Archive for publications, 2024

January 02, 2024
[Commlist] New issue of MATRIZes published - Special Dossier: Histories of the internationalization of the field of communication studies
[Commlist] Special Issue Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture
[Commlist] New Special Issue of Journalistica: Nordic Narratives -Embracing narrative journalism in the Nordic countries published
January 03, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Fandom Studies 11.2-3 published
[Commlist] New Book: 'Platformed! How Streaming, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Music Cultures' (Palgrave, 2024)
January 05, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Strategic Communication Management for Development and Social Change: Perspectives from the African Region
[Commlist] New book: 'Participatory Journalism and Reader Comments in Croatia'
January 08, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Imagining the Method: Reception, Identity, and American Screen Performance
[Commlist] New Book: Covering Extended Reality Technologies in the Media (Routledge Research in Journalism series) with foreword by Prof Stuart Allan
[Commlist] Journal of African Media Studies 15.3 published
[Commlist] New book: Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption
[Commlist] New book: Hyper-Exploitation in the Hacker Movement
January 09, 2024
[Commlist] Active ambience, audio immersion and subjective hearing in the new issue of MSMI published
[Commlist] New Book—Reboot Culture: Comics, Film, Transmedia
January 12, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Archival Film Curatorship
[Commlist] Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture, vol. 8, no. 4 published
[Commlist] Issue No. 24 (2023) of the journal Obra Digital published
[Commlist] New issue of Essachess. Journal for Communication Studies published, on The Global Digital Information Warfare in the Context of the Ukraine War
January 15, 2024
[Commlist] new book: Data-Driven Campaigning and Political Parties: Five Advanced Democracies Compared
January 16, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research
January 17, 2024
[Commlist] new book: Feminist Fandom: Media Fandom, Digital Feminisms, and Tumblr
[Commlist] New book: Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China (UCL Press)
January 18, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Global Communication Governance at the crossroads
[Commlist] New book: The New Screen Ecology in India
January 22, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Class & Culture 2.2 published (Special Issue: 'Class and Film, Part 1')
[Commlist] New Book: Geopolitics of Digital Heritage
January 23, 2024
[Commlist] Philosophy of Photography 14.1 published (Special Issue: ‘Violence, Part 2’)
January 24, 2024
[Commlist] New book: The Ghost Reader: Recovering Women’s Contributions to Media Studies
[Commlist] Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 14.2 published
[Commlist] New book Fighting for the Soul of General Practice: The Algorithm Will See You Now
January 26, 2024
[Commlist] New book: The Hipster Economy: taste and authenticity in late modern capitalism (UCL Press)
[Commlist] Film, Fashion & Consumption 12.2 published (Special Issue: 'Celebrity and Crisis')
[Commlist] New book: A History of Fake Things on the Internet
January 29, 2024
[Commlist] Alternautas Special Issue: Streets of Latin America: New Battlegrounds of Change published
[Commlist] New book: Globalized Queerness: Identities and Commodities in Queer Popular Culture
[Commlist] Media Studies journal published special issue 'Scandals in a Global Context'
January 30, 2024
[Commlist] International Journal of Communication Announces the Publication of 85 Papers that Published in JANUARY
[Commlist] New book: Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China
[Commlist] New Book: The Road Crew
January 31, 2024
[Commlist] Issue 21, 'Alternative Film Canons: From B to Z' published
[Commlist] New book: The Switch - An Off and On History of Digital Humans
[Commlist] OBS* 2023 special issue: Platformization of News and Interactions: Regional Contexts of Crisis in Trust
February 02, 2024
[Commlist] Global Media Journal - German Edition: New issue Vol. 13 No. 2 published
[Commlist] Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 15.2 published - Special Issue
February 03, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Reporting Conflicts, Humanitarian Crises and Peace Processes: Cases from Africa
[Commlist] New Special Issue: "Social Media and Platform Work: Stories, Practices, and workers' organisation" published in Convergence
February 06, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 13.3 published - Special Issue
[Commlist] Journal of Screenwriting 14.3 published - Special Issue
[Commlist] New book: Local journalism, global challenges
[Commlist] CS 3/2023, special issue on The Children are Watching us. Exploring Audiovisual Content for Children published
[Commlist] New Special Issue - Dossier theme: "Meaning, relevance and role of radio in the digital media ecosystem in a platformization scenario" published
February 09, 2024
[Commlist] IJoC Publishes a Book Review Forum on Eszter Hargittai's Connected in Isolation
[Commlist] Alphaville Issue 26: Home as a Site of Resistance published
[Commlist] new book: Algorithms of Resistance ) The Everyday Fight against Platform Power
February 12, 2024
