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[ecrea] new book: Producing the Internet. Critical Perspectives of Social Media

Mon Apr 01 07:52:29 GMT 2013

Producing the Internet. Critical Perspectives of Social Media
Editor: Tobias Olsson
Nordicom, 2013, 259 p. - ISBN 978-91-86523-59-6, (Research Anthologies and Monographs)

Should contemporary media culture be understood as a culture that offers unprecedented freedom for producing participators – so-called “produsers”? Or should it rather be understood as a culture in which various forms of user participation in fact are conditioned, or even manufactured, by organized, professional producers?

Considering the increasing research attention that has been paid recently to various notions of mediated participation, most often with reference to social networking media or “web 2.0”, questions such as these are important to ask. They call attention to the need to both critically discuss and investigate the supposedly transformative potential of emerging media culture, which is based to a great extent on the applications that we have learnt to refer to as “social” media.

The contributions to this book, thirteen chapters from international scholars, add to our critical understanding of these new forms of media. They all draw on various theoretical concepts – such as producers, community, and participation – used when analysing media culture. But they also share a critical interest in problematizing and analysing the forms of power built into this culture.


Tobias Olsson

I Producing Social Media Platforms. Power and Organization

Christian Fuchs
Social Media and Capitalism

José van Dijck
Social Media Platforms as Producers

Nico Carpentier
The Participatory Organization. Alternative Models for Organizational Structure and Leadership

II Transforming Media Producers

Dino Viscovi, Malin Gustafsson
Dirty Work. Why Journalists Shun Reader Comments

Ulrika Sjöberg, Ingegerd Rydin
Transmedia Storytelling and a Young Audience. Public Service in the Blogosphere Era

María Isabel Villa
Cross-media Production Networks. Comparing Organizations in Public Service Broadcasting Programmes

III Producers of Communities/Communities of Producers

Maria Bakardjieva
Bringing up Bg-mamma. Organized Producers between Community and Commerce

Stina Bengtsson
The Producer as Vendor. Producing Public Space in a Virtual World

Anna Lund
The Civic Potential of the Digital Horse

IV Producing the (Un)Civic Web

Peter Dahlgren
Contingencies of Online Political ‘Produsers’. Discourse Theory and the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement

Shakuntala Banaji, David Buckingham
Creating the Civic Web. Exploring the Perspectives of Web Producers in Europe and Turkey

Anders Svensson
Adopting Social Media in the Corporate Sphere. The Tricky Route to Monetization of Facebook Fan Pages

Biographical Notes

Nico Carpentier
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
T: + 32 (0)2-629.24.45
F: + 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401
International Association for Media and Communication Research
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (nico.carpentier /at/

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