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[ecrea] Symposium for your mailing list

Fri Feb 20 23:48:57 GMT 2015

Positioning Theory Symposium
“Positioning Theory: state of play across disciplines. What have we learnt?”

United Nations University
Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Belgium

July 6 – 8, 2015


1 Purpose of the symposium

This Positioning Theory symposium is being offered to enable discussions and reflections on the contribution of Positioning Theory as developed by Rom Harré and others.
The key purpose of the research symposium is to develop a high quality, 
interactive event that contributes to the development and growth of 
Positioning Theory research communities globally. The symposium is open 
to contributions from all social sciences disciplines and research 
areas, including for instance teaching methods, communication studies, 
International Relations or conflict analysis as well as to contributions 
from social theory or philosophy of science.
This symposium is designed to a) present a sample of some of the leading 
Positioning theoretical research in the world; and, b) to facilitate a 
series of creative and critical dialogues about research, research 
development, and research challenges related to Positioning Theory. The 
expectation is that these dialogues will be original, participatory, 
creative and collegial.
2 The organisers

Organisation of the first Positioning Theory Symposium is being undertaken by the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) in Brugge, Belgium in collaboration with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, (MGSE) at The University of Melbourne, Australia and the School of Design, Communication and IT, at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The organisation committee responsible for the administrative management and overall symposium coordination is comprised of Prof. Dr. Luk van Langenhøve (UNU) Dr Christine Redman, (MGSE), and Dr Melanie James, (University of Newcastle).
A scientific steering committee is comprised of Prof. Rom Harré, Prof. 
Dr. Luk Van Langenhøve, Dr Christine Redman, Dr Melanie James, Prof F 
Moghaddam (Georgetown University), and Dr Seamus Delaney (University of 
Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland). They will take 
responsibility for the review process and development of the symposium 
3 How to participate?

The symposium is intended for active researchers and those with interests in connecting with research related to Positioning Theory. The inaugural Positioning Theory Research Symposium has been designed to attract early-career to senior academics, higher degree students, community researchers, and practitioners who are interested in research, from across the world. The symposium language will be English.
You can participate by either submitting a paper as an individual 
participant or by submitting an expression of interest for a dialogue 
session. All details on website
4 Conference Details

• It will be held on the premises of the United Nations University, Grootseminarie, Potterierei 72, 8000 Brugge, Belgium.
• Participation fee is 100 EUR. This includes coffee breaks and lunch. 
Registration details on website.
• Registration form and details are included at the end of this document.

• Wi-Fi access will be available to registered conference participants.

Inquiries (melanie.james /at/ (Dr Melanie James, Senior Lecturer in Communication, University of Newcastle).

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