[Commlist] new book: Is it French? Popular Postnational Screen Fiction from France
[Commlist] Brazilian Journalism Research - New Issue
February 16, 2024
[Commlist] New book: A Cultural History of The Punisher: Marvel Comics and the Politics of Vengeance
February 17, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: LIFE - A Transdisciplinary Inquiry
February 19, 2024
[Commlist] TikTok Cultures Research Network's OA report <A Retrospect on Young People and COVID-19 Discourse on TikTok>
February 21, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Doing Digital Migration Studies: Theories and Practices of the Everyday
[Commlist] Journal of European Popular Culture 14.2 published
February 22, 2024
[Commlist] New book: The Politics of Media Scarcity
[Commlist] New book: The Shaping of News: A Framework for Analysis
[Commlist] new book: Spanish Film Policies and Gender
[Commlist] The latest issue of the journal of literary and cultural disability studies published
[Commlist] New Book: Media Materialities: Form, Format, and Ephemeral Meaning
[Commlist] New book: The Hipster Economy: taste and authenticity in late modern capitalism
February 25, 2024
[Commlist] "Media and the War in Ukraine" - new book
[Commlist] Book 2.0 Issue 13.2 published
February 27, 2024
[Commlist] New book - Demons of the Mind: Psychiatry and Cinema in the Long 1960s
[Commlist] new book: Paths to female protagonism
[Commlist] Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 15.3 published
[Commlist] New book: The Neoliberal Self in Bollywood: Cinema, Popular Culture, and Identity
February 28, 2024
[Commlist] JCC Special Issue Publication Announcement: Reimagining Queer Chinese Screen Studies
[Commlist] New Book: Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics
[Commlist] communication +1, Issue 10 published: Media of Verification
February 29, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Videolised Society
[Commlist] Journal of Illustration 10-1 ‘Transitus- illustration as material crossing ground’ published
March 01, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Not My Type - Automating Sexual Racism in Online Dating
[Commlist] New book: Video Game Characters and Transmedia Storytelling
[Commlist] International Journal of Communication Announces the Publication of 53 Papers that Published in February
[Commlist] Journal of Alternative & Community Media 8.1 published
March 05, 2024
[Commlist] MIRAJ 12.2 published (Special Issue: ‘Spectral Cinema and Contested Landscapes’ )
[Commlist] New Book: Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust
March 06, 2024
[Commlist] New issue of Communications - Volume 49, Issue 1
[Commlist] New book: Tactical Publishing: Using Senses, Software, and Archives in the Twenty-First Century
[Commlist] New issue of Science Fiction, Film and Television is available now
March 08, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Visual Political Communication 10.2 published
[Commlist] Special issue ‘1980s and 1990s Media Histories’ of TMG—Journal for Media History published
March 12, 2024
[Commlist] New book - Political Discourse Analysis: Legitimisation Strategies in Crisis and Conflict
[Commlist] New Issue: Communication, Culture & Critique published
March 13, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 16.3 published
[Commlist] New book: Music Generations in the Digital Age: Social practices of listening and idols in Japan
March 15, 2024
[Commlist] Special Issue Methods in Visual Politics and Protest published
[Commlist] Podcast or Perish - New Book
[Commlist] CfPs for Populism journal special issue: Religious populism in hybrid media
[Commlist] New Book: Curation in the Age of Platform Capitalism. The Value of Selection, Narration, and Expertise in New Media Cultures
[Commlist] Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 12.2 published
[Commlist] Influencer Ethnography Research Lab's report <Platformed Creator Discourse in Chinese Markets>
March 18, 2024
[Commlist] New book on Pinewood Studios
[Commlist] New special issue of Nordicom Review: Democracy and Digital Disintegration
March 19, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 12.2 published
March 21, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Selected Essays and Dialogues by Gianni Celati (UCL Press)
[Commlist] Philosophy of Photography 14.2 is out now! Special Issue: 'Photography and the Glitch'
[Commlist] New book: Free to Hate
March 27, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Robots and Immigrants
[Commlist] new book: Transformational Health Communication - A New Perspective on Healthcare and Prevention
[Commlist] Book: Women's Work in Public Relations
[Commlist] New Book - Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor
April 02, 2024
[Commlist] The International Journal of Communication is pleased to announce the publication of 22 papers in March 2024
April 03, 2024
[Commlist] Postdoctoral fellowship @University of L'Aquila - Exploratory research on AI Ageism as a socio-technical issue
[Commlist] new book: Digital Inclusion: International Policy and Research
April 05, 2024
[Commlist] The Soundtrack 15.1 - Special Issue: 'Screenwriting Sound and Music' - published
[Commlist] Arab Media and Society Issue 35, Winter/Spring 2023 Media & Fake News
April 07, 2024
[Commlist] new special issue published: Cinematic Continuities, Changes and Challenges in Europe: Reflections on Recent Shifts in European Cinema
April 09, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Media, Place and Tourism - Worlds of Imagination
