Archive for calls, December 2015

December 01, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Film-Philosophy Conference 2016: 6-8 July, Edinburgh
[ecrea] CFP: Safety of Journalists - UNESCO Research Conference May 2016 in Helsinki
[ecrea] Emma Doctoral Summer School 2016 - Call For Participation
[ecrea] call for papers: crossroads in cultural studies, 2016
December 02, 2015
[ecrea] Call for nominations for the IJPP Best Book Award - Feb 15 deadline
[ecrea] CfP Contention Journal Special Issue: Civil Society and Uncivil Times
[ecrea] Postgraduate Symposium at Northumbria University
December 03, 2015
[ecrea] CfP Media, Communication and Nostalgia (Media & Time) - Special Issue
[ecrea] Call for Papers: "Re-Imagining Australia: Encounter, Recognition, Responsibility"
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Media and Transgression, International Conference at Lund University
December 04, 2015
[ecrea] CfP: Housing Activism: Beyond the West, 27-28 May 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Teaching Responsible Research and Innovation at University - 1st HEIRRI Conference
[ecrea] CFP: Peripheral Discourses of Modernity - Special Issue Urban Island Studies Journal
[ecrea] CfP. Participations Across, Between and Beyond Disciplines and Institutions
December 05, 2015
[ecrea] CFP International Conference Laudato SI - UCAM, Spain
[ecrea] Call for Papers CCCS 2016 Conference "Dislocations and Cultural Conflicts: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders (MDTB)"
[ecrea] CFP: Feminist Ghosts: The New Cultural Life of Feminism - Diffractions - Graduate Journal for the Study of Culture: Issue 6 | January 31
[ecrea] CFP: Game History Symposium 2016, Montreal
[ecrea] CfP: Surveillance and Security in the Age of Algorithmic Communication (Leicester, 26 July 2016, IAMCR pre-conference)
[ecrea] CfP OA special issue: organisational life in pop culture
[ecrea] CFP: Mad Men:The Conference. 26th-28th May 2016, Middle Tennessee State University
[ecrea] CFP: Feminist Readings 2 (15-16 April 2016, University of Leeds)
[ecrea] Sex and the Cinema: conference CfP - University of Kent December 2016
December 07, 2015
[ecrea] 4th international symposium on discourse analysis: Discourses and Social Inequalities
[ecrea] CfP - Charting the Digital: Play, Discourse, Disruption
[ecrea] CFP, "Gender, Development, Resistance" / Journal of Resistance Studies
[ecrea] DOC On-line call for papers
December 08, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Picteilín 2016
[ecrea] Call for Applications for the International Summer School of Political, Communication and Electoral Behavior
[ecrea] CFP: Spain's Civil War 80 years later, an IAMCR 2016 pre-conference
[ecrea] 3rd European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2016
[ecrea] CfP Masculinity and the Metropolis
[ecrea] cfp: Todo Fontanarrosa/All Fontanarrosa
[ecrea] CFP: Gendered labour & media, Media International Australia
[ecrea] Baltic Screen Media Review - new issue and CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Machine Communication (Deadline Approaching)
December 09, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: Fan Studies Network Conference 2016
[ecrea] CfP on Living Labs for OpenLivingLab Days 2016, 23-26 August 2016
[ecrea] cfp - Israel communication association (ISCA) 2016 conference
[ecrea] CFP: CADAAD 2016
December 12, 2015
[ecrea] call for contributors: Women's Rights: Reflections in Popular Culture
[ecrea] Affect and Social Media Symposium #2
[ecrea] Canadian Communication Association Technology and Emerging Media subgroup CFP
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Fame-inism: Feminism and Global Celebrity Culture Special Issue of Celebrity Studies
[ecrea] BSA Media Study Group -CFP: Gender, Crime and Media
[ecrea] CfP: 3rd International Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference
[ecrea] CFP - Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference 2016
[ecrea] cfp : data, cognition and intelligent devices
[ecrea] Digital Feminist Media Studies CfP
[ecrea] CFP: Console-ing Passions 2016
[ecrea] Call For Papers - EST Congress 2016
[ecrea] Call for Chapters: Collecting Coins: The evolution and social impact of video game economics
[ecrea] The Promotional Turn - International conference on promotional logics in current societies
[ecrea] cfp Connectivity in the History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception
December 13, 2015
[ecrea] call for papers: Contributions to cinema theory
[ecrea] AATI conference Naples 22-27 June 2016: Two CFPs Italian Cinema
[ecrea] CfP Cool Japan ICA16 Preconference
December 14, 2015
[ecrea] cfp - Journal of Arts,and Communities
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Behind the scenes?
