Archive for calls, April 2015

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[ecrea] Call For Proposals: 2015 Challenging Media Landscapes conference

Wed Apr 08 11:39:35 GMT 2015

*2015 Challenging Media Landscapes Conference*


*Cultures and Industries of Creativity in Contemporary Media Landscapes*


Date: Monday 16 November 2015

Venue:  MediacityUK, Salford, Manchester.

This conference is hosted and organized by the University of Salford and
is part of the four day 2015 Salford International Media Festival (see: <>)

The terms ‘creative’ and ‘cultural’ industries are now part of common
parlance and discourse in academia, the media and related industries,
and urban and transnational policy circles. Amounting to much more than
a factor in the post-Fordist shift to add economic value to service and
entertainment industries, ‘creativity’  is now articulated as
fundamental to the operational life and well-being of multinational
corporations, contemporary cities and artisanal practitioners.

Academic analysis of questions of creativity tends to centre on the
media and cultural industries as the key sites for its incubation,
production, marketing and exploitation. For academics, to engage with
creativity in media and cultural contexts raises critical questions of
autonomy and control, creative labour and its exploitation, the
development and functioning of urban and virtual environments, as well
as artistry and expression within constantly evolving conditions where
the formerly clear boundaries between related industries are
increasingly blurry. Analyses of creative and cultural industries are
broad in their conceptual and practical origins and focus, historically
rooted and often trans- and interdisciplinary in nature, aiming to make
sense of a radically transforming and characteristically multifarious
media environment.

This conference calls for papers which engage critically with these
ideas and approaches. We welcome a range of papers which might be
conceptual and theoretical,  ‘applied’ subject focused, or
practice-as-research in orientation. We are interested in papers in -
or across - following broad areas:

·Cinematic industries (including agents and events of distribution and
consumption, such as Netflix and film festivals)

·Television and radio industries

·Computer and videogames industries

·Creative arts and design

·Creative industries, new technologies and gender

·Issues of ethnicity in the creative industries

·Popular music

·Journalism (encompassing citizen journalism; literary journalism, and
journalism as a creative practice )

·Media and cultural policy

·Technological innovation and creativity

·Digital cultures and the World Wide Web

·Creativity in media education practice


*Panel Submissions*

Proposals for subject panels are invited in any of the above areas.
Proposalsshould be no more than 500 words length and submitted in Word
document format by Monday 22 June 2015 to:

(artdes-cmlabstracts /at/
<mailto:(artdes-cmlabstracts /at/>.

The panel proposal should  include an indication of the topics to be
covered by each speaker (including a draft title of each presentation,
if possible). Panels should comprise 3-4 participants.

Proposals should give the names, institutional affiliations and email
addresses of all panel speakers. You will be notified of acceptance by
Tuesday 14 July, 2015.

*Submission of Abstracts*

Abstracts of no more than 400 words should be submitted in Word document
format by Monday 22 June 2015 to:

(artdes-cmlabstracts /at/
<mailto:(artdes-cmlabstracts /at/>.

Your abstract should address one of the above themes and have a separate
cover sheet providing your name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and
e-mail address(es). You will be notified of acceptance by Tuesday 14
July, 2015. Full papers are due no later than 2 November, 2015.

Details on booking registration and accommodation options will follow on
acceptance of your proposal.



*For further enquiries, contact:*

Seamus Simpson,
Professor of Media Policy,
University of Salford,
Salford Quays,
Manchester M502HE

Email: (s.simpson /at/ <mailto:(s.simpson /at/>

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