The Working Group on Digital Divide of the
International Association for Media and
Communication Research invites submissions for
the IAMCR Conference that will be held in Braga
(Portugal) 2010 from July 18-22. The overall
conference theme is "Communication and
Citizenship. Rethinking Crisis and Change".
This year the theme to be discussed in WG on
?Digital Divide? is ?The Influence of Crises on
Digital Media: Digital Communities Divided?.
Papers addressing the theme are most welcome.
The WG on ?Digital Divide? suggest discussing the following subjects:
§ Financial crises and access to digital
media: changing modes, changing information
preferences, changing revenue scheme.
§ Patterns of digital inequality in the
times of uncertainty: the world, regions, countries and communities divided.
§ Users Generated Content (UGS) as a
means to create new models of political
communication; digital democracy and digital
inclusion for the modern form of citizenship.
§ National solutions to improve access to
digital communication in the times of crises.
Abstracts should be sent to the WG on ?Digital
Divide? Chairs only through the
website, and
should be between 300-500 words long. Each
abstract must include title, name(s),
affiliation, institutional address and email address of author(s).
The deadlines are as follows:
* Submission of abstracts: January 31, 2010
(papers will be assessed and provisionally
accepted on the basis of the abstracts).
* Announcement of acceptances: March 15, 2010.
* Full papers due: April 30, 2010
IAMCR accepts presentations in English, French
and Spanish. However, it is requested that
abstracts, if at all possible, be submitted in English.
Further information about IAMCR and the 2010
Braga Conference will be available at the
Association's website:
<> and the
Digital Divide WG Chair - Elena Vartanova
(<mailto:(evarta /at/>(evarta /at/,
Co-chair - Olga Smirnova
(<mailto:(smirnovaorama /at/>(smirnovaorama /at/