Archive for calls, July 2011

July 01, 2011
[ecrea] CfP Special Issue on “E-Deliberation 2.0”
[ecrea] Call For Papers. Annual Symposium Global Internet Governance Academic Network (Giganet), Nairobi, Pre-IGF Symposium
[ecrea] CFP: Youth, Media, and the Politics of Change in North Africa
July 05, 2011
[ecrea] CFP - Thinking with Food: An Ideas Exchange
[ecrea] Words that Work: UK Speechwriters' Guild Annual Conference
[ecrea] Call for Articles for Edited Collection: 21st Century British Cinema
[ecrea] CFP: Cinema in Iran
[ecrea] CFP: Wasting Nature, Photography and Culture special issue
[ecrea] Conference Children, risk and safety online
July 06, 2011
[ecrea] CFP: TV Series Redux - An International Conference
[ecrea] Cammro's 5th international doctoral symposium on arab & muslim media research
[ecrea] cfp: 1st international conference on journalism studies - Identity, changes and challenges of the profession in the 21st Century
[ecrea] MeCCSA 2012 Conference
[ecrea] Call for papers: Music Sound and the Moving Image
[ecrea] Free download of the book of Proceedings of "Diversity of Journalisms" Conference (Pamplona, 4-5 july 2011)
July 07, 2011
[ecrea] CFP: "Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction"
[ecrea] Earth Science Communication in a Changing Media Landscape - call for abstracts, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 Dec 2011
[ecrea] CfP. 2001-2011 Changing Internet Politics
[ecrea] Workshop: Health literacy: new directions in health and communication research, Lisboa
[ecrea] ECREA Communication Law and Policy Workshop 2012
[ecrea] Call for papers - Media Diversity in Theory and Practice
[ecrea] CFP: "Jersey Shore" conference at UChicago
July 09, 2011
[ecrea] Call for Papers - Journal of Media and Communication Studies (JMCS)
[ecrea] 11th International Scientific conference Digitalisation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning
[ecrea] CFP - Graduate Conference - Doing Autoethnography: Here and Now
July 11, 2011
[ecrea] CfP on Expanding the frontiers of hacking
July 12, 2011
[ecrea] Call for participation: International PhD workshop and conference
[ecrea] Child Actors/Child Stars: Juvenile Performance on Screen Conference
July 13, 2011
[ecrea] CFP Playing with Feelings: Video Games and Affect (SCMS 2012)
[ecrea] Music & Countercultures CFP, directed by Sheila Whiteley
[ecrea] PSA Media and Politics Group Annual Conference. 3-4 November 2011
July 14, 2011
[ecrea] workshop Media Evolution and Cultural Change: Discussing Medium Theory and Mediatiziation
[ecrea] II International Creative Cities Conference
[ecrea] Transatlantic Conference on Academia & the Public Sphere
July 15, 2011
[ecrea] CFP: G|A|M|E - Games as Art, Media,,,Entertainment. The Italian Journal of Game Studies
[ecrea] Call for articles: Journeys (Academic Quarter)
[ecrea] cfp Digital Campaigning Knowledge Exchange
[ecrea] [CfP] MIA 144: The 'New' News
July 19, 2011
[ecrea] conference: Cognition, Conduct & Communication CCC2011
[ecrea] Women and Film in Africa Conference, 19-20 Nov. 2011, University of Westminster (UK)
[ecrea] cfp: Eco-Images: Altering Environmental Discussions and Political Landscapes
[ecrea] CFP: Ghost in the Machine Panel SCMS 2012
[ecrea] Screenworks Call for Submissions
[ecrea] CFP - IALJS-7: Literary Journalism: The Power and Promise of Story (Toronto, 17-19 May 2012)
[ecrea] CFP - Postscript: Children in Theory
[ecrea] The Child and the Book Conference 2012
[ecrea] Call for papers: Media, Empowerment and Democracy in the Global South
[ecrea] CFP: Panel on Media Festivals and Urban Spaces
July 20, 2011
[ecrea] CfP "Policy lessons from a decade of eGovernment, eHealth & eInclusion" - European Journal of ePractice
[ecrea] Call for paper "international channels"
[ecrea] CFP: British Landscapes on Film
July 21, 2011
[ecrea] New CFP and extension of deadline 2011 ECREA Symposium on the mediation of scandal and moral outrage
[ecrea] CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today
[ecrea] CFP: Media and Politics Group stream, PSA12
July 22, 2011
[ecrea] cfp: Social Media for Social Purposes Conference
[ecrea] CFP - Staging Illusion conference: reminder
July 24, 2011
[ecrea] symposium Frenemies: the love-hate relationship between science and society
July 25, 2011
[ecrea] CfP Fashion Tales 2012
[ecrea] Fifth Annual PhD Student Conference in Journalism and Communication Studies
July 26, 2011
[ecrea] CFP: Negative Cosmopolitanisms: Abjection, Power, and Biopolitics
[ecrea] CFP - citizenship in an era of global crisis
[ecrea] Cfp - Open Citizenship - European_mobility
[ecrea] CFP - Merchants of Menace: The Business of Horror Cinema - Edited collection
[ecrea] cfp - comparativism, identity, communication (CIC2011)
July 27, 2011
[ecrea] 6th International Conference on Digital Society, Valencia (Spain), January 30-February 4, 2012
[ecrea] Call For papers Studies in Communication Journal
[ecrea] CFP: Journal of Social Transformation
[ecrea] Call for Submissions - Gender, media freedom and access to information
July 28, 2011
[ecrea] International Conference on Media Accountability at the University of Lugano
[ecrea] Rewire 2011: Fourth International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Cine-Ethics
July 29, 2011
[ecrea] CfP "Open Government and Open Information" - JeDEM
[ecrea] Animation Studies CFP
[ecrea] CFP: Outsider Theories of the Visual
July 30, 2011
[ecrea] Irish Communications Review - Call for Papers
January 02, 2023
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