Archive for publications, 2024

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[Commlist] New book on media reform in post-Putin Russia

Wed Jun 19 11:01:18 GMT 2024

The Free Russia Foundation (Washington, DC) has just published a volume on future democratization of Russian society, including issues of free speech and the media. The volume includes the practical reform plan and schedule for the media, including a draft law on freedom of expression and information with the explanatory note.

Titled "The Transition Project: Plan for Russia’s Transition to Democracy, Peace and Prosperity" the volume presents the outcome of an in-depth intellectual effort by exiled civil society leaders to articulate a comprehensive plan for a political transition toward democracy post-Putin, define key areas of reforms and their objectives, consider what specific contributions could be made toward this transformation by stakeholders and interest groups inside Russia as well as internationally, and engage the broader Russian civil society in refinement of these concepts and recommendations.

Media reform should be one of the central pieces of the task on restoration of basic rights in Russia. A powerful propaganda machine is one of the pillars of the current regime, thus dismantling this machine and democratizing the media space is seen as a priority for democratic reformers.

Media reform is inherently linked to restoration of freedom of speech — a basic right whose importance has significantly grown in Russian in recent years. Even though freedom of speech is formally guaranteed by the Constitution, protection of this right is not a subject of wide public discussion. Reformers are recommended to start with getting this right back and engage in discussions about the essence and meaning of free speech in Russia.

The volume is freely available (in English) at <> and (in Russian): <>.

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