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[ecrea] Conference - 'Glorious Technicolor, Breathtaking CinemaScope': The Spectacle of Technology in Screen Media - 27 February 2010

Thu Jan 14 19:48:40 GMT 2010

'Glorious Technicolor, Breathtaking CinemaScope': The Spectacle of Technology in Screen Media
27 February 2010
University of Warwick, UK

This conference will present a wide-ranging study of spectacularised screen technologies: exploring instances where focus is drawn to the medium rather than its content. We will feature papers from an array of disciplines, spanning subjects that range from before the birth of cinema to the digital future.

The Department of Film and Television Studies, University of Warwick is holding the conference as part of its broader 'Histories of the Digital Future' project, which seeks to broaden our understanding of 'the digital revolution' by situating it historically in the long process of 19th to 21st century technological change.

Keynote Speakers:
Alison Griffiths (CUNY)
William Boddy (CUNY)
Helen Wheatley: (University of Warwick)

To register or to view the full programme, please visit:


Also please find a attached a conference poster for printing and distribution.

best wishes,
Anna Sloan

Anna C. Sloan
Dept. of Film and Television Studies
University of Warwick

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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