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[ecrea] CfP - lesbian lives

Thu Jun 16 22:21:45 GMT 2016


*Call for Papers - LESBIAN LIVES - February 2017, Brighton (UK)*

The theme for the 2017 Lesbian Lives Conference is Lesbian Love/s. The 23rd edition of this conference is hosted by the University of Brighton LGBT and Queer Life Research Hub in conjunction with feminist scholars from University College Dublin. The organisers of this two-day international and interdisciplinary conference now welcome proposals from academics, scholars, students, activists, documentary and film-makers, writers and artists.

The Lesbian Lives Conference is not just the world’s only annual academic conference in Lesbian Studies, it is a large international event that draws speakers and participants from all continents and hosts the best-known as well as emerging scholars in the field. In the past we have hosted Emma Donoghue, Jackie Kay, Joan Nestle, Sarah Schulman, Cherry Smyth, Del La Grace Volcano, Sarah Waters and academics such as Sara Ahmed, Terry Castle, Laura Doan, Lisa Downing, Lillian Faderman, Sarah Franklin, Claire Hemmings, Alison Hennegan, Sally R. Munt, Helena Whitbread, Bonnie Zimmerman among many others.

*CfP: Lesbian Lives Conference 2017: Lesbian Love/s - University of Brighton, UK, 24-25 February 2017.*

Submit proposals of no more than *300 words *to <> by *17th October 2016*. For more details and for regular conference updates visit: <>.

The conference organisers welcome proposals for (A) individual papers, (B) sessions, (C) round table discussions, (D) workshops and (E) visual presentations or performances. This conference also includes a series of film screenings, which run concurrently with the main programme. We encourage submissions across all genres, both fact and fiction which align to the conference theme, and which have been produced between 2014-2017. Proposals are welcomed on (though are by no means limited to) the following:

• LBTQ Love Research

• Historicising Lesbian Love

• Lesbian Friendship and Love

• Lesbian Love and Queer Kinship

• Lesbian Love and Intimacy

• Lesbian Love and Marriage

• LBTQ Families

• Lesbian Dating and Courtship

• Love, Sex and Sexuality

• Lesbians and Romance

• Lesbian Fan Fiction and Shipping

• Representations of Lesbian Love

• Polyamory

• Lesbian Love and Politics

• LBTQ Affection and Public Space

• Lesbian Love and Art

• Lesbian Love and Youth

• Queer Affect Studies

• Religious and Secular Loves

• Lesbian Erotic Love

• Lesbian Styles and Taste

• Lesbian Love and Home


*A. Individual Papers: *Individual papers should last 20 minutes (c. 2,400 words). Individuals should submit: (1) paper title, (2) abstract (up to 300 words), (3) biography (c. 100-150 words), (4) institutional affiliation and address (if any), (5) audio-visual requirements.

*B. Sessions: *Panels of academic papers should include 3 speakers and 1 moderator. Each paper should last for 20 minutes (c. 2,400 words), with a further 30 minutes for questions and discussion. Proposers should submit (1) session title, (2) paper titles, (3) abstracts for each paper (c. 100 words), (3) biography for each participant (c. 100-150 words), (4) institutional affiliation and address (if any) for each participant, (5) audio-visual requirements.

*C. Round Table Discussions:* Round table discussions should include 6 speakers and 1 moderator. Each paper should last for 10 minutes (c. 1,200 words), with a further 30 minutes for questions and discussion. Proposers should submit (1) round table title, (2) rationale for round table (up to 300 words), (3) biography for each participant (c. 100-150 words), (4) institutional affiliation and address for each participant (if any), (5) audio-visual requirements.

*D. Workshops: *Workshops last 90 minutes. Proposers should submit (1) workshop title, (2) rationale for workshop (up to 300 words), (3) biography (c. 100-150 words), (4) institutional affiliation and address (if any)

*E. Visual presentations or performances: *documentary, video, art, video-art, musical, theatrical, comic or multi-media presentations by individuals or groups are welcomed.

*The Lesbian Lives Conference is open to all genders and any political and sexual orientations. There is an ethos of welcome and accessibility.* The Lesbian Lives Conference has considered and signed a comprehensive statement of support for ‘Feminists Fighting Transphobia’ accessible at:

*Occasionally, organisers of some workshops will want to focus on particular issues and cohorts and will wish to limit participation on certain grounds (such as people who are recently bereaved, or to certain categories or intersections of age, race, class and gender). The Lesbian Lives Conference wishes that proposals for workshops will state clearly why they might wish to limit participation in particular ways and will, in principle, facilitate such desired boundaries. However, the Lesbian Lives Conference will not allow a positive preference operate as prejudice: grounds for focusing on particular identity issues are valid provided that they are not based on assumptions of purity and hierarchy of value.

The social, cultural and artistic impact of this annual conference cannot be underestimated as it gathers together academics, activists, performers and writers who do not otherwise have the opportunity to address such large audiences or to network across international and professional boundaries. It is a forum for political organisation on the levels of both community activism and established international NGOs. Many books (academic and literary) and films (documentaries and dramas) are launched at this event and it is continually referenced in lesbian work and events internationally.

The conference sets the parameters for debate in the manifold disciplines that now take ‘Lesbian’ or ‘Lesbian Communities’ as the object of inquiry or as a category for analysis. The Lesbian Lives conference is open to people of all identities and strongly welcomes and encourages members of all LGBTQ communities to attend. We particularly want to extend a welcome to bi and trans communities.

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