Archive for December 2009

December 01, 2009
[ecrea] The Participation, Power and Social Change team at the Institute of Development Studies (Sussex, UK) is recruiting two or more Research Fellows and a Team Leader/Research Fellow
[ecrea] Fees only PhD Studentship at Anglia Ruskin University - Communication, Film and Media
[ecrea] Call for Papers and Ideas -- 'Beneath the University: the Common' (UMN April 2010)
[ecrea] Research Fellow in Knowledge Exchange and Public Engagement
[ecrea] CFP: Bloodlines: British Horror Past and Present, De Montfort University and Phoenix Square , Leicester UK, 4 - 5 March 2010
[ecrea] Nominations invited for CSSC award 2010
December 02, 2009
[ecrea] Videochronic: Video Activism and Video Distribution in Indonesia
[ecrea] cfp - Journal of Public Relations Research special issue on Race in/and Public Relations.
[ecrea] post-doc at Lund University
December 03, 2009
[ecrea] cfp for ECREA edited book proposals
[ecrea] Inaugural Rastafari Studies Conference
[ecrea] Two assistant professors in Public Policy, Department of Public Policy
[ecrea] Theorizing Bruce Lee
[ecrea] Job: Visiting lecturer, University of Greenwich
[ecrea] Book Announcement: The Orientalist Buddy Film
[ecrea] The University of Arkansas¹ Department of Communication
December 04, 2009
[ecrea] Assembling Culture, a new double issue of the Journal of Cultural Economy
[ecrea] CFP: SCFLL 2010 in Tampa
[ecrea] New Book ---> Technomad: Global Raving Countercultures
[ecrea] New collection: Documentary Testimonies
December 05, 2009
[ecrea] CFP War and the Body
[ecrea] New Book: Visions of Struggle
[ecrea] Journal of Screenwriting Call for Papers Vol. 2 Issue 1
[ecrea] JITP 2010: The Politics of Open Source - Call for Papers - Full paper submissions are due January 10, 2010
[ecrea] Full cost Studentships in Film and Television Studies at UEA
[ecrea] CFP: Printernet - Comparing two communications revolutions
[ecrea] Cultures of Change. Social Atoms and Electronic Lives (Barcelona. Arts Santa Monica)
December 06, 2009
[ecrea] ToC of Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies
[ecrea] JAMMR Issue 2.1/2
December 07, 2009
[ecrea] Postdoc in Communication Studies - Fellowship opportunities
[ecrea] interview series called 'Encounters'
[ecrea] IAMCR Community Communication section - Call for papers, Braga 2010
[ecrea] New Mediascape Fall 09 Issue and CFP
[ecrea] CFP IAMCR Media, Religion and Culture Working Group
[ecrea] Three apprenticeships at the European News Agency in Berlin
[ecrea] deadline exteded: CfP Networking Democracy? New Media Innovations in Participatory Politics
[ecrea] CALL FOR AUTHORS: Encyclopedia of Social Networking
[ecrea] cfp: Communication Policy and Law Section of ECREA
[ecrea] New Book: Film, Theory & Philosophy
[ecrea] CFP Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines Hui
December 08, 2009
[ecrea] Call for papers - UK Economic and Social Research Council Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) Annual Conference 'The Social Life of Methods', Oxford, 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2010
[ecrea] JITP 2010: The Politics of Open Source - Call for Papers
[ecrea] Communication and Memory - Philosophy of Communication Conference, London 9-11 December
[ecrea] FCJ new issue? "What Now? : The Imprecise and Disagreeable Aesthetics of Remix" ?the Fibreculture Journal issue 15
[ecrea] tenured positions CNRS
[ecrea] Research Posts in Digital Cultures
[ecrea] Discourse, Power, Resistance annual conference
[ecrea] CFP: "Do You Feel Me?": Exploring Black American Gender and Sexuality Through Emotion and Feeling
December 09, 2009
[ecrea] PhD Research Project Position (funded) - ³Deep Packet Inspection and Internet Governance² Technology University of Delft, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Section
[ecrea] media and communication masters in Izmir, Turkey
[ecrea] Announcement: Symposium 'Transnational Cinemas', Centre for Cultural and Creative Research, University of Portsmouth, 13 Feb. 2010
December 10, 2009
[ecrea] Media and Politics Research Seminar: Accessing Spaces of Culture: Young People, Culture and Policy in the UK @University of Liverpool
[ecrea] CFP: conference on media, theater and history
[ecrea] IAMCR10, Digital Divide WG
[ecrea] Call for papers ? Quaderns del CAC
[ecrea] Textbooks and Beyond: Educational Media in Global Contexts
[ecrea] Les soixante ans du journal télévisé
[ecrea] "There's no such thing as society"? 29 January at Bournemouth
December 11, 2009
[ecrea] Journal of British Cinema and Television / Volume: 6, Number: 3 (Dec 2009)
[ecrea] Call for Papers: ICCPR2010 International Conference on Cultural Policy Research
December 12, 2009
[ecrea] new book: Gendered Media
[ecrea] Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (Trust 2010)
[ecrea] PhD Course: Applying dialogue-based approaches in communication research: methods for tackling complex analysis and practice, 22-25 March 2010]
[ecrea] Celebrity and the transnational
[ecrea] First Person Filmmaking and Autobiographical Documentary conference, London Metropolitan University, 24 March 2010
[ecrea] political communication section ECREA --- CALL FOR PAPERS
[ecrea] cfp The Journalism of Diaspora: Ethics, Production and Audiences conference
[ecrea] Images, récits et nouveaux médias : de la transmission à la co-construction de la croyance
December 13, 2009
[ecrea] Radio Project Call for Proposals: Radio, Convergence and Development in Africa
[ecrea] diaspora, migration and the media section - call for panels and papers
[ecrea] 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management
December 14, 2009
[ecrea] Call for chapters: Ethnographies of online newsrooms
[ecrea] Queering Middle Eastern Cyberscapes: call for contributions
[ecrea] Uppsala Conference on Civil Society: Cfp, deadline January 25
[ecrea] CfP: ICTs-and-Society. A new Transdiscipline?
