Archive for calls, 2012

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[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Second International Symposium on Language and Communication: Exploring novelties

Wed Oct 31 06:03:29 GMT 2012 <>
(islc2013 /at/

*Call for Paper *

The ISLC-2013 provides an opportunity for exploring many different facets of interdisciplinary language and communication fields. Given that the aim of the Institute of Language and Communication Studies (ILCS) includes fostering research in the area of interdisciplinary language and communication and promoting cooperation among all parts within the field, the ISLC-2013 offers a forum for those inside and outside academia to exchange pedagogical and research methods, as well as to explore greater cooperation among the many different constituencies of the field.

*Themes *

ISLC 2013 provides an opportunity for exploring many different facets of interdisciplinary language and communication fields. Given that the aim of the Institute of Language and Communication Studies (ILCS) includes fostering research in the area of interdisciplinary language and communication and promoting cooperation among all parts within the field, the ISLC 2013 offers a forum for those inside and outside academia to exchange pedagogical and research methods, as well as to explore greater cooperation among the many different constituencies of the field.

*ISLC 2013 includes the following events: *

Plenary sessions: Each panel will be moderated and may also have commentators on the papers presented. Key Note Speeches: Follow symposium program page at this website for a full listing as information becomes available soon. Oral Presentations: As with the ILCS’s previous event in 2012, there will be presentations of over 450 papers by scholars from around the world, covering the many different facets of the field. Poster Presentations: High‐quality submissions will be accepted for poster presentations at the conference, which will provide the exceptional opportunity to stimulate scientific discussions and exchange novel ideas. Graduate Student Poster Session: The purpose of the poster session is to provide an opportunity for graduate students to share their work and receive feedback from both professionals and other graduate students.

All types of presentations will be in English and Turkish .

*Symposium Publications*
This year there will be an opportunity to prepare an extended paper for the Cambridge Scholarly Publishing , Macro World Publishing and/or a series of international journals ( The Journal of Social Media Studies, The Journal of Language Policy and Practice in Education, Journal of American Studies: Eurasian Perspective and Verbum Journal. With that aim, a sub-committee of the scientific program committee will make a selection of papers based on their quality, potential and relevance for the respective special issues. The authors will be invited to prepare such an extended paper for one of the above mentioned journals, after the ISLC 2013. <>
(islc2013 /at/

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