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[ecrea] CFP - The 14th International 'Culture & Power' Conference: 'Identity & identification' (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, 22-24 April, 2010)

Thu Jan 14 19:48:30 GMT 2010

*Culture & Power Seminar*

*Under the auspices of the Iberian Association for Cultural Studies (IBACS)*

*The 14th International â??Culture & Powerâ?? Conference: â??IDENTITY AND IDENTIFICATIONâ??*


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,

Departamento de Filología Moderna

Facultad de Letras,

Ciudad Real, Spain
22-24 April, 2010

Questions of identity and identification are among the most important evolving concerns of Cultural Studies today. Indeed, many thinkers, theorists and academics working in the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies continue to wrestle with these slippery concepts in their explorations of â??the production and inculcation of culture or maps of cultureâ?? (Chris Barker). Commonly apprehended as contingent, culturally specific and socially produced, identity is often conceived of as the result of a whole range of different, possible identifications linked to specific modalities of power under specific social and historical conjunctures, hence, the unstable and fluctuating nature of identity and identity formation. The tension between self-description and social ascription is fundamental for individuals and groups to construct, negotiate, defend and resist their self-understanding. Through a process of personal identification with discursively constructed subject positions, identities emerge across a wide range of cultural practices in the course of social interactions involving the use of language and other semiotic systems manifested in cultural artefacts of various kinds.

This conference invites 20-minute papers addressing the topic of â??identityâ?? and â??identificationâ?? from a wide range of perspectives within Cultural Studies. Although other topics may be considered, we welcome papers dealing with, but not being limited to, issues such as the following:

1. Theorizing identity construction and identification processes from a (variety of) cultural studies perspective(s): identities as discursive-performative / unstable / multiple / fragmented / projects / constructed and negotiated / narratives of the self / etc.

2. Methods and perspectives for examining identity-construction and identification processes in culture and society: post-structuralist, feminist, psychocritical, discursive, linguistic, Marxist, Queer Theory, postmodern, ecocritic, postcolonial, etc.

3. From social and cultural identities to subjectivity and the self: dimensions of and interrelations between identity production, consumption, commodification, regulation, inculcation, and representation.

4. Identity and genre: identities in fiction, drama, poetry, film, television, print media, politics, advertising, education, the institutional, the Internet, etc. The role of cultural artefacts in identity-construction processes within circuits of culture in society.

5. Identity at the crossroads of cultural studies with its disciplinary neighbours (literary theory, sociology, linguistics, discourse studies, anthropology, media and communication studies, history, geography, musicology, philosophy, etc.).

6. Challenging, questioning and subverting identities: re-constructing, -inventing, -cycling, -visiting, -creating, -locating, -discovering, -examining, -jecting, -producing, -thinking, -versing, -vising, -vitalising, -reading, -writing identities in culture and cultural artefacts.

7. Gender, sex, race, ethnicity, class, age, citizenship and religion issues: identity politics, hybridisation, border identities and subcultures.

8. The discourses of local, regional, national and trans-national identities: tensions between globalisation and nationalisms.

9. Identity and identification across cultural practices: diasporas, memory, trauma and body politics.

10. Identity and visual culture: intertextuality, multimodality, and the dialogue between the arts.

11. Historicizing identities: cultural history and the criticism of historical identities.

12. Identity and popular culture.

13. Identity in the Information and Communication society: e-identities, cyber-identities, virtual identities.

*IMPORTANT DATES (/NB: extension of deadlines/)*


§ *January 15th, 2010** **à ** _February 15^th , 2010_: *Submission of full papers. Please send *FULL PAPERS* (2,500 words) together with a 200-word *ABSTRACT*. Papers may be sent online through the conference website <> or directly to (Eduardo.Gregorio /at/ <mailto:(Eduardo.Gregorio /at/>

§ *February 15th, 2010** **à ** March 15^th , 2010:* Notification of acceptance.

§ *April 22^nd , 23^rd & 24th, 2010:* Conference dates.


The following speakers have confirmed their participation at the conference:

§ *Lawrence** Grossberg* (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

§ *John Storey* (University of Sunderland)

§ *Chris Weedon *(Cardiff University)




Selected papers will be published in a volume after the conference.


Papers may be presented in English or Spanish.


*Matías Barchino Pérez* (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)

*Chris Barker* (University of Wollongong, Australia)

*Susan Bassnett* (University of Warwick, UK)

*Jesús Benito Sánchez *(Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)

*Lou Charnon-Deutch* (Stony Brook University, USA)

*María José Coperías Aguilar* (Universitat de València, Spain)

*Chantal Cornut-Gentille Dâ??Arcy* (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)

*Nick Couldry* (The London School of Business and Economics, UK)

*Paul du Gay* (Warwick Business School, UK)

*José Manuel Estévez Saá* (Universidade da Coruña, Spain)

*Fernando* *Galván Reula* (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)

*Rosa González Casademont* (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

*Felicity Hand* (Unversitat Autònoma Barcelona, Spain)

*Phil Hubbard* (Loughborough University, UK)

*Brian Longhurst* (University of Salford, UK)

*Ana María Manzanas Calvo* (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)

*Sara Martín Alegre* (Unversitat Autònoma Barcelona, Spain)

*Scott McCracken* (Keele University, UK)

*Silvia Molina Plaza* (Universitat Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

*Susana* *Onega Jaén* (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)

*Juan Sisinio Pérez Garzón* (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)

*Alvaro Pina* (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

*Inés Praga Terente* (Universidad de Burgos, Spain)

*Isabel Santaolalla* (Roehampton University, UK)

*Peter R. Sedgwick* (Cardiff University, UK)

*Greg Smith* (University of Salford, UK)

*John Storey* (University of Sunderland, UK)

*Socorro Suárez Lafuente* (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)

*Graeme* *Turner *(University of Queensland, Australia)

*Rubén Valdés Millares* (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)

*Teun van Dijk* (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

*David Walton* (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)


Eduardo de Gregorio-Godeo & Ã?ngel Mateos-Aparicio


Javier Enrique Díaz Vera

Beatriz González Moreno

Ignacio Ramos Gay

Ernesto Suárez Toste



*ENQUIRIES** *may be sent to the conference convenors:

§ Dr. Eduardo de Gregorio-Godeo: (Eduardo.Gregorio /at/ <mailto:(Eduardo.Gregorio /at/>

§ Dr. �ngel Mateos-Aparicio: (Angel.Mateos /at/ <mailto:(Angel.Mateos /at/>

*REGISTRATION, ACCOMMODATION, SOCIAL PROGRAMME & FURTHER INFORMATION *will be updated on this conference website: <>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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European Communication Research and Education Association
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