Archive for calls, April 2015

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[ecrea] CfP: Materiality of Information, Documents and Work

Wed Apr 01 23:29:52 GMT 2015


    Forty-Ninth Annual Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences
    *Materiality of Information, Documents and Work*

    January 5-8, 2016 – Grand Hyatt Kauai, Hawaii

    We invite papers for the third annual HICSS minitrack on the
    Materiality of Information. This minitrack serves as a venue to
    develop theoretical and methodological approaches for the
    investigation of materiality stemming from the field of information
    studies. Scholars of Science and Technology Studies (STS) have
    readily reformulated their work in terms of materiality (e.g.,
    Latour, 1990; Barad 2007), however information studies and IS
    scholars have only begun to do the same (e.g., Orlikowski & Scott,
    2008; Leonardi, Nardi, Kallinikos 2012).

    The last two years of this minitrack have established a unique
    concern with re- specifying approaches to “information” that have
    treated it as an abstraction. This early work has moved away from an
    examination of data shared with the  click of a button, computation
    occurring in the ‘cloud', or bots and algorithms  operating as
    immaterial software or mathematics (e.g., Geiger and Ribes 2011;
    Finn et al 2014; Steinhardt & Jackson 2014; Meyer et al  2015).
    Instead, they have explored how clouds and computation act as
    concrete systems, managed and maintained by 'invisible' workers and
    located in real world organizations and even political jurisdictions
    (Blanchette 2011); how bots and algorithms do practical work, and
    get created by real people with intentions, interests, technical
    expertise and limitations (Geiger and Ribes 2011; Rosner 2012,
    2014); and how data production, sharing and preservation too are
    practical, ongoing and evolving activities, also enacted by
    subtended workers, and never just resolved by the latest data
    solution (Ribes 2014).

    Materiality of information scholars have also begun to 'rediscover'
    the threads of material thinking long incipient in information
    scholarship: e.g., approaching documents and documenting as practice
    and routine (Bjørn and Østerlund 2014; Østerlund 2008), being
    mindful that archives are in places and that those places have
    consequences for the archives (Bowker 2006), that we have long
    talked about records as antelopes (Buchland 1997; Briet 2006; Lund
    2009; Frohman 2004), and recalling that interfaces are on objects
    like photocopiers (Suchman 2007) and teapots (Norman 2002).

    As increasingly complex information systems are adopted across
    organizational environments, there is pressing need for more careful
    study of the materiality of information systems and practices in
    these contexts. Taken together – the emergence of new theoretical
    formulations and long standing traditions within information
    scholarship – we are beginning to see the outlines of an approach to
    materiality that is unique to studies of information. This minitrack
    seeks to foster and advance this discussion, and to continue a
    productive dialogue with interventionist approaches as well as
    allied fields such as STS, Media Studies, and Organizational
    Studies. We welcome papers conducting empirical research,
    theoretical development and synthesis on topics such as (but not
    limited to): Trace data methodologies, infrastructures of breakdown,
    documenting work, material interventions, maintenance and repair,
    classification systems and big data, standards, and sociomaterial

    The minitrack chairs welcome inquires from authors about the
    suitability of their work for the minitrack. Contact Co-chairs
    Carsten Østerlund, Syracuse University, (costerlu /at/
    <mailto:(costerlu /at/>,; David Ribes,
    Georgetown University (dr273 /at/
    <mailto:(dr273 /at/>,; or Daniela
    K. Rosner, University of Washington, (dkrosner /at/
    <mailto:(dkrosner /at/>,


    From now to June 1: If you wish, you may prepare an abstract and
    contact the minitrack chairs for guidance and indication of
    appropriate content.

    June 15: Authors submit full papers by this date, following the
    Author Instructions
    ( Please
    consult the HICSS main website for complete information
    ( All papers will be submitted in
    double column publication format and limited to 10 pages including
    diagrams and references. HICSS papers undergo a double-blind review

    August 15: Acceptance notices are sent to Authors. At this time, at
    least one author of an accepted paper should begin visa, fiscal and
    travel arrangements to attend the conference to present the paper.