December 15, 2009
[ecrea] PRism Global Public Relations special issue now online
[ecrea] CFP: JAM 2010
[ecrea] Cultural Diplomacy in Africa - Africa and the Global Economy: Creating Opportunities and Development Strategies (17th - 23rd January, 2010)
[ecrea] New publication : Real-Time Response Measurement in the Social Sciences
[ecrea] 2010 iGov Research Institute - 2nd announcement
[ecrea] call for chapters: online news
{Disarmed} [ecrea] new book: Researching Violence, Democracy and the Rights of People
[ecrea] European eID Observatory: The Pan-European meeting place for eID
[ecrea] Study on Media Literacy
{Disarmed} [ecrea] Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal - Cyfnodolyn Cyfryngau Cymru
[ecrea] children and the commercial world
[ecrea] Cynhadledd Cyfrwng 2010 Conference
December 16, 2009
[ecrea] Announcement: Symposium: Cinema in the Digital Age, Film Programme, Victoria University of Wellington
[ecrea] e-Youth: balancing between opportunities & risks?
[ecrea] Call for applications: Secretary, Community Media Forum Europe
[ecrea] TIC et diasporas
[ecrea] Relief teaching opportunity at Kingston: Media, Public Policy and International Politics
[ecrea] Free Access to Citizens? Media journal issue
[ecrea] CfP for Comparative E-government minitrack at AMCIS 2010
[ecrea] Call for papers - Enjeux de l?appartenance dans les cultures populaires québécoises
December 17, 2009
[ecrea] CFP: Encounters: Researchers as Tourists and Travellers
[ecrea] cfp - Electronic Journal of Communication - social media in news discourse
[ecrea] [YECREA] CfP Writing the Past beyond Boundaries? Transnational and Comparative Approaches in Communication History
{Disarmed} [ecrea] new book: Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for Digitization for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums
[ecrea] IAMCR] Call for Papers, Braga, 2010: Policies for Community Communication.
[ecrea] PhD Course: Global Public Relations - All the same, all different, 8-10 February 2010
[ecrea] Vacancy PhD position "Embodying beauty" - ASSR Amsterdam
[ecrea] 20th International Screen Studies Conference, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 July 2010
[ecrea] Call for Papers: China's soft power
December 18, 2009
[ecrea] CFP Reading and writing in prison
[ecrea] TOC: Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies 23(3) 2009
[ecrea] MeCCSA Climate Change Network
{Disarmed} [ecrea] Call for Papers, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 1/2010
[ecrea] CFP Workshop: The Computational Turn
[ecrea] CFP: Not PowerPoint Again! Presenting research on women in popular culture differently
[ecrea] new book Meaningful Media: Communication Research on the Social Construction of Reality
[ecrea] Full Professor in Media and Communication Studies
[ecrea] Call for Papers IAMCR WG on European Public Broadcasting Policies
December 21, 2009
[ecrea] charles taylor - Centre of the Study of Democracy (CSD)
December 22, 2009
[ecrea] The End of Television? Edited by Elihu Katz and Paddy Scannell
[ecrea] Call for Papers -- Paying for Journalism
[ecrea] 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video EuroITV2010
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Current Development in Theory and Applications of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology 2010
[ecrea] New thematic section from Culture Unbound: ?City of Signs/Signs of the City?
[ecrea] New Issue Cuadernos de Información
[ecrea] Simondon Conference (Paris, May 2010)
[ecrea] Global Communications Class, Winter 2010
December 23, 2009
[ecrea] PhD/Postdocstipends - Media convergence in the cultural industries - Denmark
[ecrea] CFP: trust
December 26, 2009
[ecrea] CfP: Cultural Studies and the Research of (Digital) Games. Hong Kong, June 17-21, 2010.
December 29, 2009
[ecrea] cfp for LaborComm 2010 International Labor and Communication Symposium
[ecrea] Journal Communication Studies / Estudos em Comunicação
December 30, 2009
[ecrea] Special Issue on Citizen's Media
[ecrea] Internet Television (IPTV and VOD) Conference. Madrid
[ecrea] Third international conference - Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD) 2010
December 31, 2009
[ecrea] CFP @ASA 2010: Latino/a and Latin American Media, Performance, Consumers, and Citizens