[Commlist] New book: Streaming Music, Streaming Capital
[Commlist] New Book: Tribal and the Cultural Legacy of Streetwear
[Commlist] Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 16.1 published
[Commlist] Journal of African Media Studies 16.1 is published
[Commlist] New book: Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China: From the cultural to the digital revolution in Shanghai
[Commlist] new book: Effective Journalism: How the Information Ecosystem Works and What Journalists Should Do About It
April 10, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Popular Television 12.1 published - Special Issue: ‘Corporate Crime and Conspiracy in Contemporary Television’
[Commlist] New Book: Censorship, Digital Media and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression
[Commlist] publication of special issue "Contentious Data. The Shifting Space of Social Movement Research in Datafied Societies" (Social Movement Studies)
[Commlist] Journal of Digital Media & Policy 15.1 published
April 15, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Documentary and Stereotypes - Reducing Stigma through Factual Media
[Commlist] New Book: European Cinema in the Streaming Era
April 19, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Effective Journalism: How the Information Ecosystem Works and What Journalists Should Do About It
[Commlist] New Book: Innovations in Journalism: Comparative Research in Five European Countries
April 21, 2024
[Commlist] Church, Communication and Culture issue 9.1 published
[Commlist] HMC Special Issue on "Mediatization and Human Machine Communication" published
April 22, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of African Cinemas 15.1 published
[Commlist] New book: Nonhuman Witnessing
[Commlist] Journal of Screenwriting 15.1 published
[Commlist] New book - Refugee Voices: Performativity and the Struggle for Recognition
April 23, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Environmental Media 4.2 published // Special Issue: ‘Cinezoonosis’
April 26, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Consuming the Body Paperback
[Commlist] New book: Punk, Ageing and Time
[Commlist] New book: From Shakespeare to Autofiction: Approaches to authorship after Barthes
[Commlist] Special Issue on "Persona and Inter(facing)" published
April 27, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies 13.1 published
April 29, 2024
[Commlist] East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 10.1 is published Special Issue
May 01, 2024
[Commlist] New book: How TV Fiction Built a Nation: A Cultural History of the Brazilian Telenovela
[Commlist] new book: Through a Nuclear Lens: France, Japan, and Cinema from Hiroshima to Fukushima
[Commlist] International Journal of Fashion Studies 11.1 published Special Issue
[Commlist] submission window for book manuscripts to open from 1 June through 30 July, 2024
May 03, 2024
[Commlist] New tripleC Special Issue: Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis
[Commlist] New book: Journalism as the Fourth Emergency Service: Trauma and Resilience
May 05, 2024
[Commlist] New issue of MATRIZes published (v. 18, issue 1)
May 06, 2024
[Commlist] Third Report (free) Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture (Netherlands)
May 08, 2024
[Commlist] New book: The Digital and Its Discontents
[Commlist] Fashion, Style & Popular Culture 11.2 published (Special Issue: ‘Latin American/Latinx Fashion’)
May 10, 2024
[Commlist] European Journal of American Culture 43.1 published
May 14, 2024
[Commlist] New Issue of Participations published
[Commlist] New issue of Studies in Communication Sciences (SComS) published, Vol. 24 Issue 1
May 15, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Kafkaesque Cinema
[Commlist] New book: Cinema and Machine Vision
[Commlist] Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies Special issue: Colors in Econarratives about the Human and More-than-Human World
[Commlist] New book: Disney Princesses and Tween Identity: The Franchise in Illiberal Hungary
May 20, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers
[Commlist] New book: How TV Fiction Built a Nation: A Cultural History of the Brazilian Telenovela
May 21, 2024
[Commlist] New Issue of Galactica Media (Vol 6, No 2) published
[Commlist] New book - Take This Hammer: Work, Song, Crisis
May 23, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research 17.1 published
May 24, 2024
[Commlist] special issue on Methods in Visual Politics and Protest: deconstruction, reflexivity & femmix published
[Commlist] Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research 17.1 published
May 26, 2024
[Commlist] New issue of Communications published (vol. 49, no. 2)
May 28, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 12.3 published
[Commlist] new book 'The Aesthetics of Image and Cultural Form'
May 30, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Unspooled: How the Cassette Made Music Shareable
[Commlist] New book: Audience Interactions in Contemporary Celebrity Culture
May 31, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Refocus: The Films of Lawrence Kasdan
June 01, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Media In Africa
June 05, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Children and Young People’s Digital Lifeworlds: Domestication, Mediation, and Agency
[Commlist] Transitus issue 2: Embodiment and affect in a transitional moment in illustration research published
