Archive for calls, 2016

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[ecrea] Call for Applications: Australian Feminist Studies Travel Award to "Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment, " Conference

Mon Feb 29 18:41:34 GMT 2016

We are pleased to announce that /Australian Feminist Studies /has kindly
sponsored a travel award for "Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment: the
10th International Somatechnics Conference," co-hosted by Southern Cross
University and the University of Queensland, to be held in Byron Bay 1-3
Dec, 2016. Conference CFPs is attached and below.

*Call for Applications: */*Australian Feminist Studies*/* Travel Award
for the**"Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment **conference*

A conference travel award to the value of AUD$500.00 has been provided
by /Australian Feminist Studies/ and will be awarded by the conference
conveners to one postgraduate student whose paper has been selected for
the conference.

To be considered for the scholarship, you must:

•be enrolled in a postgraduate course in Australia

•submit a paper with a feminist focus for presentation at /Technicity,
Temporality, Embodiment: the 10th International Somatechnics Conference./

Applicants without current scholarship funding will be given preference.

To apply, submit the following with your paper:

•your details (including whether you already have scholarship funding)

•a 300 word statement of describing how participation in the conference
furthers your research in feminism

•a list of the costs for which the money will be used.

Email your application to (technotemporalities /at/
<mailto:(technotemporalities /at/> with AFS Travel Award as
the subject heading. The closing date for applications and papers is
Friday, April 15, 2016.

If awarded the scholarship you will receive:

  * travel funds to the value of AUD$500.00
  * an /Australian Feminist Studies/ latte cup (as seen on Twitter)
  * a prize certificate.

Best wishes,
Elizabeth Stephens

Elizabeth Stephens
Associate Professor in Cultural Studies
Deputy Head of School (Research)
School of Arts and Social Sciences
Southern Cross University
PO Box 157
Lismore NSW 2480 Australia

Email: (elizabeth.stephens /at/

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