Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CFP - global studies and international relations

Fri Jan 15 15:21:20 GMT 2010

The Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies presents the GSA
Conference 2010:

Global Studies and International Relations: mutual bedfellows or
contesting paradigms?

Merton College, University of Oxford,
1st ­ 3rd September 2010
Confirmed Keynotes:

Prof. David Chandler (University of Westminster)

Prof. Martin Shaw (University of Sussex)

Prof. Sandra Halperin (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Prof. John Urry (University of Lancaster)

The nation-states, statesmen, civilizations and empires that
constitute the traditional units of analysis in International
Relations no longer seem to adequately capture the cascading
interconnectedness and so-called fluid processes of the globalizing
world.  If relations between dominated the 20th century understanding
of world events, it may now be the case that global studies offers a
new set of vocabularies, new conceptions of relationships and better
ways of imagining the complexities of 21st century social relationships.

Nevertheless nation-states still exist.  They are still powerful
actors and are still a pervasive way of categorizing, quantifying and
understanding human behavior-both in theoretical attitude of the
academic and the attitude of individuals making sense of their
worlds.  Power politics has not disappeared with the rise of the
'global', nation-states still have standing armies and the
relationship between them still determines the living conditions of
great populations.  Most recently, it is states that have shored up
the faltering global economy.

In sum, the Global Studies Association conference 2010 will offer a
rare opportunity,  and intimate setting, for scholars from both IR
and those working under the umbrella of Global Studies to engage in
debates concerning the very foundations of their respective
disciplines, in order to address the possibility of a more mutual
understanding of how we inhabit the world.  The intention is to
establish a creative and progressive forum that will benefit
researchers from all disciplines.

Proposals for papers should take the form of a 300 word abstract and
may be submitted on any aspect of the conference theme.  The deadline
for submission of abstracts is 30th April 2010.  Abstracts should be
submitted to:  (abstracts /at/  Please see
attachment for the full call for papers and visit http:// for more information.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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