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[ecrea] New Issue of Communication Management Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2016

Tue Jan 03 07:44:02 GMT 2017

Communication Management Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2016
Edward Bernays College of Communication Management, Zagreb, Croatia <>

Editor's Note

Alex Malouf, Marko Selaković, Nikolina Ljepava: Exploring the Relationship Between Corporate Volunteering and Internal Communications in Multinational Organizations

Ivan Pakozdi, Mario Petrović, Adrian Beljo: Native Advertising: Evolving Marketing or Public Relations Promotional Tool 

Ema Starčić, Hrvoje Jakopović: Evaluation and Measurement Among Croatian 
Public Relations Professionals 

Leali Osmančević: Twitter as Popular Journalistic Platform - 
Similarities and Differences Between Jutarnji List and Vecernji List

Jadranka Škarica, Ivan Tanta: Communication in Organisations as Fundamentals of Good Management or a Stumbling Block

Goran Pavelin, Roko Matanović: Research on the Attitudes of the Directors of Croatian State Archives to Planning and Implementing Volunteer Management

Book Reviews

Call for Papers


*About Communication Management Review**

*Communication Management Review is an international academic journal which is published by the Edward Bernays College of Communication Management. Notable foreign and Croatian scholars with a focus on communication management participate in the activities of this journal, which is issued twice annually and publishes quality academic and professional papers from public relations, marketing, political science, communication science, management and related disciplines. The interdisciplinary character of the journal enables a holistic approach to communication management, which is, due to dynamic occurrences and processes, directly and indirectly linked to other disciplines and their research topics. An added value of the journal is its endeavour to connect science and practice, whose approaches are different, but whose cooperation is essential in order to understand the new trends and dynamic processes of the modern world.

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