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[ecrea] cfp - 8^th European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)

Fri May 08 12:50:57 GMT 2015

*Eurodig 2015*

  The8^th European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) is to be
held in Sofia on 4-5 June 2015. The event is hosted by UNICART and the
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications of the
Republic of Bulgaria is the institutional partner of the forum. The
overarching theme of this year’s edition is /“Shaping the Internet

EuroDIG is an open network to discuss and exchange views on emerging
issues and challenges concerning the Internet between all stakeholders
including governments, international organisations, the technical and
academic community, business and civil society. The results and the
messages of its annual events are conveyed to the global UN-led IGF,
which this year will take place on 10-13 November 2015 in João Pessoa,

/A pre-event/dedicated to stakeholders in South Eastern Europe and the
neighbouring area is organized on 3 June 2015 under the theme
"/Multistakeholder Internet Governance: from Global Debates to South
Eastern European Realities/".

The objective of the pre-event is to create a framework for
multistakeholder discussions and exchange of views on Internet-related
challenges and emerging issues that are particularly relevant to the
region. These include the definition of Internet governance,
multistakeholderism, human rights and the Internet, etc. The results of
the one day discussions are to be conveyed to the EuroDIG in the form of
key messages.

As a novelty at EuroDIG 2015, three sessions are asking for prior inputs
from the community. All stakeholders are invited to contribute with
their inputs into these sessions in advance of EuroDIG:

(1.) For the opening plenary: “How can we shape the digital single
market together?”

use the Wikipage
<> or
email to (opening /at/ <mailto:(opening /at/>

(2.) For plenary 3 “Net Neutrality”

Use the Wikipage <> or the
editing tool
<> or email
to (pl3 /at/ <mailto:(pl3 /at/>

(3.) For workshop 1” Participation in a digital society”

Use the Wikipage
<> or
email to (ws1 /at/ <mailto:(ws1 /at/>

Considering the active position of Bulgaria on all Internet Governance
issues it will be a great pleasure to welcome representatives of all
sectors to EuroDIG 2015. For further information please consult the
website of the event: <>_. The
registration is open from 1 April 2015 to 31 May 2015.

The EuroDIG Secretariat and the SEEDIG organising committee can fund a
limited number of stakeholders to attend the SEEDIG and EuroDIG meetings
in Sofia, on 3-5 June. This is thanks to a last-minute contribution from
the IGF Support Association (3500 USD).

Following consultations with the EuroDIG Secretariat, it was agreed that
the most suitable approach to make use of these funds is to launch a
call for expressions of interests, with a very thight deadline (given
the short time frame).

The call is published here:

Expressions of interests will be accepted until 14 May. If the requests
for funding (meeting the criteria indicated n the call) exceed the
available funds, a selection of funded participants will be made on the
basis of the expressions of interest provided, and taking into account
the need to achieve a diversity of participants, as explained in more
details in the call. The selection will be done by the executive
committee, in coordination with the EuroDIG Secretariat.

A EuroDIG pre-event dedicated to youth will take place on 1-2 June, in
Sofia - the New Media Summer School.

A call for applications for this summer school has just been launched:
Travel and accommodation costs can be covered for a limited number of
selected participants (to be decided based on the overall budget and
estimated travel and accommodation costs).

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