Archive for publications, 2024

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[Commlist] New book: Democratic Delusions: How the media hollows out democracy and what we can do about it.

Fri Oct 25 10:04:01 GMT 2024

New book

/Democratic Delusions: How the media hollows out democracy and what we can do about it

As the blurb says:
/A free media is inextricably linked to a healthy democracy, but in many parts of the world liberal democracies are deemed to be dying or on the demise – a demise that many forms of media have enabled while heralding themselves as democracy’s saviour. The hollowing out of democracy in these ways has left many people questioning the value of (neo)liberal democratic societies. What can we do about it?
Democratic Delusions explores the potential of our media and tech 
systems to be democratic and contribute to a just and transformative 
democracy. This is only possible, Natalie Fenton argues, by first 
situating our political systems and mediated worlds within global 
capitalism. By interrogating different media and their relationship to 
seven key elements of democracy – power, participation, freedom, 
equality, public good, trust, and hope – the book asks: What is the 
response of society when the ability of news media to speak truth to 
power has been restricted by corporate logic? And, how do we tackle a 
deep-rooted market logic that shifts public debate towards private 
interest and marginalizes progressive perspectives? The book explores 
how these elements can be reimagined through newly conceived media and 
tech landscapes and, ultimately, what democracy might be in a future 
mediated world that places more power in the hands of more people.
and others have kindly noted:
"Written with furious clarity and great momentum, Fenton’s book comprehensively reimagines what we might mean by “democratic media”. It summons a collective fight for justice – through media, not in spite of them."
*Nick Couldry, London School of Economics and Political Science*

"Democratic Delusions is distressingly on point. Fenton delivers a masterly intervention that deftly oscillates between the delusions distorting our understanding of media and democracy and the hope necessary to imagine them “done differently.” Hitting the mark in ways that deepen concern while outlining reparative interventions that instill inspiration, this book should be on reading lists everywhere as a primer for those struggling to envision transformative alternatives for media and democracy."
*Barbie Zelizer, University of Pennsylvania*

"In this brilliant and original book, Natalie Fenton has written what promises to become a classic text on the structural pathologies afflicting us today and what new political horizons are required to create democratic alternatives. This book needed to be written and Natalie Fenton is the perfect visionary to write it. It’s a timely and profoundly important intervention—an invaluable resource for scholars, activists, journalists, policymakers, and concerned citizens everywhere." *Victor Pickard, University of Pennsylvania*
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