Archive for calls, March 2015

March 01, 2015
[ecrea] Conference - Inner resources: the roles of reflexivity, self-awareness and emotional responses in the work of the academic researcher
[ecrea] Call for papers: Photography at the 21st Century @ Central Saint Martins
[ecrea] Re-visiting Melodrama in Contemporary Television Symposium, 27th March
[ecrea] CFP: Moving Pictures and Photoplays: New Perspectives in Silent Cinema
[ecrea] Research European Film and Television - PhD Workshop
[ecrea] CFP Reminder, InVisible Culture Issue 24: Vulnerability
[ecrea] Selfie Citizenship research workshop, 16 April, Manchester Metropolitan University
[ecrea] cfp: Social Semiotics journal
[ecrea] CFP: Symfrozium: A Study Day on Frozen
[ecrea] Call for Articles: African Journalism Studies (AJS) - African Digital Media Review
[ecrea] CFP - Moscow research conference "Communication as a discipline and as a field: Sharing experiences to construct a dialogue"
March 03, 2015
[ecrea] CFP How Filmmakers Think TV / Comparative Cinema 7
[ecrea] CfP: Standards, Disruptions and Values in Digital Culture and Communication (ECREA Section Workshop)
[ecrea] CfP: Future of eTextbooks Workshop at ICSLE'15 conference
[ecrea] CFP - Special Issue of *Jeunesse* on Mobility
[ecrea] cfp: Travellers and Travels. Seeing old places, looking for new ones
[ecrea] Call for papers: International conference "Public service media in the digital mediascapes"
March 04, 2015
[ecrea] CAMRI International conference 19-20 June
[ecrea] Conference call - drilling through the screen: modern imaginaries and the oil industry
[ecrea] CFP Twenty-First Century TV postgraduate conference
[ecrea] CFP. Special Issue of Popular Music: The Critical Imperative
[ecrea] CfP. Participations Across, Between and Beyond Disciplines and Institutions
[ecrea] conference: Knowledge production in a hybrid age: Contemporary and historical perspectives on producing textbooks and digital educational media
[ecrea] cfp - 3rd ESTIDIA Conference - Dialogue as Global Action: Interacting Voices and Visions across Cultures
[ecrea] Media Industries--call for papers, priority deadline 4/1
[ecrea] CFP Oyundergi – Journal of Games 2015-1
March 05, 2015
[ecrea] cfp 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Communication in Professional Contexts
[ecrea] CFP> 21st International Conference of the Spanish Society of Journalistic Studies (SEP) - 2015, SPAIN, June 19 - 20
March 06, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: On the Fringe: Understanding Alternative and Subversive Media
[ecrea] International Conference 'Public and Private in Mobile Communications'
[ecrea] 2nd CFP - LaborComm 2015 - The Sixth International Labor and Communication Conference
[ecrea] CFP "Comparative media studies in today’s world: social media in network societies"
[ecrea] CfP: Routledge Companion to Adaptation
[ecrea] CFP INSEP2015 – Violence, Representations and Sexuality
March 07, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: CIAKL II Insight Talks: Entrepreneurship skills – Industry and academia alliance
[ecrea] 17th General Online Research Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Autoethnography
[ecrea] CFP: Reception Studies Conference
[ecrea] CFP Transformative Practice and Theory: where we stand today MeCCSA PGN
[ecrea] CFP: PS special issue on P*rn and Labour
[ecrea] 14th International AELFE Conference: Developments in professional/academic communication and implications for language education and research
March 09, 2015
[ecrea] cfp - Comparative Media Systems: Media Cultures as Cultures of Mediatization
[ecrea] 4rd Ibero-American Congress on Qualitative Research and 6rd International Symposium on Education and Communication
[ecrea] Cfp - Sacred Songs: Religion, Spirituality and the Divine in Popular Music Culture
[ecrea] Conference on Media, Belonging and Social Theory
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Audience Research in a 'Post-Media' Age?
