Archive for calls, June 2015

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[ecrea] CFP Body in the contemporary city 2.0 (BIC2) conference

Sat Jun 13 14:41:12 GMT 2015

CFP: Body in the contemporary city 2.0 Conference,

Barcelona, UOC University


This interdisciplinary conference aims to further explore the place of
the body in the cosmopolitan city. The conference focuses particularly
on the emotional and sensory orientations of the urban body, unpacking
the significance of under-recognised bodily experiences to broader
understandings of city life. As cities are becoming increasingly diverse
and cosmopolitan on the one hand, and smart technologies and big data
increasingly occupies mainstream urbanism on the other hand, this
symposium aims to open a cross-disciplinary dialogue to unpack the role
of bodies and senses in the making of the contemporary city. In
particular, the focus will be centred on corporeal and non-normative
uses of the urban that, a priori, are contesting functional and
normative urban understandings in mainstream planning.

Departing from a focus on our sensory tuning to the city, we invite
scholars to explore further the relationship we establish with our
fast-paced and ever-changing cosmopolitan cities.

This event is scheduled for the 5th-6th November 2015, during which will
also hold place the event /Urban resonance and the tacit city/, keynote
lecture by Prof. Les Back (Goldsmiths College).

We invite contributions from any of the following areas:

- sensing the city

- corporeal non-normative uses of the city

- sensuous trajectories in the cosmopolitan city

- re-using the urban from the body and community needs

- urban allotments and changes to the urban sensorium

- sensuous/corporeal methodologies of urban research

- listening to the cosmopolitan city

- soundscapes and urban making of place

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words, please include a
three-line biography of the author(s).

We also welcome artistic forms of presentation. These should not exceed
5 minutes. Please send an abstract no longer than 400 words detailing
both the proposal and any other information regarding its presentation.

All abstracts should be sent by *21/07/2015* to *(kberrens /at/
<mailto:(kberrens /at/>* with *"BIC2 abstract" as the subject of the

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