April 01, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Space, Place & Adaptation |
[ecrea] Migration and Mobility in a Digital Age: Paradoxes of Connectivity and Belonging Conference, conference program announced |
April 02, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP/ Critical thinking – inside out. Public discourse and everyday life/ Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies |
[ecrea] CFP -- Atlas of Transitions and Open Migration |
April 03, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Cinema and populism ("Cinema e Storia" journal) |
April 04, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP - Global Media and China - Special Issue: Citizen Journalism in Asian Countries |
[ecrea] CFP: Puratoke: Journal of Undergraduate Research in the Creative Arts and Industries. Issue 2 |
[ecrea] Call for Proposals Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema 13 - The Corpse as a Figure |
[ecrea] EiD II: Call for Papers extended |
[ecrea] CFP: SACOMM 2018, “Communication at a Crossroads” |
[ecrea] Human Technology call for articles |
April 05, 2018 |
[ecrea] cfp: The Politics of Listening |
[ecrea] Storytelling and Trauma - An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference |
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts: Nordic Perspectives on Fandom in a Transmedia Landscape |
[ecrea] Digital Inclusion Conference |
April 06, 2018 |
[ecrea] cfp: 16th International Pragmatics Conference |
[ecrea] CFP: Media Ownership in Africa: Control, Challenges & Change |
[ecrea] GGS Annual Conference 2018/DiscourseNet22: Discourse, Power, Subjectivation |
April 08, 2018 |
[ecrea] CfP: INsPIrE «Media Education and Citizenship» |
[ecrea] Call for Abstracts - #ScreentimeBU Graduate Student Conference |
[ecrea] CFP for Philosophy of Photography |
[ecrea] cfp - Digital Intimacies 4: Porousness & Permutations |
April 09, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: PopCAANZ Conference |
[ecrea] Participatory Media and Global Change - Research Workshop |
[ecrea] Call for Papers: SSAAANZ2018 uses of cinema |
[ecrea] Call for Papers extended/4th ComSymbol "Believe in Technology: Mediatization of the Future and the Future of Mediatization |
[ecrea] CfP at ASA2018 Oxford Indigenous imaginations: creative bodies and embodied resistance |
[ecrea] call for participants for ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2018 |
[ecrea] Call for Papers TOCRIA (Tourism and Creative Industries Academic Association) |
[ecrea] CFP RIPE@2018 conference Universalism and Public Service Media |
[ecrea] CFP: Creating Comics, Creative Comics |
[ecrea] CFP: Stereo & Immersive Media International Conference 2018 |
April 10, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: "Music and the Sacred" |
[ecrea] Call for Essays for Edited Collection on the Films of Tim Burton |
[ecrea] CFP: Special Collection of SM+S on "The Platformization of Cultural Production" |
[ecrea] 40 Years of Grange Hill - conference |
[ecrea] cfp - COACT Conference 2019 - Interaction and discourse in flux: Changing landscapes of everyday life |
[ecrea] CFP Special Issue of Convergence Gamifying News |
[ecrea] VOX-Pol Conference |
[ecrea] CFP Sphera Publica - 18(1) |
April 11, 2018 |
[ecrea] Pre ICA Symposium: Reframing Media: Objects, Sites, Histories |
[ecrea] Call for Responses: Flow 2018 |
[ecrea] Conference CfP -new approaches to silent film historiography: technology, spectatorship and the archive |
[ecrea] Symposium - Face-Off: Facial Recognition Technologies and Humanity in an Era of Big Data |
April 12, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP - SENEX Congress - Congress of Aging Studies for Graduate Students |
[ecrea] Conference: Disability, Media, and Human Rights: Policy, Practice, Performance |
[ecrea] 'Sex and Celebrity' workshop |
[ecrea] CFP, The Press and the Vote |
April 13, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Intangible Heritage: Scenes Of Urban Innovation |
[ecrea] symposium - Visualising Spatial Injustice and Exploitation |
[ecrea] call for chapters for edited book: Mediated Shame: Disparaging Poverty in Media and Popular Culture |
[ecrea] CfP VIEW Journal on "Public Service Broadcasting In The Digital Age" |
[ecrea] CFP/4th International Conference ComSymbol "Believe in Technology: Mediatization of the Future and the Future of Mediatization |
[ecrea] CfA: APC 2018 'Personalized Communication and Behavioural Engineering' |
[ecrea] call for articles for Philosophy of Photography |
April 15, 2018 |
[ecrea] cfp: “Race and (de)coloniality in culture, the media and the arts” |
[ecrea] cfp - Special Issue of the Central European Journal of Communication - "Populism and the Media Across Europe" |