[ecrea] Call for Papers: conference on news production cultures in Oxford
[ecrea] CALL FOR PAPERS - Disrupting Visibility: The Politics of Passing - Conference
[ecrea] PhD course Visual Culture, Visual Methods, June 2015
March 10, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Participants - deadline 15 March - ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2015
March 11, 2015
[ecrea] Call for papers Gamification and Education
[ecrea] Conference Cultures in Disarray: Destruction/Reconstruction
[ecrea] IC CFP 2015: From Enlightened Humour to Media Satire in Times of Crisis
[ecrea] call for chapters on Aki Kaurismäki
[ecrea] Call for Participation: 2015 CSA Conference Seminars
[ecrea] CFP - Working in Music: The Musicians’ Union, musical labour and musical employment
[ecrea] International conference "Youth, Media and Diversity"
[ecrea] Call For Papers: 5th Irish Symposium on Game-Based Learning
March 12, 2015
[ecrea] CFP Memory-Nostalgia-Melancholy, workshop
March 15, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Spaces and tactics of politics: Transnational connections, neoliberalisation and the reshaping of civil society
[ecrea] cfp - IJEG SI on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia
[ecrea] Call for paper - Being Hu­mans. The Hu­man Con­di­tion in the age of tech­no-hu­ma­ni­sm: re­pre­sen­ta­tions, prac­ti­ces, ex­pe­rien­ces
[ecrea] cfp Quantifying methods in discourse studies. Possibilities and limits for the analysis of discursive practices
[ecrea] CFP: Models of Communication (8-10 October, Vilnius)
[ecrea] Workshop with M. Bakardjieva - Brno - POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT AND DIGITAL MEDIA USE IN CEE
[ecrea] CFP- DCA 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Public Media Service and Public Interest
[ecrea] Workshop: The production of elites and the making of elite universities
[ecrea] Media & the City TWG Conference 2015 - cfp
[ecrea] Call for Papers, Press History conference, Edinburgh
[ecrea] III Geographies of Sexualities Conference Crossing Boundaries: Sexualities, Media and (Urban) Spaces
March 16, 2015
[ecrea] Popular Music Fandom and the Public Sphere: A One Day Symposium
[ecrea] CFA Women and Technology Conference
March 17, 2015
[ecrea] Jazz Utopia, Rhythm Changes 2016 conference, Birmingham
[ecrea] 7th International Conference Bridges of Media Education 2015
[ecrea] CFP: "Hip Hop Studies: North and South"
[ecrea] Twenty-First Century TV postgraduate conference
[ecrea] CFP IC 12: "From Enlightened Humour to Media Satire: Discourses and Practices of Dissent in Times of Crisis"
March 18, 2015
[ecrea] InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture CFP
[ecrea] CFP Counterfutures: Left Thought and Practice Aotearoa
[ecrea] Call for applications to the Documentary Summer School (Locarno, Switzerland)
[ecrea] CfP: Standards, Disruptions and Values in Digital Culture and Communication
[ecrea] Call for Papers for first annual IJPP conference
[ecrea] CFP Turning the page
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Responsibility and Resistance - Ethics in Mediatized Worlds
March 19, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Shared Histories: Media Connections Between Britain and Ireland
[ecrea] Teaching Media Quarterly Call for Proposals - Religion and Media
[ecrea] Call for papers MeCCSA 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Ethnographic Engagements with Digital Alterity
[ecrea] CFP: Material Environments: Sensing Time and Matter in Digital and Visual Culture
March 20, 2015
[ecrea] CFP - Participations Special Issue - Inside-the-scenes: The rise of experiential cinema
[ecrea] Global Cultural Policy Call for Chapter Proposals
[ecrea] 9th Annual Critiquing Culture Conference CFP
[ecrea] conference Web,Archives as Scholarly Sources: Issues, Practices and Perspectives
[ecrea] Review of Communication Research - Volume 3. Free download. Call for Proposals.
[ecrea] CFP: Geoblocking and Global Video Culture
[ecrea] Fandom and Religion Conference - Leicester
[ecrea] Circulating Critical Practices conference
[ecrea] IMMAA-2015 conference in Moscow
[ecrea] Communication and Mass Media Conference Athens Greece
March 21, 2015
[ecrea] Digital Subjects Workshop
[ecrea] CfP #Neoliberation - Cultural Studies Conference @ Goldsmiths, 9-10 June
[ecrea] Call for Book Chapters: Pedagogy of Environmental Communication
[ecrea] CfP - Media Trends Conference VI
March 24, 2015
[ecrea] CfP: ePart2015 - extended deadline and IJEG special issue
[ecrea] PhD course Visual Culture, Visual Methods, June 2015, Aarhus University
[ecrea] One-Day Symposium to mark the 40th Anniversary of Steven Spielberg's JAWS
[ecrea] CALL FOR PAPERS: Strange Images in Familiar Contexts
March 25, 2015
[ecrea] Call for book section submissions: Pedagogy of Environmental Communication
[ecrea] CFP: International Journal of Communication: Special Section on Network Neutrality
March 26, 2015
[ecrea] Society of Legal Scholars - Media & Communications Law call for papers
[ecrea] CFP *RE-DO * On sustainability and culture’s role in sustainable futures
[ecrea] CFP Deadline Approaching: Moving Pictures and Photoplays Postgraduate Conference
[ecrea] CFP Power & Media: Ownership, Sponsorship, Censorship
[ecrea] CfP - Media and Governance in Latin America
[ecrea] Call for Papers - First International Conference on Anticipation / Education & Futures, Nov 5-7, Trento (Italy)
[ecrea] Digital Methods Summer School 2015 - Call for Participation
[ecrea] Call For Participants, Europe-China Dialogue: Media and Communication Studies Summer School 2015, Beijing (July.1st -10th)
March 27, 2015
[ecrea] CFP ‘Changing Platforms of Memory Practices. Technologies, User Generations and Amateur Media Dispositifs’
[ecrea] cfp: The State of Play: Public Relations in Asia and the Pacific
[ecrea] Punk Now! - cfp Punk Scholars Network 2nd Annual Conference and Postgraduate Symposium 2015
[ecrea] Art of the Networked Practice | Online Symposium
[ecrea] cfp Communication and Inequality / Comunicación y Desigualdad
March 28, 2015
[ecrea] Conference: Touching the Screen (University of Oslo, April 28)
[ecrea] Data Power Conference, Sheffield, June 2015
[ecrea] CFP Haptic Narratives: Textural Exploration in Film
[ecrea] cfp: European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History
March 30, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Cinematic Journeys of Identity—2015 Film & History Conference
[ecrea] CfP: Cinemas of Boyhood
March 31, 2015
[ecrea] CFP – Strange New Worlds: New Frontiers in Cinema and Television
[ecrea] King's College London conference “Cultures in Disarray: Destruction/Reconstruction”