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[ecrea] CfP for the International Conference on Media and Memory, Tirana, Albania

Tue Sep 08 02:02:27 GMT 2015

*International Conference on Media and Memory*


*Tirana, 9^th and 10^th November, 2015*


Call for papers

Media play a key role in the collective memory of a country through the
way they report on different historical figures and events. During the
dictatorship, similarly to other communist countries, Albanian media and
journalists were part of the regime’s propaganda apparatus. Their
transformation in the early 1990s to independent and democratic media
has not been easy. Twenty five years have passed since the fall of the
Stalinist dictatorship in Albania, and it is time we examine the role
Albanian media and journalists have played on the societal reflection on
the country’s past during this period. The /Institute for Democracy,
Media and Culture/(IDMC) with the support of the Konrad Adenauer
Foundation in Albania aims to bring together media and cultural
communication scholars in an international conference where they will
present their studies on Albanian media, and discuss their views on the
media’s attitude towards Albania’s past with a special focus on the
previous totalitarian regime. In order to put the Albanian experience in
a comparative context, international scholars with an academic interest
on memory studies, in general, and on Central and Eastern European
countries that have undergone similar transitional processes, in
particular, will also be invited to participate.

The aim of the conference is to promote innovative research studies and
findings with theoretical and empirical contributions in the field.

*Conference Themes*

The conference will focus on the following themes:

  * The role of the media in the past
  * Journalistic culture past and present
  * Collective memory topics, perspectives, and genres in the media
  * Types of media outlet and the construction of collective memory
  * The collective memory of other periods through the lens of communist
  * Journalistic practices in producing and reproducing collective memory
* The role of the media producers in the construction of collective memory
  * The role of media technology in archiving collective memory
  * Collective Memory in (TV) documentaries
  * Social media and collective memory
  * Media of remembrance: Literature
  * (New) Media of remembrance
  * Other themes not mentioned by related to the main topic of the
    conference are also welcome.

*Keynote Speakers:*

*Prof. Peter Gross *(The University of Tennessee/USA)


*Proposal Submission Guidelines*

Scholars and graduate students who are interested to participate in this
conference are invited to submit a paper proposal (abstract) of 300
words in English or in Albanian and English to (jonila.godole /at/
<mailto:(jonila.godole /at/>and (sonila.danaj /at/
<mailto:(sonila.danaj /at/> no later than September 30, 2015. Accepted
candidates will be informed by October 5, 2015.


*Poster presentations proposals are also welcomed. *If you wish to
submit a poster presentation, please submit an abstract of 150 words in
English or in Albanian and English to (jonila.godole /at/
<mailto:(jonila.godole /at/>and (sonila.danaj /at/
<mailto:(sonila.danaj /at/> no later than September 30, 2015. Accepted
candidates will be informed by October 5, 2015.

Every participant can present only one paper as author or co-author.
Every author can participate with a maximum of two papers, as author or
co-author. A selected number of full papers will be published.

Working languages: English and Albanian

Conference venue: Tirana International Hotel & University of Tirana, Albania

For more information please go to the Conference page <>

Or contact:(jonila.godole /at/ <mailto:(jonila.godole /at/>,
(sonila.danaj /at/ <mailto:(sonila.danaj /at/>

IDMC - Institute for Democracy, Media and Culture

Address: Rruga e Elbasanit, Pll. Edil-Alit

2nd Floor, 213/1, Tirana, Albania

Phone: +355 4 4521899

Mobile: +355 (0) 69 2083780 <>

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