Archive for calls, November 2009

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[ecrea] CFP Shane Meadows

Fri Nov 13 21:19:19 GMT 2009

CALL FOR PAPERS: Shane  Meadows day event, University of East Anglia, April
2010 (date and venue TBC)

Since the attention-grabbing short film Smalltime (1996) and his debut
feature  TwentyFourSeven (1997),  director  Shane  Meadows  has  emerged
as  arguably    the  most  distinctive  young  filmmaker  in  contemporary
British cinema. Following the critical and commercial success of This is
England  (2007) - soon  to  be  developed  into  a  TV  series  by  Channel
Four - Meadows  has  continued  his  project  of  providing  the  forgotten
communities  and  anonymous  spaces  of  provincial  England  with  a
singular  cinematic  voice.  Having  attracted  only  limited  scholarly
attention thus far, the time is ripe for a comprehensive overview of
Meadows'  oeuvre.

We  seek  original  20 minute papers for  an event devoted  to  Meadows'
output and his place within contemporary British film and television, and
we plan to publish selected papers as an edited collection.

Topics  could  include  (but  are  certainly  not  limited  to):

- Representations  of  gender  (particularly  masculinity,  but  also  the
possible marginalisation  of  women  in  Meadows'  films)
- Class and marginal communities/lifestyles
- Race / ethnicity
- Meadows and  auteurism
- Regionalism /parochialism
- English-ness / British-ness
- Fatherhood  as  structuring  motif  in  Meadows'  work
- Comedy  and  the  function  of  humour in  Meadows'  oeuvre  (comparisons
with class-based/regional  humour  of  Peter  Kay  and  Shameless,  for
- Meadows' films and their relationship to the social-realist tradition
- Representations  of  the family
- Meadows'  short  films
- Meadows'  TV  work,  including  the  Shane's  World  series  for  Channel  4
- Acting / performance / improvisation in Meadows' films (e.g. professional
vs. non-professional  performers)
- Representation  of  children / youth
- Nostalgia / the 1980s
- Dialogue / dialect
- Depictions of urban and rural landscape
- Meadows and genre
- Critical / popular  reception  of  Meadows'  work
- Meadows'  'independence'  and  his  relationship  to contemporary  British
cinema / association  with  Warp  records / funding
- Music  in  Meadows'  films
- Meadows'  use  of  digital  technology / DIY  aesthetic / filmmaking
- His influences and intertexts

Please send 300-word abstracts to Sarah Godfrey ((s.godfrey /at/ by
31 January 2010.

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