Archive for calls, November 2009

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[ecrea] CFP - Post-Identity (Spectator 2010)

Tue Nov 10 18:32:33 GMT 2009

Please see the following CFP for the Fall 2010 issue of Spectator (USC),
"Post-Identity."  Submissions due by November 29, 2009.

Spectator: Call for Papers
Volume 30, Number 2 (Fall 2010)
This issue of Spectator seeks papers that engage in current debates about
?post-identity? and their significance to academic studies of identity and
media within national and global contexts. Questions of post-race,
post-gender, and post-human identities have been consistently raised within
the disciplines of Critical Race Theory, queer theory, new media theory, and
gender studies, and this issue will examine the implications of these claims
and their relationship to the field of media studies.  This issue is
particularly relevant in a moment when, preceding and succeeding the
election of Barack Obama as President, critics and commentators have
declared race as now ?irrelevant.?  Academic essays, interviews, and book
reviews that interrogate the idea of ?transcending? or moving beyond
identity, as well as representations of ?post-identity? within film,
television and new media, are all encouraged for submission.

Deadline for Submission (November 29, 2009)

Spectator is a biannual publication, and submissions that address
post-identity and related topics are now invited for submission. Potential
topics in the fields of Critical Race Theory, queer theory, new media
theory, and gender studies may include, but are not limited to:

New Media and Technology:
?    New technologies, new media theory, and the erasure of identity
?    Relationships between technology and race, gender or sexuality in film
or television
?    Relationships between creative and industrial practices, new
technology, and representation of identity
?    New technologies, popular music, and identity
?    Avant-garde, technology and identity
?    New technologies and issues of nationalism, regionalism or diaspora

Science and Science Fiction(s)
?    Representations of the ?future? within scholarly texts and visual media
?    Utopias, dystopias and connections to identity
?    Representations of cyborgs, aliens, monsters and robots within visual
?    Special effects and identity
?    Artificial intelligence
?    Genetic engineering

Political culture and celebrity
?    Stardom and identity within contemporary media
?    Barack Obama and American racial politics
?    Humanism and post-humanism

Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to:
? Janani Subramanian
2000 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Unit C
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Phone: 323-377-1786
Email: (jananisu /at/

One copy of manuscript should be submitted, as well as a digital copy.
Submissions can also be e-mailed directly. Manuscripts should include the
title of the contribution and the name (s) of authors, as well as the postal
address, e-mail address, and phone numbers for authors who will work with
the editor on any revisions. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
Contributions should not be more than 5,000 words. They should also include
a brief abstract for publicity. Authors should also include a brief
biographical entry. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.

Articles submitted to Spectator should not be under consideration by any
other journal.

Book Reviews may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 words. Please include
title of book, retail price and ISBN at the beginning of the review.
Examples of possible books include: Dangerous Frames: How Ideas about Race
and Gender Shape Public Opinion, Mixed Race Hollywood, Digital Diaspora: A
Race for Cyberspace, Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age, Draculas, Vampires
and Other Undead Forms: Essays on Gender, Race and Culture and Latino Spin:
Public Image and the Whitewashing of Race.

Forum or Additional Section contributions can include works on new archival
or research facilities or methods as well as other relevant works related to
the field.

Electronic Submissions and Formatting. Authors should send copies of their
work via e-mail as electronic attachments. Please keep backup files of all
disks. Files should be Microsoft Word in PC or Mac format, depending on the
editor's preference. Endnotes should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.
Upon acceptance, a format guideline will be forwarded to all contributors as
to image and text requirements.

Current Board for Spectator
Founding Editor
Marsha Kinder
Managing Editor
William Whittington
Issue Editor
Janani Subramanian

Subscription Information
Individual issues cost $10.00. Institutional rate for US and Canada is
$30.00 USD. All others $40.00 USD. Please contact the subscription editor
for bulk discounts. To order a subscription, please send $15.00* for the
current volume year to:
University of Southern California
School of Cinematic Arts
Critical Studies
900 W 34th St.
SCA, Room 320
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Attn: Spectator Subscription
Tel: (213) 740-3334
Fax: (213) 740-9471
*If you subscribe now, you will receive one back issue free (based on
availability). For additional back issues, contact subscription manager and
include $12.00 per issue.
Email: (Spectator /at/

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Postal address:
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