Archive for publications, January 2014

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[ecrea] New publication of COST Action IS0906: Building Bridges - Pathways to a Greater Societal Significance for Audience Research (available online)

Tue Jan 28 20:25:28 GMT 2014

New publication of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies -

*Building Bridges: Pathways to a Greater Societal Significance for Audience Research*
*Available online*:

The report Building Bridges adresses the questions why, how and for whom academic audience research has public value, from the different points of view of the four working groups in the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies -- "New Media Genres, Media Literacy and Trust in the Media", "Audience Interactivity and Participation", "The Role of Media and ICT Use for Evolving Social Relationships" and "Audience Transformations and Social Integration".

Building Bridges is the result of an ongoing dialogue between the Action and non-academic stakeholders in the field of audience research. Altogether, the 14 contributions in the report provide insights and feed the debate on the stakeholders' respective "inhabited worlds" (the academia being one stakeholder among others), the different modes of researcher-stakeholder interaction, and possible (and desirable) areas of joint interest and collaboration.

Edited by
Geoffroy Patriarche, Helena Bilandzic, Nico Carpentier, Cristina Ponte, Kim C. Schrøder and Frauke Zeller

With contributions by
Jakob Bjur, Mélanie Bourdaa, Göran Bolin, Nico Carpentier, Paula Cordeiro, Peter Dahlgren, Alexander Dhoest, Manuel José Damasio, J. Ignacio Gallego, Dafna Lemish, Jakob Linaa Jensen, Peter Lunt, Maria Francesca Murru, Francesca Pasquali, José-Manuel Noguera Vivo, Lars Nyre, Brian O'Neill, Andra Siibak, Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnen, Nicoletta Vittadini, Igor Vobic( and Frauke Zeller

Stakeholder feedback from
Michelle Arlotta (DeAgostini), Andreea M. Costache (Association of Consumers of Audiovisual Media in Catalonia/TAC), Francesco Diasio (AMARC Europe), Marius Dragomir (Open Society Foundations), Sara Elias (BBC Media Action), Dragan Kremer (Open Society Foundations), Muriel Hanot (High Authority for Audiovisual Media/CSA Belgium), Stefan Lazarevic' (Serbian Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications), Karol Ma?cuz.yn'ski (TVP), Jadranka Milanovic' (UNICEF Belgrade), Leo Pekkala (Finnish Centre for Media Education and Audiovisual Media/MEKU), Julie Uldam (Network on Civic Engagement and Social Innovation) and Gabriella Velics (Community Media Forum Europe).

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