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[ecrea] CFP Haptic Narratives: Textural Exploration in Film
Sat Mar 28 17:29:33 GMT 2015
Call for Participation
films / papers / view & talk sessions
Haptic Narratives | Textural exploration in film
Event dates:
Over 3 weeks on Thursday evenings
14th, 21st and 28th May 2015
18:00 – 21:00
This series of events will focus on exploring and engaging with haptic
sensations and the tactile on film and the environments associated with
moving images. Many writers have suggested that what the eye sees in a
frame can encourage the viewer to sense on the skin through filmic
texture, contour, angle, lighting, saturation, sound, and vibrations,
and that in some cases an image can urge the viewer to touch a surface
through their mind’s eye or allow an embodied reaction to characters
or actions seen on screen. These three events, held at the University of
Greenwich, seek to further clarify, illustrate and/or counter these
We are particularly interested in submissions (films / papers / view &
talk sessions) that discuss the following:
• sensations that can be felt on/via the skin as part of filmic
• other representations of the tactile and texture, where vision
might become touch / touch becomes vision
• how the senses are manipulated in various genres and styles of
film through material engagement
• the body in motion: eating, sex, sweating, violence etc.
• the materiality and texture of sound / sound-image relationships
• a multi-sensory approach to synesthesia and kinesthesia
• material fetishism
• bodily engagements with realism and surrealism
In the first instance, we would like to receive 300 word abstracts or
descriptions, attaching any visual material necessary by Friday 17th
April 2015. Please do not attach files over 10 MB; instead include links
to online material, or use file transfer websites.
Submissions should be sent to: (calls /at/ timadi.org) with ‘Haptic
Narratives’ in the subject line.
Accepted submissions will be divided into separate themes that will be
explored over the three events.
This event series is sponsored by the ‘Time, Materiality and the
Digital’ (TiMaDi) research group at the University of Greenwich, and
organised by Matilda Mroz, Isil Onol, Stacey Pitsillides, and Rosamund
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