    September 15: Authors submit Final Version of papers following
    submission instructions posted on the HICSS web site. At least one
    author of each paper must register by this date with specific plans
    to attend the conference.

    October 15: Papers without at least one registered author to attend
    HICSS will be pulled from the publication process; authors will be


    Barad, K. 2007. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and
    the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning, (Duke University Press:
    Durham, NC.

    Berg, M. Bowker, G. (1996). The multiple bodies of the medical
    record: Toward a Sociology of an Artifact. The Sociological
    Quarterly, 38 (3): 513-537.

    Bjørn, P., Østerlund, C. (2014) “Socio-Material Design: Bounding
    Technologies in Practice.” Switzerland: Springer International

    Briet S. 2006 [1951]. What Is Documentation? Transl./ed. RE Day, L
    Martinet, HGB Anghelescu. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow

    Blanchette JF (2011) A material history of bits. Journal of the
    American Society for Information Science and Technology 62(6):

    Bowker GC (2006) Memory Practices in the Sciences. Cambridge, MA:
    MIT Press.

Buckland MK. 1997. What is a document? J. Am. Soc. Inform. Sci. 48:804–9

    Finn, M., and J. Srinivasan, and R. Veeraraghavan. (2014) "Seeing
    with Paper: Government Documents and Material Participation." Paper
    presented at the The 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on
    System Science (HICSS-48), Hawaii, HI.

    Frohman, Bernd. (2004). Deflating information: From Science studies
    to documentation. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

    Geiger, R. S. and D. Ribes (2011). Trace ethnography: Following
    coordination through documentary practices. Hawaii International
    Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE.

    Latour, B. 1990. "Visualisation and Cognition: Drawing Things
    Together." in Representation in Scientific Practice, edited by M.
    Lynch and S. Woolgar. Cambridge: MIT Press.

    Leonardi, B. A. Nardi, and J. Kallinikos, (2012). Materiality and
    Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World. Oxford, UK:
    Oxford University Press.

    Lund, N. W. (2009). Document Theory. Annual Review of Information
    Science and Technology, 43, 399-432.

    Norman, D. (2002). Emotion & design: attractive things work better.
    interactions, 9(4), 36-42.

    Mazmanian, M. Cohen, M. and Dourish, P. “Dynamic Reconfiguration in
    Planetary Exploration: A Sociomaterial Ethnography,” MISQ., vol. 38,
    no. 3, pp. 831–848, 2014.

      Meyer, S.R., Pierce, C.S., Kou, Y., Leonardi, P.M., Nardi, B.A.,
    Bailey, D.E. (2015) Offshoring Digital Work, But Not Physical
    Output: Examining Differential Access to Task Objects in Globally
    Distributed Automotive Engineering and Graphic Design Work. The 48th
    Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS-48),
    Hawaii, HI

    Orlikowski, W. J., and Scott, S. V. 2008. "Sociomateriality:
    Challenging the Separation of Technology, Work and Organization,"
    The Academy of Management Annals (2:1), pp 433-474.

    Østerlund, C. "The Materiality of Communicative Practices: The
    boundaries and objects of an emergency room genre," Scandinavian
    Journal of Information Systems (20s:1) 2008, pp 7-40.

    Østerlund, C., & Boland, D. 2009. Document Cycles: Knowledge Flows
    in Heterogeneous Healthcare Information System Environments. Paper
    presented at the The 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on
    System Science (HICSS-42), Hawaii, HI.

    Ribes, D. (2014). The Kernel of a Research Infrastructure. Computer
    Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), ACM: 574-587.

    Rosner, D. K., and M. G. Ames. (2014) Designing for Repair?
    Infrastructures and Materialities of Breakdown. Computer Supported
    Cooperative Work (CSCW). ACM, 2014.

    Rosner, D. K. "The material practices of collaboration." Computer
    Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). ACM, 2012:1155-1164.

    Steinhardt, SB and Jackson SJ (2014) Material Engagements: Putting
    Plans and Things Together in Collaborative Ocean Science. Paper
    presented at the The 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on
    System Science (HICSS-48), Hawaii, HI.

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