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[ecrea] NODA16 cfp

Wed Sep 23 11:42:48 GMT 2015

The Third Nordic Data Journalism Conference

Call for Papers

Data journalism (also known as data-driven) and computational journalism
have been developed in order to utilize the new opportunities created by
large digital data sets, easy-to-use data tools, and programming skills.

The academic pre-conference of the Third Nordic Data Journalism
Conference (NODA16) will be organized on April 21, 2016 in the
University of Helsinki, Finland, in order to share and discuss the
latest research results on computational journalism and innovations in

NODA16 brings together data journalists, investigative reporters, other
media professionals, entrepreneurs, students and - academic researchers
from April 22 to 23 2016 to Helsinki.

The first academic papers on computational and data journalism were
published some five years ago. So far, data journalism research has
focused on mapping basic work routines of leading data desks in
Anglo-American newsrooms and some country specific case studies like in
Sweden, Norway, Finland and Belgium. This could be defined as the first
wave of data journalism research.

For creating the next wave of more collaborative and nuanced data
journalism research, the organizers of the academic pre-conference of
NODA16 is calling for academic papers focused on but not limited to, the
following themes and questions.

·Mobile data journalism

·Data journalism in smaller newsrooms

·Data journalism ethics

·Theories and models of data journalism

·Data journalism research methods

·Data journalism education

·Data journalism and security

·Data communication

·Robot journalism

·Drone journalism

The best papers will be published in a special edition of The Journal of
Media Innovations <>.

In addition to paper sessions, the organizing committee reserves some
time slots for special workshops in order to draft new joint research
proposals on data journalism and communication.

There will be also a keynote talk by professor Paul Bradshaw, Birmingham
City University about Data and power.

Open for Submissions

The conference accepts only extended abstracts (1000 words maximum,
excluding references). All extended abstracts will initially be revised
by the scientific committee and subsequently evaluated by anonymous
reviewers. Accepted extended abstracts will be invited for presentation
at the conference. All contributions should be submitted in English in

Submit Paper

All contributions should be sent by email to:

Turo.i.uskali at

The deadline for the submissions of extended abstracts is December 15th
2015. Authors will receive evaluation (acceptance or rejection) of
papers no later than January 15th, 2016. Only one submission per author
is allowed. If you need proof of acceptance prior to 15th January 2016,
required for example to receive institutional funding, that is possible.
Please submit extended abstract before the deadline accompanied by a
note explaining the reason for needing an early evaluation. Please
remember the review and evaluation process takes approximately two weeks.

Scientific Committee Members

Chair: Senior Research Scholar, Docent Turo Uskali, Department of
Communication, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Vice Chair: Senior Lecturer Ester Appelgren, Södertörns Högskola, Sweden

Professor Astrid Gynnild, University of Bergen, Norway

Associate Professor Kirsten Mogensen, Roskilde University, Denmark

University lecturer Carl-Gustav Lindén, Social och Kommunalhögskolan,
University of Helsinki, Finland

Professor Ari Heinonen, University of Tampere, Finland

Professor Epp Lauk, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

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