[ecrea] cfp - intermediality now: remapping in-betweenness |
April 16, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: PSA Media and Politics Group Annual Conference |
[ecrea] Call for articles - African Journalism Studies' Special Annual Issue (African Digital Media Review) |
[ecrea] Call for Papers-Self-Representation and representation of Muslim women in digital media and on-screen |
[ecrea] CfA: Open Access Book and Workshop in Rotterdam on Vigilant Audiences |
[ecrea] Cfp: Workshop “Media Manipulation” | 29 June 2018 | Cambridge, UK |
[ecrea] CFP im@go n. 12 > Images of humankind |
[ecrea] conference Radical Open Access II - The Ethics of Care |
[ecrea] Workshop The Arab Archive: Mediated Memories and Digital Flows |
[ecrea] cfp: Call For Papers - Cultural Translation Postgraduate Symposium |
[ecrea] Contemporary Directors Symposium on the Films of Sofia Coppola |
[ecrea] 'Screening Sound': 3rd Film & Screen Studies Annual Symposium |
April 17, 2018 |
[ecrea] cfp 'Anti-social media?' |
April 18, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: New JournalTecmerin: Journal of Audiovisual Essays |
[ecrea] CfP SERIES. International Journal of TV Serial Narratives |
[ecrea] Adria Information Disorder AI Tools 2018 Workshop |
[ecrea] CFP: Rethinking the Attractions-Narrative Dialectics:New Approaches to Early Cinema |
[ecrea] Ecstatic Truth: Call for Papers |
[ecrea] CFP: Global Media Literacy in the Digital Age - Glimpse Journal |
[ecrea] CFP: the 10th International 'Moscow Readings' Conference |
[ecrea] CFP: Instagram Conference 2018 + Special Issue (Social Media+Society) |
[ecrea] Times and movements of the image - International Conference |
April 19, 2018 |
[ecrea] CfP: Chinese DiGRA conference, 2018 |
[ecrea] Animation Studies 2.0 - new CFP "Animation and Paratextuality" |
[ecrea] call for papers: Decriminalising Ornament: The Pleasures of Pattern* |
[ecrea] Call for Contributions | The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media |
[ecrea] Call for Submissions - Algorithmic Personalization & News Workshop |
[ecrea] CFP: 4.º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Sopcom |
[ecrea] Rethinking Theories and Concepts of Mediated Communication - cfp |
April 20, 2018 |
[ecrea] Cfp: Semiotics of Selfies |
April 21, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Social Science as Social Semiotics: Bridging Theories, Methods, and Practices |
April 22, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Podcasting, the Popular, and the Public Sphere |
April 23, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Disconnections, Omissions, Discontinuities and Absences: the terms of volatility in transnational cinema |
[ecrea] CfP Soapbox 1.1: Practices of Listening |
[ecrea] CFP Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change |
[ecrea] CFP International Communication in the Network Society |
April 24, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP - University of Nottingham Ningbo China: 'Playful Encounters: Interdisciplinary engagements with play, creativity, entertainment, and fun' |
[ecrea] call for papers Gikii Vienna 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Sex and Celebrity PGR Workshop |
[ecrea] CFP: Who sets the Public Agenda? The Cultural and Creative Industries in the era of populism |
[ecrea] cfp: Artisan!: Crafting Alternative Economies, Making Alternative Lives |
[ecrea] CfP IADA 2018 International Association for Dialogue Analysis |
[ecrea] Cultural Industries in Shanghai Symposium: Call for Proposals |
April 25, 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP International Conference "Eating Knowledge" _ AAC "Alimentation en savoirs" |
[ecrea] The Ukamau Group. One-day Symposium |
[ecrea] CFP: Stereo & Immersive Media 2018 |
[ecrea] CFP: Sites of Transit in Europe from WW2 to the present. History, Spaces, Memories |
[ecrea] CfP Accelerating Habitus Shifts and Long-Term Alternatives |
[ecrea] Sewing reality - conference |
April 26, 2018 |
[ecrea] Media and Communication Studies Conference - A Non-Media Centric Approach to Media Studies |
[ecrea] 8th annual International Symposium on Digital Ethics |
[ecrea] CFP Journal of Language and Politics |
[ecrea] CFP: Sports media & femininity symposium |
[ecrea] Call for Papers: Listening Again to Popular Music as History |
[ecrea] ECREA 2018 Preconference - Call for Papers: Dissolving Boundaries of Hybrid Journalism |
[ecrea] Call for Applications: Mediating Italy in Global Culture Summer School |
April 27, 2018 |
[ecrea] CfP Binge-Watching Workshop 13-14th of September, Anglia Ruskin University |
[ecrea] CFP: ICA Africa regional conference: 'African Digital Cultures: Emerging Research, Practices and Innovations' |