[Commlist] New book: One Shot Hitchcock: A Contemporary Approach to the Screen
[Commlist] New book: "Innovation Through Crisis: Journalism and News Media in Transition"
June 07, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Pandemic Crossings: Digital Technology, Everyday Experience, and Governance in the COVID-19 Crisis US–China Relations in the Age of Globalization
June 08, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Fandom Studies 12.1 published
[Commlist] New book: Talking Back to the West
June 12, 2024
[Commlist] New special issue: ‘Critical Sociology of Media and Communication: Theoretical Contributions to a Disconnected Field’
[Commlist] new book: Creative Advertising Concept and Copy: A Practical, Multidisciplinary Approach
[Commlist] New book: Archiving the Commons: Looking Through the Lens of
[Commlist] Communication Papers: Media Literacy & Gender Studies (ISSN 2014-6752) - new issue published
June 13, 2024
[Commlist] The Journal of Beatles Studies: New issue published
[Commlist] New Book: Digital Media and the Preservation of Indigenous Languages in Africa: Toward a Digitalized and Sustainable Society
June 17, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Interactive Cinema: The Ambiguous Ethics of Media Participation
June 19, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Higher music education and employability in a neoliberal world
[Commlist] New book on media reform in post-Putin Russia
[Commlist] New book: Reappraising Cult Horror Films: From Carnival of Souls to Last Night in Soho
June 25, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Heavy Metal and Disability
June 26, 2024
[Commlist] New book - Living Surfaces: Images, Plants, and Environments of Media
[Commlist] New book: Creating the Viewer
[Commlist] New book: “(Not) kidding: politics in online tabloids”
[Commlist] Internet Histories, Volume 8, Issue 1-2, March - June 2024 published
June 27, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Filmmaking in Academia Practice Research for Filmmakers
[Commlist] New book: The Wages of Dreamwork. Class Composition & the Social Reproduction of Cultural Labor
June 28, 2024
[Commlist] New special issue: Locating and theorising platform power
July 01, 2024
[Commlist] Media Studies issue 1/2024 published
[Commlist] new publication on Climate Change: Social and Cultural Challenges
July 03, 2024
[Commlist] Publication of issue 27 of Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media
July 04, 2024
[Commlist] New CEJC special issue published: The Construction of the Future of Platforms
July 05, 2024
[Commlist] International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 19.2-3 published
[Commlist] Radio Journal 22.1 published
July 06, 2024
[Commlist] New Book: Digital-Environmental Poverty: Digital and Environmental Inequalities in the Post-COVID Era
[Commlist] New Book – Kate Bush and the Moving Image
July 08, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Alternative & Community Media 8.2 (special issue on Digital and Material Forms of Community and Alternative Media) published
[Commlist] new book: Green Lawfare: The strategic use of law in mediatized environmental conflict
July 10, 2024
[Commlist] new book: News Aesthetics and Myth
[Commlist] Northern Lights 22 published - Special Issue ‘Pop Politics on a Mutable Screen’
[Commlist] New book: "Linking with Nature in the Digital Age"
July 11, 2024
[Commlist] New book: Linking with Nature in the Digital Age
July 12, 2024
[Commlist] New book: The Influencer Factory: A Marxist Theory of Corporate Personhood on YouTube
July 14, 2024
[Commlist] New book: “(Not) kidding: politics in online tabloids”
[Commlist] New book: Conflicted: Making News from Global War
[Commlist] New book: Containment: Technologies of Hlding, Filtering, Leaking
[Commlist] The journal Gender and Language is inviting applications for Co-editors of the journal.
July 15, 2024
[Commlist] Expanded Visualities: Photography and Emerging Technologies Issue 15.1-2 published, on Philosophy of Photography
July 17, 2024
[Commlist] new publication: UK Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign
[Commlist] New book: "Bourdieusian Media Studies"
July 18, 2024
[Commlist] New book "Popularizing Science. The Complex Terminological Interactions between Scientific and Press Discourses within the Field of Agroecology"
[Commlist] Virtual Creativity 13.2 published - Special Issue on ‘Immersive Horizons: Blurring the Creative Frontiers Between Virtual and Material Worlds’
July 20, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of Greek Media & Culture 10.1 published
July 22, 2024
[Commlist] Journal of European Popular Culture 15.1 published
[Commlist] Journal of Media Practice & Education SI Published: Unravelling the Hero’s Journey
[Commlist] New book: Data Journalism and the COVID-19 Disruption
[Commlist] Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 16.1 published
July 24, 2024
[Commlist] Radiofonias' new issue on Brazil's pioneer podcasting studies published
[Commlist] Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 17.1 published
[Commlist] new book: Ulrike Ottinger: Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination
[Commlist] Routledge Transformations book series
July 26, 2024
[Commlist] Global Media Journal – German Edition: New issue Vol. 14 No. 1 Spring/Summer 2024 published
[Commlist] New Book: Handbook of Media and Communication Governance