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[ecrea] Abstracts for CCSDG Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Tue Jun 16 00:51:17 GMT 2015
*/Challenges for a new generation/****â€*
at the
*17-21 DECEMBER 2015*
*Â *
Abstracts Submission Deadline: *15 July 2015* at (9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com)
<mailto:(9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com)>
Final Paper (Camera-Ready) Submission Deadline: *1 October 2015* at
(9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com) <mailto:(9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com)>
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 1 November 2015
The problems we face today regarding climate change, terrorism,
pandemics, and deep fractures in world trade and commerce are unlikely
to be solved quickly. The ASEAN region is faced with specific problems,
such as, land grabbing, dam construction, transboundary management,
cross-border migration, etc. Â
Whereas in the past, we were able to increase food production over a few
cropping cycles, or establish income generating ventures in a couple of
years, the “new†problems we face may take years, and in the case of
climate change, several generations for the world community to resolve.
How do we build consensus and muster the altruistic intent of the
present generation to consume less, de-escalate conflict, and subject
ourselves to medical research so that future generations who will exist
long after we are gone may inherit a habitable planet?
The tried and tested methods of agriculture extension, social
mobilization, community participation, and multi-lateral negotiation are
unlikely to succeed on their own as these systemic problems grow in
their severity and people submit to innate human instincts for
self-preservation and compete even more keenly for rapidly dwindling
natural resources, ratchet-up violence, resist Hippocratic principles to
share limited supplies of vaccines and medicines, hoard energy and
water, and close markets to international commerce.
We do not have appropriate strategies to begin addressing these
“new†and highly complex challenges.  At the 2012 edition of the
World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the background report on the
/global risks/ our world faces clearly stated that three common,
crosscutting observations emerged from the varied groups of experts
–– Decision-makers need to improve understanding of incentives that
will improve collaboration in response to global risks;
–– Trust, or lack of trust, is perceived to be a crucial factor in
how risks may manifest themselves. In particular, this refers to
confidence, or lack thereof, in leaders, in the systems which ensure
public safety and in the tools of communication that are revolutionizing
how we share and digest information;
--- Communication and information sharing on risks must be improved by
introducing greater transparency about uncertainty and conveying it to
the public in a meaningful way.
In other words, more and more one considers /communication and culture/
to be crucial to effectively tackle the major problems of today. The
challenge for us is to assess the role and importance of Communication
and Culture in the new Sustainable Development Goals, especially for the
ASEAN region.
We call for papers that outline and assess these future challenges for
theory and praxis from a number of inter-related and transdisciplinary
perspectives. How can communication and culture be understood, defined
and practiced in order for different actors to find sustainable
solutions? Papers presenting successful cases as well as papers
critically assessing the possibility and limits of communication/culture
in sustainable development are herewith invited.
*Topics could include, but are not limited to:*
* Local communities and climate change
* Agrarian Transformation and Environmental Change
* Communication for Sustainable Social Change
* Civil Society and Activism
* Power Relations in ASEAN
* Media, Environment and the Underprivileged
* Religion and sustainable social change
* Popular Culture, Arts and the Media
* The transition from MDGs to SDGs
* Identity Politics and Ethnicity
* Socio-cultural perspectives on illness, healing and sustainability
* Sustainability, Culture and Participation
* Migration, Displacement and Exile
* Education, Languages and Communication
* The need for digital literacy
* Communicative Urban and Rural Environments
* Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning
* Urban Landscapes, Modernity and Development
* Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Sustainable Development
* Research methodologies to measure impact and sustainability
* The Role of Public Intellectuals
* Newsmedia for Social Change
* The Interplay between State and Civil Society
* The role of international organizations, national goverments and NGOs
* Are SDGs universal/global or culture specific/local?
* Online and/or off-line activism
* ICTs for sustainable development
* Health, disease prevention and sustainability
* Western vs Asian perspectives on Sustainable Social Change
*Format of the conference*
The conference will use a number of formats: formal keynote and paper
presentations, panel and roundtable discussions based on short paper
presentations, open dialogue and sharing sessions. A number of invited
scholars and policymakers will be asked to add comments and share their
*Â *
1-Â Â Abstracts of about 800 words, in English, have to be send to the
organizers of the conference at (9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com)
<mailto:(9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com)>before *15 July 2015*. Please include in your
abstract the title, along with keywords and a short biography (name,
affiliated institution and work position).
2-Â Â Panel or Roundtable Discussion Proposals are welcome for
submission as well. A minimum of three papers centering on a specific
topic or rationale will be accepted for submission under Panel Category
3-Â Â Abstracts will be assessed by the scientific committee. Applicants
will receive a reply before *15 August 2015*.
4-Â Â Full papers have to be submitted by *1 October 2015* the latest.
Papers submitted must be original and have never been published in any
format before. The paper should be of a length of 8000 words maximum.
5-Â Â The submission must be in Word or rtf. format and sent to
(9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com) <mailto:(9cssc9 /at/ gmail.com)>
Specific guidelines on formatting will be provided upon request. This is
to facilitate compilation of papers for publication and anonymous review.
All conference papers will be published online as part of the CCSDG
Working Paper Series.
A selection of the best papers will, after peer review, be published
either as*special issues* in the following academic journals:
- Telematics and Informatics. An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Social
Impacts of New Technologies <
- Asian Social Research ASR. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
of Chiang Mai University http://cmuj.cmu.ac.th
or considered for the following book series:
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Communication, Culture and Change in Asia, Springer
Publisher, Singapore
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Communication, Globalization, and Cultural Identity,
Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield.
Dr. Fackson Banda (UNESCO, Paris, France)
Prof. em. Royal Colle, (Cornell University, USA)
Dr. Maria Francesch-Huidobro (City University of Hong Kong)
Ms. Lucia Grenna (C4C, World Bank, Washington DC, USA)
Prof. Rico Lie (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
Dr. Patchanee Malikhao (Fecund Communication, Hong Kong)
Prof. Kiran Prasad (Sri Padmavati Mahila University, Tirupati, India)
Prof. Rachel Khan (University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines)
Prof Jan Servaes (City University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Marianne Sison (RMIT Melbourne, Australia)
Dr. Song Shi (McGill University, Montreal)
Prof. Jo Tacchi (RMIT Melbourne, Australia)
Prof. Chayan Vaddhanaphuti (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
Prof. Karin Wilkins (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Prof. Loes Witteveen (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
The conference will be hosted by the Regional Center for Social Science
and Sustainable Development (RCSD) at Chiang Mai University in
partnership with the Asian Congress of Mass Communication (ACMC), BGreen
Project, Connect4Climate/World Bank, RMIT Melbourne, Southeast Asia
Research Centre (SEARC) at City University of Hong Kong, and Wageningen
*Detailed information on fees (ranging from $50 for students to $75 for
low- and $200 high-income country participants), and hotel accommodation
(ranging from $25 to $150 a night) will be provided in due time. Please
check http://rcsd.soc.cmu.ac.th <http://www.csschange.org>**for regular
Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD)
Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University
239 Huay Kaew Road, Tambon Suthep, Amphoe Muang, Chaing Mai
Coordinator: Ms. Kanchana Kulpisithicharoen
E-mail: (iamkanchana /at/ gmail.com) <mailto:(iamkanchana /at/ gmail.com)>or
(_rcsd /at/ cmu.ac.th) <mailto:(rcsd /at/ cmu.ac.th)>_
URL: _http://rcsd.soc.cmu.ac.th_
Tel: +66 (0)53-943595-6 Â Fax: +66 (0)53-893-279
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