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[ecrea] (CfP) Journal of Transnational 'Worlds of Power:' Proliferation of Journalism & Professional Standards

Tue Jan 27 19:10:06 GMT 2015

Call for Papers (CfP)-
Journal of Transnational 'Worlds of Power:' Proliferation of Journalism & Professional Standards, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, and Ibrahim Saleh, University of Cape Town, South Africa

There is an increasing sense of profound changes in both society and the media that certainly lead to a new form of political journalism that is becoming more diverse, fragmented, and complex. Social geography is being reshaped as a result of the connectivity provided innovative news media practices and values, though the nature and extent of these changes are neither uniform, nor equally distributed in different regions The journal this year relies on the idea that we do not live with media, but in media. Our online/offline lives are becoming integrated in terms of our social and cultural contexts of use because they tend to break down and redraw the boundaries between the private and the public. Our mediatised societies experience deeper levels, changing power relations among key message providers, while receivers are being rearranged; which makes the whole field of journalism research and education culture is being transformed. This redefinition of conventional meanings of "democracy" and "citizenship" are being questioned and rethought. Journalism research and education is subject to politics of convergence at all levels, though it is more felt on the regional one causing a new territory for politics, though it also raises questions about the national boundaries within which the political realm has traditionally been cast.

The Journal of Transnational 'Worlds of Power' that is published by Cambridge Scholars is to carry compelling articles from both academics and practitioners about the challenges media firms and actors face in our digitized world. The range of media to be covered and its focus on applied and practical issues will be unparalleled by any other publication in the field. The link of the journal to the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section and the
University of Cape Town will make it globally promoted and circulated.

Founder and Editor

Ibrahim Saleh, PhD
University of Cape Town, South Africa
A130 Arts Block, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, Cape Town, South Africa
Tel +27-718852373

Editor bio

Convenor of Political Communication at the Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa, a Fulbright affiliate, a senior media expert on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Saleh chairs the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) Section at the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR). Saleh edits the Global Media Journal, African Edition. Saleh is a global media partner in the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Media Literacy Clearing House and a member of the World Journalism Council.
Email: (Ibrahim.Saleh /at/,(Isaleh /at/, &(jre09is /at/
Office: A130. Phone: 4837 (UCT internal), or locally 021 650 4837 JRE Blog:
10 Personal website: JRE

A Brief Blurb

This Journal of Transnational 'Worlds of Power' aims to foster the circulation and exchange of 'Knowledges and Insights' that emerge from the intellectual work of journalism and professional standards, as well as the linguistic and cultural diversity in/through publication activities and to promote better connection between scholars and practitioners, and regional academic association, particularly in a South-North perspective, by means of information exchange and cooperation on matters related to the circulation of knowledge and scholarly contributions. The current mediatisation of societies experience deeper levels, changing power relations among key message providers, while receivers are being rearranged; which makes the whole field of journalism research and education culture is being transformed. It is thus very timely to rethink the whole field of journalism research and education that caused a new territory for politics, though it also raises questions about the national boundaries within which the political realm has traditionally been cast.

All submissions to any of the editions of Journal of Transnational 'Worlds of Power' should be relevant and interesting to journalism research and education five themes (international collaborative research, innovation in journalism, professional journalism, generic studies of journalism and methodological approaches to journalism research and education)
The publication strives to publish academically sophisticated, 
methodologically sound manuscripts geared more toward bridging the gap 
between the practitioners and the researchers. Manuscripts should be 
concisely written, appropriately referenced, and coherently focused.
Conclusions should flow logically from the data presented, and 
methodological flaws and limitations should be acknowledged.

Manuscripts eligible to be published as articles include full length research, practitioners’ case studies, and generic observations of wide importance, critical overviews, pilot studies, and case series with literature reviews. Articles should have a maximum length of 7,000 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures, and references), a total of no more than 5 tables and/or figures, and no more than 75 references. Reviews should be no more than 3500 words of text. Academic manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout (including all quotations and footnotes). Full names of the author(s) should be given, a full address for correspondence, and where possible a contact telephone number. Authors should include an abstract of 100 to 150 words, and 5key words under which the article should be indexed. Current and recent academic and professional affiliations should be supplied for inclusion in “Notes on Contributors,” together with a list of major publications (with dates and name of publisher) and forthcoming books.

Authors should confirm to APA style. Thus authors should use inside reference style rather than footnotes. Authors will be required to secure permission if they want to reproduce any type of material, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).
Types of Contributions

Standard Papers - report practical or theoretical research and typically comprise up to 12 typeset pages. Longer articles are also considered, provided the content justifies the extent. Essay Reviews - intended to promote discussion of a topical area (rather than offering exhaustive surveys of the literature). Forum Papers - short articles presenting new ideas (without data), opinions or responses to material published and designed to stimulate scientific debate. Future Directions - short articles that outline a provocative new direction for a discipline within journalism research and education and intend to challenge currently accepted views.
Ibrahim Saleh, Ph.D.
Convenor of Political Communication Programme at the Centre For Film & Media Studies, University of Cape Town (UCT); Chair of the Journalism Research and Education Section in the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR);Journal of "Transnational Worlds of Power": Proliferation of Journalism and Professional Practices and Editor of Global Media Journal African Edition. Email: (Ibrahim.Saleh /at/,(Isaleh /at/,(jre09is /at/ & (librasma /at/
Office: A130.Personal website:
JRE Facebook:!/pages/JRE/174511695948542

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