European Communication and Media Conference (CEECOM)
[ecrea] Conference on Transparent Communication
[ecrea] CFP: "International Conference (New) Audience Practices"
[ecrea] CFP: ReClaiming Participation Technology, Mediation & Collectivity
November 07, 2013
[ecrea] CfP and New Issue - Rádio-Leituras Journal
[ecrea] call for papers, ic - revista científica de información y comunicación
[ecrea] CFP: “Constructing (Dis)Ability”
[ecrea] ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci14)
[ecrea] CFP - The Third FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar on Television Documentary
[ecrea] CFP Heroes & monsters: extra-ordinary tales of learning & teaching in the Arts & Humanities
[ecrea] CFP: Creative Citizens: the conference
[ecrea] How Do We Study Objects? - Analyses in Artefact Studies: CALL FOR PAPERS
[ecrea] ICA GLBT Seattle Preconference/Unconference CFP
[ecrea] CFP - Special Issue: Perspectives on Sound Design, The New Soundtrack Journal
[ecrea] Call for contributions to the Euro Crisis in the Press, a London School of Economics blog
[ecrea] call for papers: ‘Ghost landings’ and their consequences in Europe: 1940-1944
[ecrea] Call for Ph.d. Summer School of Cultural Transformations
[ecrea] Society for Phenomenology and Media: Call for Papers
[ecrea] Call for papers: Media and Freedom of Speech
[ecrea] Call for presenters and participants in the Higher Education Academy (UK) Workshop-'Embedded Journalism Education, Embedded Journalism Educator'
November 08, 2013
[ecrea] Southern Screens Symposium
[ecrea] CFP- Online Courtship: Interpersonal Interactions across borders
[ecrea] IAMCR 2014 CfP > Region as a Frame: Politics, Presence, Practice
November 09, 2013
[ecrea] COST CfP for a special section "Generations as (media) audiences" in Participations
[ecrea] CFP: The 4th Inter-Asia Popular Music Studies Conference 2014 in Chiang Mai (Thailand)
[ecrea] cfp crossroads panel humanitarian communication
[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Third International Symposium on Media Innovations 2014 (ISMI'14)
November 10, 2013
[ecrea] Tats COST Final Conference >The future of audience research: Agenda, theory and societal significance
November 11, 2013
[ecrea] Pre-Call: ECREA's 5th European Communication Conference - Lisboa - 12 to 15 November 2014
[ecrea] CFP for The Popular Life of Things Conference
[ecrea] CFP - Film-Philosophy Conference 2014: A World of Cinemas
[ecrea] Call for Papers "Sounds, Music & Soundscapes“
[ecrea] CFP: Digital media and taxation
[ecrea] Job Call: Assistant Professor in Media Studies
[ecrea] First CfP of the new Journal SERIES
[ecrea] CFP: "Holy Crap! Intersections of the popular and the sacred in youth cultures", Helsinki 28-29 Aug 2014
[ecrea] Anti-Fascism on Film: CFP
[ecrea] cfp: Children and Nontheatrical Media conference, Glasgow 2014
November 13, 2013
[ecrea] Call for chapters for a Nordicom book on teletext
[ecrea] CfP tripleC special issue "Interrogating internships"
[ecrea] Cfp - Edinburgh International Film Audiences Conference, March 2014
[ecrea] Celebrity Studies Cultural Report - Open CFP
[ecrea] cfp: Visions of Europe in the Eurovision Song Contest
November 14, 2013
[ecrea] CfP HEA Arts and Humanities - Interdisciplinarity in teaching and learning narrative
[ecrea] Digital activism #now conference - Information Politics, Digital Culture and Global Protest Movements
[ecrea] IPP2014 Conference Call: "Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy"
[ecrea] CFP Merging Media 1st February 2014, University of Kent
[ecrea] CFP: Feminism and Social Media Research Workshop at CSCW 2014
November 16, 2013
[ecrea] CFP: Young adults and circulation of cultural products: Mediterranean perspectives
November 20, 2013
[ecrea] 'What is Sound Design?' Symposium University of Edinburgh
November 21, 2013
[ecrea] VLV's 30th Anniversary Autumn Conference
November 22, 2013
[ecrea] CFP Summerschool 'Modes of Belonging' July 2014
[ecrea] 7th International Central and East European Communication and Media Conference (CEECOM)
November 27, 2013
[ecrea] Call for Abstract - 4th Middle East Public Relations Conference
November 29, 2013
[ecrea] 'Youth and Technology: Pleasure and Governance' symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Social, Casual, Mobile: Changing Games (EXTENDED: Abstracts now due 6 Dec 2013)
[ecrea] Conference Social Media and Public Space, Amsterdam June 18-20, 2014