Archive for calls, February 2012

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[ecrea] International Conference on Social E-xperiences 2012

Fri Feb 17 17:26:44 GMT 2012


*BCN Meeting: Social e?xperiences* is the second International Conference to be staged annually by the UOC Information and Communication Sciences Department, together with the University of Waikato and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

During the conference, which will be held in Barcelona on 3 and 4 July 2012, we will be inviting participants to discuss contemporary social experiences connected to the use of communication and information technologies, especially those referring to new ways and strategies of generating and sharing knowledge.

The notion of *Social e?xperiences*, as the cross-disciplinary core of the conference, is a commitment to focus the debate on the processes of social change that come with digitalisation, with the emergence of social media and the so-called web 2.0 It is precisely this notion of social experiences in the digital age that constitutes the meeting point of the two *Networks* around which this year's BCN Meeting is organised.

Contributions connected to the general subject of each Network are welcomed. To take part in the contribution selection process, authors should submit an abstract (between 500 and 900 words) indicating one of the following Network:

   Network 1: Communication & Learning in the Digital Age

*Network 1 *seeks to open up an arena for debate for researchers, teachers, professionals and doctorate students interested in the relationships and interactions between communication and learning. Special attention will be paid to considering new forms of exchange of knowledge derived from the development of digital technologies, and teaching and learning environments based on collaboration, creativity, entertainment and the use of audiovisual technologies.

*Relevant topics:*

   * Relationships and interactions between communication and learning
   * Creativity, entertainment and the use of audiovisual technologies
     in learning
   * Participative culture and learning in the digital age
   * Social networks and virtual communities
   * Videogames and virtual worlds
   * Conceptual proposals and innovative practical experiences in
   * Skills and strategies for e-Learning in a participative culture

*Network Coordinators*

*Sandra Sanz*
Open University of Catalonya

*Amalia Creus*
Open Univesity of Catalonya

*Contact:* (learningcom2012 /at/ <mailto:(learningcom2012 /at/>

<mailto:(learningcom2012 /at/>

   Network 2: Public Relations & Society

Focusing on the field of Public Relations and Corporate Communication, *Network 2* proposes "Public Relations and Society" as the topic of debate. In keeping with the main theme of the conference, this Network will be devoting special attention to discussing the growing presence of social media and their impact on the experience and practice of educators and professionals. *Public Relations & Society* looks more deeply and provides continuity to the debates started at *BCN MeetingCom 2011* <>, devoted entirely to the field of public relations.

*Relevant topics: *

   * PR, networks, and social media: How are you experienced, or what
     does the exponential growth of social media mean for educators and

   * PR Identity: Is there, or should there be, a "socio-cultural turn"
     in PR? Does PR run the risk of becoming a sub-branch of sociology?
     The poor social reputation of PR (and what to do about it)

   * The role of CSR in PR-society relations: Do different cultures and
     different histories lead to different PR-society relations?

   * In an age of globalization and transnational institutions, who are
     the key stakeholders for PR

*Network Coordinators:*

*David McKie*
The University of Waikato

*Jordi Xifra*
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

*Ferran Lalueza*
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

*Contact:* (prconference2012 /at/ <mailto:(prconference2012 /at/>

   Sending a contribution

To take part in the contribution selection process, participants should send an abstract of between 500 and 900 words to the coordinators of the *Network* in which they wish to present the contribution. These should be sent using the *submission form* <> that includes the following sections:

   * Title of the proposal
   * Authors,
   * Institution
   * E-mail address
   * Network in which they wish to give the presentation
   * General description (presentation, objectives, methodology and
   * Bibliographical references

Proposals should be presented in *English *or* Spanish*. The science committee will be responsible for the contribution assessment and selection process, which will be conducted following a *blind peer* assessment process.

   Presentation formats

*Papers:* Oral presentations lasting 15 minutes followed by a debate. All the sessions will include the support of a coordinator responsible for organising the presentations and chairing the debate among the participants.

*Flash talks:* Oral presentations lasting 5 minutes that will be held in the plenary hall. We propose a dynamic presentation format that focuses on the presenter's performance and seeks to break away from the structure of a formal presentation.

*Posters: *Posters will be displayed throughout the whole conference in the area set aside for the /Network meetings/. Authors will have a time slot previously specified in the programme for exchange with the other participants.

When submitting their contribution, authors may state their preferred presentation format. In any event, the science and organising committees reserve the right to adjudicate the final format of each contribution according to the suitability of the proposal and the conference agenda.


All works accepted, if participants consent, will be published in *digital format*. Similarly, the conference organizers will invite a selection of the best papers to take part in a scientific publication coordinated by the scientific committee. We are also exploring other publication possibilities.


*Submission of abstracts:* UNTIL 10 MARCH 2012.
*Notification of acceptance:* 30 MARCH 2012.
*Submission of full text:* UNTIL 8 JUNE 2012.


*Early enrolment (reduced):* UNTIL 15 APRIL 2012.
*Enrolment deadline (full):* 15 JUNE 2012.

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