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[ecrea] 11th International Scientific conference Digitalisation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning

Sat Jul 09 17:49:01 GMT 2011

Status: CfP Call for Paper
11th International Scientific conference Digitalisation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning
Belgrade, Serbia

The Faculty of Philology of Belgrade University takes great pleasure in informing you that it will organise an international conference entitled Digitalisation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning from September 30th to October 2nd, 2011.
The proposed topics for discussion are as follows:
? Digitalization of valuable books, periodicals and unpublished scientific papers as a form of protection and promotion of cultural heritage
? The importance of digitalization of cultural heritage for the development of science, culture and education
? Digitalization of textbooks and the establishment of repositories
? Open-source scientific journals
? Connecting related research and higher education institutions with a view to globalizing and increasing the quality of education
? Providing general access to scientific and professional papers in subject areas
? Transparency and availability of digital teaching materials
? Digital archiving of multilingual texts and contents
? Procedures and principles (technical, legal and professional) for ensuring a proper transformation of traditional collections into digital ones
? Selection of literature for digitalization and care for its proper implementation
? Education of lecturers, librarians and technical staff for performing tasks related to digitalization
? Standardization and quality control of digitalization
? Learning everywhere
? What have we achieved so far?
? Language Distance Learning: social and cultural concerns
? Development of curriculum for e-learning
? Cloud computing
? The best practices: new trends and successful policies
? Digital library platform for e-learning
? Copyright in e-learning (rules and practice)
? Digital Literacy Development
? Mixed e-learning and its implications in pedagogy, technology and organization
? Preservation of e-learning materials and cost models for digital preservation
Internationally recognised experts from Europe and America will be presenting their views on the issue of digitalisation of cultural heritage and distance learning from different perspectives: from the points of view of librarians, scholars, lecturers and informaticists.
A proposal for a presentation (1,500 characters in length) should be submitted by August 10th, 2011 at the latest (address:
A presentation may not exceed 20 minutes, following which there will be a discussion period scheduled to last 15 minutes. The working languages of the conference are English and Serbian (simultaneous translation provided for plenary sessions). The participants' papers will be published in a special collection of papers by the Faculty of Philology. All the relevant information pertaining to the conference can be found at the web site .
We would be honoured if you contributed to a successful realisation of this project by participating in it.

Institution: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology
Kontaktperson: Nadja Soldatic
Email: (nadja /at/
Telefon: +381 11 202 1608
Adresse: Faculty of Philology
Studentski Trg 3

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