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[ecrea] CfP Journal of Customer Behaviour - Special Issue : Political Marketing...

Thu Jun 18 16:21:22 GMT 2015

*Call for papers – Journal of Customer Behaviour*

*Special Issue : Political Marketing: voters, political parties,
candidates and elections*

Guest Editor: Dr. Peter Reeves, Salford Business School, University of
Salford, U.K.

Paper submission deadline: Friday 9th October 2015.

Source :

Political marketing has become established as a specialist academic
field. The aim of this special edition is to publish conceptual and/or
empirical political marketing research, which examines how political
marketing functions in democracies around the World. Papers are invited
which consider aspects of political marketing from the broadly defined
standpoints of: (i) consumer behaviour informed studies into how voters
make political vote decisions (e.g. Ben-Ur & Newman, 2010; Cwalina et
al., 2010; Newman & Sheth, 1985); (ii) how political parties adopt and
implement political marketing strategies, tactics and practices (e.g.
Cosgrove, 2007; O’Cass, 2001; Reeves, 2013); (iii) how political
marketing functions during election campaigns (e.g. Lees-Marshment,
2005; Wring, 2001). The journal is interested in contributions from
political marketing scholars from around the World who can produce
research from a variety of political and electoral contexts.

*Suggested Topics*

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Voters as consumers/ customers.

What factors influence voter choice decisions, and participation in
elections and referenda?

The conceptual foundations of the political vote, and how it is similar
or different to commercial oriented consumer behaviour decisions.

The stages and influences in the political vote decision.

Political marketing strategies, tactics and practices  at strategic
(national) and/ or operational(local) levels

Studies of specific political marketing strategies, tactics and
practices (e.g. segmentation, targeting and positioning, image
management, advertising, e-marketing, social media campaigns and
technology, market research and polling, brand management, internal
political marketing etc)

Analyses of political marketing during elections campaigns (i.e.  EU,
National, Presidential, Parliamentary, State, Regional, Local) or referenda.

If you have any other ideas for papers in the area of political
marketing which do not fit any of the above topics, then you may wish to
email the Guest Editor to discuss your ideas further.

*Submission Guidelines*

Paper should have clear theoretical and practical contributions. Papers
will be subjected to double blind peer review. As a guide, conceptual
papers should be around 4000 words and empirical papers should be 6000
to 8000 words. The papers should be submitted in accordance with
presentation and referencing style guidelines of the Journal of Customer
Behaviour (

Manuscripts should be submitted online using the Journal of Customer
Behaviour ScholarOne Manuscripts site
( New users should first create an
account. Once a user is logged onto the site submissions should be made
via the Author Centre. Authors should prepare and upload two versions of
their manuscript. One should be a complete text, while in the second all
document information identifying the author should be removed from the
files to allow them to be sent anonymously to referees. When uploading
files authors will then be able to define the non-anonymous version as
“Complete paper with author details”, and the anonymous version as “Main
document minus author information”. Please note that authors are
responsible for ensuring that copyright permission has been properly
obtained for all material included in their submission.

To submit your manuscript to the Special Issue choose ’Special Issue’
from the Manuscript Type list when you come to submit your paper. Then,
when you come to the ‘Details and Comments’ page, answer ‘Yes’ to the
question ‘Is this manuscript a candidate for a special issue?’ and
insert the title ‘Political Marketing’ in the text field provided.

•    If you require any further information, then please contact the
Special Issue Guest Editor, Dr. Peter Reeves ((P.Reeves /at/
<mailto:(P.Reeves /at/>).

•    Technical issues with the e-submission can be raised with the
Journal Editorial office at (jcbeditorial /at/
<mailto:(jcbeditorial /at/>


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