Archive for calls, February 2015

February 01, 2015
[ecrea] cfp Twenty-First Century TV postgraduate conference
[ecrea] Call for papers - Twentieth International Conference on Information Technology and Journalism
[ecrea] CfP Commons Journal (University of Cádiz, ESP)
[ecrea] Visible Evidence Conference Toronto 19-23 August 2015
[ecrea] cfp - TV in the age of transnationalisation and transmedialisation: a two-day, international conference
[ecrea] CFP: Protest Participation in Variable Communication Ecologies: Meanings, Modalities and Implications
[ecrea] cfp: Overcoming Gender Inequalities through Technology Integration
[ecrea] International Symposium on Partitions/Violence/Migration
[ecrea] Call for papers: 'Current Thinking on the Western II'
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 21st Century Photography: Art, Philosophy, Technique
[ecrea] Call for Proposals - Affect Theory Conference
February 02, 2015
[ecrea] cfp: TPRC43 | 43rd Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy
February 03, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Participants - ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2015
[ecrea] CFP: The role of choirs, collective singing and affective belonging
[ecrea] Conference: Political Discourse: Multidisciplinary Approaches
[ecrea] ephemera CFP: The labour of academia
[ecrea] CfP 'Surveillance and Citizenship' (Cardiff, 18/19 June)
[ecrea] International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2015)
[ecrea] Call for Conference, Film Festival, and Exhibition Reports - Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media
[ecrea] 2nd CFP European Cinema Research Forum Conference
[ecrea] CFP: A Manifesto for Cyborgs thirty-years on: Gender, Technology and Feminist-Technoscience in the twenty-first century
[ecrea] call for papers - International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA)
[ecrea] cfp: submissions for the second issue of SERIES
[ecrea] Call for abstracts for panel on “Participatory Media and Moral,Panic”
February 04, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Global Exploitation Cinemas
[ecrea] Call for Articles - The mediated society: Living and working with immersive media technologies
[ecrea] CFP Developments in Critical Discourse Studies, 1: Context and Critique
[ecrea] CALL FOR PAPERS - ClimaCom magazine, the "Adaptation" issue
[ecrea] CCCS Conference "Identity and Culture"
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC) 2015
[ecrea] CFP Cultural Studies of Extraction
[ecrea] CFP for ECREA-CLP Section's 2015 Workshop Lubljana - Policy Challenges in the Austerity & Surveillance Environment
February 05, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Inclusive journalism: How to shed light on voices traditionally left out in news coverage
[ecrea] Call for Papers 2015 ASPERA Conference, Adelaide Australia
[ecrea] Ethical implications of Snowden revelations - Second Call for Papers for special edition - Ethical Space
February 06, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Journal of Film & Video: Television & Performance (6/1/15)
[ecrea] call for papers, conference 'Organisational Communication - from Academic and Practical Perspectives'
[ecrea] Symfrozium - a study day on Disney's Frozen CFP
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Separately Together: Ethnographic Engagements of the City
[ecrea] CFP: Keep it Simple, Make it Fast! Crossing Borders of Underground Music Scenes
[ecrea] CFP deadline extended (20 Feb) - IAMCR post-conference
[ecrea] 9/11 and the Academy CFP
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Interdisciplinary approaches to social technologies
[ecrea] CFP the Political Communication Division at the Nordmedia2015 conference, Copenhagen
[ecrea] CFP: Exhibition-Conference on The Stardom and Celebrity of David Bowie 1965-2015
[ecrea] CFP Cultural Studies of Extraction
February 08, 2015
[ecrea] CfP: Motherhood and Culture, International and Interdisciplinary Conference, Maynooth University
[ecrea] Cfp PRECONFERENCE “Media and Journalists in the Age of Open Government and Transparency”
February 10, 2015
[ecrea] call for abstracts re ICLA/AILC at the University of Vienna 2016
[ecrea] CfP: Poirot Meets Miss Marple - Agatha Christie and Intermediality
[ecrea] CfP-Discourses, public participation and citizen engagement
[ecrea] CFP "Color in Animation, Comics and Literature"
[ecrea] CFP> XXI Congress of the Spanish Society of Journalism
[ecrea] CFP: 2015 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference SECOND CALL FOR PROPOSALS Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (US)
[ecrea] Politics and Practices of Secrecy: Free Symposium May 14-15, KCL
[ecrea] ICA Conference invitation
[ecrea] 5th issue of Southern Semiotic Review now out and cfp
[ecrea] Call for Chapter Proposals - Seduction in Popular Cultural, Psychology and Philosophy
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Interim Conference of the Political Communication Section of ECREA
[ecrea] Call for papers: Communication Management Forum 2015
[ecrea] conference: Re-visiting Objectivity in Text Analysis and Research Methods
February 11, 2015
[ecrea] ICTs and Society Conference Call
[ecrea] call for proposals for the "Shaping the Future of News Media" Conference in Barcelona (17-19 June)
[ecrea] cfp: #BlackLivesMatter: Civil Rights and Social Justice in the 21st Century
February 12, 2015
[ecrea] cfp - Reflections on Revenge: an International Conference on the Culture and Politics of Vengeance.