[ecrea] CfP Women Who Kill
December 15, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Applications: 2016-2017 Media@McGill Postdoctoral Fellowship (Media and the Environment)
[ecrea] Nordic data journalism conference - Cfp extended
[ecrea] CfP: Handbook of Research on Teaching Computational Thinking in Primary Education
[ecrea] Call for Articles: From TV To Screen: The Critical Relationship Between Popular Television Programmes and their Transition to Film
[ecrea] 2nd call for papers: towards a sociology of popular music in the Arab region
[ecrea] IAMCR regional conference in India
December 16, 2015
[ecrea] CfP CounterPlay '16
[ecrea] CFP: Chinese Non-Governmental Organizations, Digital Media and Culture: Perspectives, Practices and Challenges
[ecrea] CfP EGOS 2016 - SWG 16 'Organization as Communication: (Dis)organizing through Texts, Artifacts and Other Materialities'
[ecrea] Transmediating Cultures? Transdiscplinary Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Fame-inism: Feminism and Global Celebrity Culture Special Issue of Celebrity Studies
[ecrea] CfP/Social media: between freedom and utopia/Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies_december 2016 issue
[ecrea] Call for papers - Interface Politics International Conference (Barcelona)
December 17, 2015
[ecrea] CfP: AI & Society Special Issue on Cultural Diversity and Community Technology Design
[ecrea] Cfp: Semiosis in Communication 2016 International Conference
[ecrea] Call for Co-Editor: Visual Anthropology Review
[ecrea] CFP: Futures of Intergenerational Feminist Media Studies
December 18, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Chapter Proposals - Book on Children's Media
[ecrea] CFP Yearbook of Immersive Media 2016
[ecrea] CfP: ICA Young Scholars Preconference "Communicating the Power of Visuals"
[ecrea] CFP Mediated Intimacies Special Issue of Journal of Gender Studies
[ecrea] Barcelona CFP 2016 Bridging Gaps: What are the media, publicists & celebrities selling?
[ecrea] IVC CFP: Border Crossings
[ecrea] CfP Higher Communication Education, Pamplona 2016
[ecrea] CFP: IAFOR 6th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies, Kobe 2016
December 19, 2015
[ecrea] CfP - Communication, Technology and Creativity - ICSC 2016
[ecrea] Celebrity Studies Journal Forum - call for submissions 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Tutu Centre Conference on "Representing Peace and Conflict"
December 21, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: ANZCA 2016 Conference: Creating Space in the Fifth Estate
[ecrea] CfP - Communication, Technology and Creativity - ICSC 2016
[ecrea] The Taboo Conference 2016
[ecrea] Cfp: digital fabrications amongst hackers, makers and manufacturers: whose ‘industrial revolution’? (4s Barcelona)
[ecrea] CfP: Future Space of Bookselling date change
[ecrea] Discourse Analysis Summer Course 2016 in Amsterdam
December 22, 2015
[ecrea] CFP: VI Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture - Transvisuality
[ecrea] CFP--Cultural Revolution
[ecrea] CFP: 'Protest, Media and Culture'
[ecrea] Call for papers: Communication Rights and Forced Mobility
[ecrea] Call for Papers: 9th International Central and East European Media Conference (CEECOM)
December 24, 2015
[ecrea] CFP Quaderns del CAC 42, July 2016
[ecrea] CFP: Teaching Responsible Research and Innovation at University - 1st HEIRRI Conference
[ecrea] 5th International Conference on Conflict, Terrorism, and Society - Non-State Actors in Conflicts: Conspiracies, Myths, and Practices
[ecrea] CFP: Creativity, Coopetition and Uncertainty in Media /, emma.conference.porto
December 25, 2015
[ecrea] CFP - LaborComm 2016 - The 7th International Labor and Communication Conference
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Vol II No. 2, 2016 - "Memory, Gender and Communication: Memory Borders, Subjectivity, Gender, Communication and Cinema in Europe and America."
December 29, 2015
[ecrea] Call for Papers on Infrastructures, subjects, politics: EASST/4S Conference Barcelona, 2016
[ecrea] CfP: (Dis)empowering technologies
[ecrea] CFP Ageing in Network Society