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[ecrea] Call For papers-Estudos em Comunicação- Communication Studies - Reminder

Tue Mar 20 07:52:27 GMT 2012

Call For Papers Communication Studies #11

The next issue of “Studies in Communication” (Estudos em Comunicação), will be published in May 2011 by Labcom (Online Communication Lab of the University of Beira Interior, Portugal). The essays may use one the following languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. The Editors of “Studies in Communication” are seeking for original, previously unpublished and completed contributions on the general subject of Communication Sciences. We are interested particularly but not strictly in following topics:

· Digital Media and public sphere;

· Online Journalism (Including Public, Citizen, Participatory and Collaborative Journalism);

· Digital Media and democratic deliberation;

· Political Communication, Social Networks and Digital Media;

· Electoral Communication, Social Networks and Digital Media;

· Digital Media and regulation;

· Rhetoric of Digital Media;

· Digital Media and Human Rights;

· Digital Media Literacy;

· Memory, Identities and Digital Media;

· Culture and Digital media;

· Memory, Media History and Reception;

· Public and Private in Digital Media.

The emphasis on digital media does not mean that Editors will not accept papers on traditional media (TV, Radio, Press). This is not a thematic issue. The list of topics must be understood as a sign of some of our present priorities.

Editorial or Graphical Rules

The page must be formatted in ISO A4 with margins of 3 cms with the text written in Times New Roman.

The titles of each section must not be numerated and must be aligned at left with size 14, black. The main body of the text must use the size 12 and justified alignments.

Bilbiographical references must be presented using the following method: (Actor, Year) and the complete reference must be seen at the end of the document.

Each reference must be presented in one paragraph with the following structure and model: SECOND NAME (Capital Letters), Name (complete and not just the first letter), Title (in Italic), Place of edition, Editor, Year. In what concerns with web references, it must be used the title of the page and the moment of the last research.


· CASTELLS, Manuel, A era da Informação: economia, sociedade e cultura, Volume I, A sociedade em rede, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2002.

· CORREIA, João Carlos, Comunicação e Cidadania - Os media e a fragmentação do espaço público nas sociedades pluralistas, Colecção Media e Jornalismo, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2004.

· GRADIM, Anabela, Manual de Jornalismo, Colecção Estudos em Comunicação, Covilhã, Universidade da Beira Interior, 2000.

· RECUERO, Raquel da Cunha, Weblogsm webrings e comunidades virtuais, 2003, disponível em, consultado a 12 de Outubro de 2005.

Each paper should be no more than 20 pages in one and a half-space format. All papers should be submitted in RTF format.

All the footnotes must be in the bottom of the page and footnotes at the end of the essay will not be accepted. We’ll not accept texts and essays with Bibliographical references in footnotes. The use of other Bibliographical Rules will not allow the acceptance of the article.

The papers should be presented in the following order:

· Full title;

· Name of each author, followed by affiliation , ie, name of the University and country of origin of each author;

· email address to contact each of the authors and coauthors.

Please follow the example:

Title: The Study of Social Communication Media: Analysis of Science Communication through Social Networking
Sites with special reference to Scientists

Name: Ms. P. Sri Jothi & Dr. M. Neelamalar
Afilliation: College of Engineering, Anna University, India
E-mails: (sreejoonline /at/, (nmalar /at/

To submit, use our submissions application in

We won’t accept direct e-mails to Editors.

Manuscript submission: April 9, 2012

Acceptance notification: Maio 7, 2012

Publication: Maio 2012

Working languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

João Carlos Ferreira Correia

Associate Professor with Habilitation

Faculty of Arts and Letters

Communication and Arts Department

University of Beira Interior

6201-001 Covilhã Portugal

Researcher in Online Communication Laboratory


Interests: Journalism, Political Communication, Communitarian Communication, Media an deliberation, Social Networks.

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