Archive for calls, 2016

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[ecrea] TRANSLIT conference

Tue Nov 01 15:39:04 GMT 2016

I am happy to share with you the programme of the ANR TRANSLIT conference, to be held in Paris, Cité des Sciences, on 7-8 november 2016. This conference benefits from the support of UNESCO chair « savoir devenir », Vivendi, Cité des Sciences and The Conversation (France and Global). It also has been selected by UNESCO as one of the events to celebrate global MIL week, in relation with GAPMIL (the Global Alliance for Partnerships in Media and Information Literacy), of which IAMCR is a partner.

The programme will report on the results of the 4-year long research programme funded by the French National Research Agency that I conducted, to analyse “trans-literacy” or the convergence of media, information and computer literacy in the digital environment.

The results deal with 1/ the epistemology and perimeter of trans-literacy;2/ the competences developed in trans-literacy; 3/ the dispositifs and interactions for trans-literacy; 4/ mobility and inequalities in trans-literacy; 5/ comparative public policies in Europe concerningthe governance of MIL and trans-literacy. There will also be 2 roundtables: the first one deals with new competences, new forms of writing and producing and the working place; the second one deals with international perspectives on MIL and trans-literacy.

The full programme is below for your perusal and can be downloaded at


*Leslittératies du XXI^e siècle sens dessus dessous : *

*périmètres, interactions, territoires*

Cité des Sciences/Carrefour numérique

7-8 novembre 2016

*Lundi 7 novembre 2016*

09:30-10:30*Conférence plénière *

Pascal Plantard(Professeur à l’Université de Rennes 2)

10:45 – 12:30 *SESSION 1 Analyse des discours et épistémologie*


14:00 – 15:30 *SESSION 2**Translittératie & interactions dans les apprentissages*

15:30 – 17:00*SESSION 3La gestion de l’information personnelle : enjeux, outilset pratiques*

17:15 – 18:30*TABLE RONDE 1 *: *Les nouvelles littératies : Quelles compétences? Quels référentiels ? Quels métiers?*

Animée par Didier Pourquery (The Conversation)

Avec : Catherine Becchetti-Bizot, Jean-Christophe Theobalt, Pascale Garreau, Alexis Deschamps, Sophie Tchatchoua, Audrey Brisseau

*Mardi 8 novembre 2016*

9:00 – 10:30*SESSION 4**Les dispositifs de soutien à la translittératie*


*//*10:45 – 12:30 *SESSION 5**Apprentissages et mobilités sur terrains croisé*

**14:00 – 15:30*SESSION 6**La gouvernance de l’EMI en France et en Europe : les défis de la translittératie*

15:30 – 16 :00*/Témoignages des jeunes participants du projet euro-méditerranéenECFOLI (Chypre, Maroc, Palestine, Portugal)/*


16:00 – 17:30*TABLE RONDE 2 :perspectives internationales et ouvertures*

Avec : Edmir Perrotti(U Sao Paolo)Igor Kanizaj (U Zagreb), Conceiçao Costa (U Lusofona), Julieta Flores (U Nuevo Leon)


Pour s’inscrire : http:// : (divina.meigs /at/

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