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[ecrea] Call for papers - JANUS 2017

Tue Jan 26 23:20:34 GMT 2016

Call for papers - JANUS 2017

The next edition of the journal Janus, to be published in 2017, aims
to encourage research integrating International Relations and
Communication Science. The referred scientific fields are here
understood in their widest sense, since our goal is to provide a
creative and interdisciplinary space for dialogue.

Janus, the precursor of, an indexed journal, aims at
scientific dissemination by providing the public with in-depth
articles on international themes.

We invite submissions on this interdisciplinary field for peer-review
until 31 january 2015. All submissions will go through a peer-review

The manuscripts of selected abstracts, due until 28 February 2016,
should not exceed 12,000 characters. Publication norms will be made
available soon.

Examples of appropriate topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

The discourse of international organizations
Terrorism and the Media
Cyber activism
Refugee representations in the Media
Political regimes and freedom of speech
Communication in transnational companies
International press systems
Agenda setting and international events
Global culture and the Media
Globalization and glocalization
Diaspora and the Media
The international public sphere

Possible fields in Communication to be discussed from an international

Children, adolescents and the Media
Communication and Technology
History of Communication
Communication Law and Policy
Environmental Communication
Ethnic groups and Race in Communication
Game Studies
Global Communication and Social Changes
Health Communication
Information systems
Communication for Education and Development
Intercultural Communication
Intergroup Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Language and Social Interaction
Mass Communication
Media studies
Mobile Communication
Organizational Communication
Philosophy, Theory and Criticism
Political Communication
Popular Communication
Public Relations
Sports Communication
Visual Communication

Abstract should be send to editors Luísa Godinho ((lgodinho /at/ and
Inês Amaral ((iamaral /at/ until 31 january 2015.

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