Archive for calls, November 2009

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[ecrea] Call for Papers: The Nigerian Communications Law and Policy Journal

Wed Nov 25 09:05:21 GMT 2009

About the Nigerian Communications Law and Policy Journal

The Nigerian Communications Law and Policy Journal is a new Journal that
provides the platform for sharing articulate thinking and constructive
analyses of contemporary issues on media law and policy, intellectual
property, entertainment law and policy, and telecommunications law and
policy in Nigeria. The Journal strives to expand the frontiers of
freedom of expression in Nigeria, reduce impediments to communications,
and promote the creative industry by providing constructive ideas that
will challenge regulators and policy makers to introduce positive
changes that are of international standards.

The Journal will provide stimulating and original analyses of all
aspects of Nigerian laws and policies that regulate communications,
entertainment and intellectual property. It is seriously devoted to
providing ideas and solutions that will assist regulators to strike
healthy balances between regulations and censorships, and will also be
useful for research, teaching and practice.

The Journal is published by Lintol Resources Base Limited in partnership
with Malunze Associates.

Editorial and production inquiries should be directed to the Editor at:
<(nclpjinfo /at/ gmail.htm)>(nclpjinfo /at/, or

Call for Papers:

The Nigerian Communications Law and Policy Journal (NCLPJ) invites
papers from professionals and academics for the May, 2010 edition of the
Journal. We also accept unsolicited submissions at any time of the year.
The Journal is devoted to vigorous analyses of developments in media law
and policy, intellectual property, Nigeria.ents in media
law, intellectual property, entertainment law, telecommunication law and
advertising law and regulations in entertainment law and policy,
telecommunications law and policy, and advertising law and regulations
in Nigeria. The Journal will critically examine issues and questions
that challenge communications, intellectual property and entertainment
regulations in Nigeria.

e welcome innovative papers on these areas of inquiry, particularly on
the changing laws, regulations and policies of communications and the
response of the Nigerian law to these changes, which are re-shaping
methods of communications. We also welcome submissions that examine
laws, regulations and policies that repress and shape freedom of
expression and communication, such as defamation, privacy, obscenity,
constitutional provisions on freedom of expression, sedition, false news
publications, and telecommunications and broadcasting licensing

Such papers must be intellectually challenging, creative and provide
articulate analyses of the issues discussed. We encourage original and
creative thinking to stimulate debate in our areas of interest. We also
specially welcome papers that provide local solutions that meet
international standards.

The Journal specifically invites papers on the following areas:

*    Defamation-civil, criminal, religion, and internet,
*    Access to information and freedom of expression,
*    Copyright and freedom of expression,
*    Copyrights in broadcasting, movies, sound recording and
*    Legal aspects of licensing broadcasting and telecommunications,
*    Obscenity, false news, sedition and contempt of court,
*    Privacy and freedom of expression,
*    Regulating internet publishing, and digital media,
*    Movie classifications/censorships,
*    Photography regulations and policies,
*    Advertising law, regulations and policies,
*    Consumer protection in the telecommunications industry,
*    Dispute Resolution mechanisms in broadcasting,
telecommunications and intellectual property sectors,
*    The Nigerian Press Council and the Office of the Press
*     All aspects of publishing laws, regulations and policies.

The editorial Board may also consider compelling papers that dealt with
other issues not specifically mentioned but related to our areas of


a)      Articles should be between 4,000-10,000 words in length, and
typed in MS Words, Arial, size14 (1.5 line spacing). Case, book, and
conference reviews should be between 2,000-4,000 words in length,

b)      All submissions will be peer reviewed and will not be returned.
The Editorial team reserves the right to edit papers submitted for
publication. Authors will be notified on whether their papers were
accepted or refused for publication after the review,

c)       All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of between
100-150 words with a list of 3-5 keywords which describe the main
subjects covered by the article,

d)      Papers are to be submitted along with a list indicating the full
names of the author, institutional affiliation, and contacts details,

e)      References should be complete and in this order: author's name
(surname should appear first), text publisher, year of publication, and
place of publication. Footnotes should be used and numbered

f)       The Editorial team will only accept papers that are written in
English language,

g)      The Journal will feature articles, case reviews, book reviews,
conference reviews, and briefings,

h)      The Editorial team will not consider papers published or being
considered for publication elsewhere.  A wavier could be granted in very
special circumstances,

i)        Copyright of papers published in the Journal rests with the

j)        Papers should be submitted as attachment in MS Word format to
the Editor at <(nclpjinfo /at/ gmail.htm)>(nclpjinfo /at/ or by surface mail to the Editor, The
Nigerian Communications Law and Policy Journal, P.0.Box 14121, Ikeja,
Lagos, Nigeria.

The Nigeria Communications Law and Policy Journal,

Lintol Resources Base Ltd,

6th Floor Oshopey Plaza

17/19 Allen Avenue

P. O. Box 14121, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria



Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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