Archive for calls, May 2012

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[ecrea] CFP: Exploring actor network theory in participatory design: Reflections and implications for theory and practice, workshop PDC 2012

Wed May 23 06:30:40 GMT 2012

   call for position papers

   *Exploring actor network theory in participatory design: Reflections
   and implications for theory and practice*

*Abstract*. In this workshop, we will explore the potential contribution of Actor Network Theory to Participatory design 's theory and practice. The links between the two are multiple and offers multiple occasions to appreciate ANT as a resource for PD (ANT as an analytical tool to explore and describe socio-technical settings to design for; ANT as a theory to reflect on design processes and practices; ANT as a tool to address participation in techno-scientific controversies). Given this background, the workshop seeks contributions in three areas: ANT as a descriptive tool for PD, ANT as conceptual framework for PD theory and practice, ANT and PD education.

For more information and full call for workshop participation, please visit


Participants are required to prepare a 1-2 pages contribution discussing their experience with ANT (with a focus on how ANT was used, in which context, and

with what results) and send it to workshop organizers. We are seeking contributions such as, but not limited to:

1) ANT as descriptive tool for PD:

- ANT as descriptive tools supporting social investigation of design research and design processes;

- Design as a translation process, and implications for the design and management of design processes;

- ANT to rethink the participation, design, methods and design objects at design- and use- time;

2) ANT as conceptual framework for PD:

- ANT’s to understand meta-design and appropriation involving networks and material-semiotics;

- Design, /dasein/, phenomenology and ANT;

- ANT and design as social experiment, critical design, design for debate and to make things public;

- ANT, Cautious Prometeus and the issue of representation: the role of design in the Dingpolitik, and

designing for the matter of concerns;

- Mapping controversies, mapping participations, mapping design: implications for PD.

3) ANT in PD education:

- How to use ANT as a pedagogical tool in design;

- How to use PD in ANT research.

A limited number of submissions will be accepted (20).

Quality of contribution and the originality of the work are the main criteria for selection. The aim of this material is to support a short presentation and to enable group’s discussion. An online blog is also available to publish individual contributions as well as to follow up the workshop activities (

SEND YOUR SUBMISSION TO workshop organizers:
cristiano.storni [at]
tbi [at] <> [at] <>
dagny.stuedahl [at] <>

kind regards
Dagny Stuedahl
Faculty of Education
University of Oslo
PO box 1161 Blindern
0318 Oslo

tel. +47 22 84 07 34
mob. + 47 99 72 81 56

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