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Innovation, Policy and Practice
[ecrea] Call for Reviewers - Critical Studies in Television
[ecrea] Call For Papers “Constructing” Middle East. Ankara University
February 13, 2015
[ecrea] Ecrea OSCS 2015 | Call for Leipzig
[ecrea] CFP: Fantasy/Animation: A Conference on Media, Medium and Genre
[ecrea] 4th International Crisis Communication Conference
[ecrea] Call for papers - Turkish Journal of Communication
[ecrea] CFP extended / AAC prolongé "Frontières de la radio/Borders of Radio"
[ecrea] CFP: The Fan Studies Network 2015 Conference
[ecrea] CFP: "Performing Stardom"
[ecrea] CFP SERCIA Masculine/ Feminine: Gender in English-Language Cinema and Television
[ecrea] Intensities CFP: Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
[ecrea] GigaNet 2015 - Call for Papers - Deadline 15 April
[ecrea] CFP: Communities of Communication II: Newspapers and Periodicals in Britain and Ireland from 1800 to 1900
February 14, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Workshop on Indonesian Cinema
[ecrea] The Politics and Practices of Secrecy: Free Symposium; London 14-15 May 2015
[ecrea] Call for Articles in Communication/Media/Journalism studies 2015
February 15, 2015
[ecrea] CfP: Media Mutations 7 - Space Invaders. The impact of digital games in contemporary media ecosystems
[ecrea] CfP: Interactions, Studies in Communication and Culture - Masculinity in the 21st Century
[ecrea] Revista n. 27: Chamada a artigos / Call for papers
February 16, 2015
[ecrea] Aswatona 2015 community media conference, 26-28 Feb, Rabat
[ecrea] CFP Quaderns del CAC 41, July 2015 - 21st Century radio
February 17, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: The Gendered Politics of Production: Girls and Women as Media Producers
[ecrea] 1st International Conference on Academic Communication Journals (ACJ-2015)
[ecrea] European historical drama conference
[ecrea] Aleksanteri Conference: Culture and Russian Society, Helsinki 21-23 October, 2015
[ecrea] CFP Cinema Journal Teaching Dossier
[ecrea] CfP Reminder: Material Culture in Action
[ecrea] Call for Submissions: LSE Media and Communications PhD Symposium 2015
[ecrea] Call for papers Conference Media & Governance in Latin America 2015
[ecrea] Announcement: International Conference: Qualitative Research in Communication
[ecrea] Call for papers - Inclusive journalism: How to shed light on voices traditionally left out in news coverage
[ecrea] CfP “The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh” and the giallo: an International Film Conference
[ecrea] Politics of Big Data conference - King's College London - MAY 8TH 2015
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Media and Governance in Latin America
February 18, 2015
[ecrea] Screenwriting Research Conference London - Final Call
[ecrea] CfP Spying on Spies: Popular Representations of Spies and Espionage
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Symposium on the life and legacy of Elinor Glyn and her contemporaries for studies in adaptation, film and authorship
February 19, 2015
[ecrea] Call for abstracts for Participatory Media and Moral Panic
[ecrea] Teaching Media Quarterly - Religion and Media issue - Call for Proposals
[ecrea] IMMAA-2015 conference in Moscow
[ecrea] CFP: Fatherhood in Contemporary Discourse
[ecrea] CFP: Raymond Williams Now
[ecrea] CfP: Popular Music and Public Diplomacy
[ecrea] CfP interdisciplinary and international research project
February 20, 2015
[ecrea] European Historical Drama in the Digital Age - A one-day conference
[ecrea] Symposium for your mailing list
February 22, 2015
[ecrea] CfP "Exploring Gender and Sexuality in German Language Media"
[ecrea] Cfp: Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! (KISMIF) Crossing Borders of Underground Music Scenes Conference
[ecrea] CFP - International Conference at Ibadan
[ecrea] CfP: Reconceptualizing the Field: International Perspectives Conference
[ecrea] Conference on the Freedom of the Press
February 23, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Papers - International Conference on Advanced Technology and Sciences
[ecrea] CFP – Special issue on Political Aspects of On-line Education – International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP)
[ecrea] Playfull Participation. Call for papers and practice-bases papers and projects
[ecrea] 5th ICTs and Society Conference 2015: The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?
[ecrea] CFP Special Issue for Critical Studies in Television: Ephemeral Television
[ecrea] 2nd Marx at the Movies Conference, University of Central Lancashire
[ecrea] CFP - International Conference on Computing and Technology Innovation (CTI 2015)
[ecrea] Call for papers - Cultural Mapping: Debating Cultural Spaces and Places conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 21st Century Photography; Art, Philosophy, Technique
February 24, 2015
[ecrea] CfP/AAC Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies/The alimentary and gustative imaginary/L'imaginaire gustatif et alimentaire/
February 25, 2015
[ecrea] Call For Papers: Special Issue of Journal of Popular Film & Television - Digital Aesthetics of Violence
[ecrea] CFP - Barcelona PR Meeting #5
[ecrea] CCCS Conference Identity and Culture
[ecrea] call for papers > Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments
[ecrea] CFP: Cultures of (In)Security in Comparison
[ecrea] CfP Special Issue: mind the time – time and/in theatre and the media
[ecrea] CFP: Intimacy at a distance: Television at home and away
[ecrea] Symposium CFP - Discourses of Disorder: Representations of Riots, Strikes and Protests
[ecrea] cfp Institute of Communication Ethics - Annual Conference
[ecrea] CFP Contemporary Journalistic Narratives (Brazilian Journalism Research)
[ecrea] conference: 5th New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC5)
February 26, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Deception
[ecrea] 2015 International RESIPROC conference
[ecrea] Conference Media and Politics: Discourses, Cultures, and Practices
[ecrea] 5th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies
[ecrea] CFP - Digital Technologies & Happiness - Sevilla