Archive for calls, 2015

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[ecrea] CFP - European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings

Sun May 03 21:50:07 GMT 2015


A Two-Day International Conference

New deadline for abstracts: Sunday 17 May 2015

Conference dates: Friday 13th and Saturday 14th November 2015

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Organised by: ECREA Film Studies Section

Conference website:

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Daniela Berghahn, Royal Holloway, University of London

Professor William Higbee, University of Exeter

More radically than ever before, European countries – and even the idea
of the continent – are being shaped by international relationships and
pressures, and by meetings and clashes of cultures, identities and
traditions. Simultaneously, its cinemas are undergoing changes in many
respects, in terms of genres and aesthetics as well as of production and
distribution. On the one hand, the notion of transnationalism, which has
been used for some time to capture these changes and move beyond
national frameworks for the study of film, is currently being extended
to account for an increasingly cosmopolitan, global imagination that is
reflected in contemporary European lifestyles, as well as in the
aesthetics of contemporary European cinemas. On the other hand, film
production and distribution often transcend national boundaries, and so
do the new digital platforms for film dissemination and consumption,
thus creating new market configurations as well as new transnational
audiences. The growing impact of mobile social media contributes to
forming an increasingly participatory, networked transnational
spectatorship. EU funding for the cinema is at once adapting to and
shaping these trends, as does contemporary EU policy on film and the media.

The objective of this conference is to address and discuss the
implications of both novel and past intercultural meetings for European
cinemas and their consequences on its history, identity and evolution
through discourses of aesthetics, politics and industry.

Abstracts are invited on topics related to European Cinema,
Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History,
including but not limited to:

·Intercultural Meetings on European Screens

·National Cinemas and Diaspora

·Global Cinema in Europe, European Cinemas in the Global Market

·Cosmopolitanism and Film

·Political Cinema, Politics of Cinema

·Conflict, Violence, Reconciliation

·Fortress Europe, Borders and Border-crossing

·Culture and Identity of Contemporary European Cinema

·European Film Festivals and Politics

·European Film Financing and Policy

·The Changing Face of European Co-production

·Digital Platforms, Interconnected Audiences

Abstract Submission: Please submit your abstract (max 300 words) along
with key references, institutional affiliation and a short bio (max 150
words) or a panel proposal, including a panel presentation (max 300
words) along with (no more than four) individual abstracts.

Extended Submission Deadline: May 17, 2015. Please send your
abstract/panel proposals to Helle Kannik Haastrup: (jxc817 /at/
<mailto:(jxc817 /at/>

Registration: 50 Euro (ECREA membership is not required).

Contact Information:

Helle Kannik Haastrup: (jxc817 /at/
<mailto:(jxc817 /at/>University of Copenhagen

Anders Marklund: (anders.marklund /at/
<mailto:(anders.marklund /at/>University of Lund

Laura Rascaroli: (l.rascaroli /at/
<mailto:(l.rascaroli /at/>University College Cork

Conference website:

The Conference is hosted by the Department of Nordic Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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