Archive for publications, June 2011

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[ecrea] New issue of Academic Quarter: Global Tales

Thu Jun 16 13:51:29 GMT 2011

Dear all,

A new issue of Academic Quarter about "Global Tales" has now been published. The complete issue (an over 300 page omnibus) is to be downloaded here: It is comprised of contributions from several Danish and international scholars and includes several articles in English, including a fresh interview with Zygmunt Bauman. The individual articles can be downloaded underneath.

Global Tales . Pablo Christoffanini og Lotte Dam
Verdensklasse eller blålys . Sune Auken
Civil Society and Human Rights as Part of the Neoliberal Narrative . Eunice C. Seixas
Klimaproblematikken som global fortælling . Mikkel Fugl Eskjær
Mikrokredittens globale fortælling og dens etiske problemstillinger . Thessa Jensen
Bøgerne om alt - fortalt af mange . Kim Toft Hansen
Globaliseringen hos Ernest Jünger . Jan Schlosser
Romaerne på fælleden . Birgitta Frello
Globale fortællinger i den skandinaviske krimi . Gunhild Agger
The Meek Inherit the Earth . James Stone
Hybridism in the understanding of media "stories" . Valentina Marinescu
Biopics as Postmodern Mythmaking . Valentina Cucca
"Which of you shall we say doth love us most" . Imke Pannen
Rædsler fra Ribe og omegn . Mathias Clasen
Testing the Limits . Camille A. Buxton
Naturhistorie på 1700-tallet . Simone Ochsner
Baheb el Cima . Lise P. Galal
Tales of Tourism . Karina M. Smed
McJingles . Nicolai J. Graakjær
Det globale prisuddelingsshow . Helle K. Haastrup
Starbucks . Jørgen Riber Christensen

The thirds issue on "Transgression" is being written at the moment. The call for abstracts for the fourth issue on "Journeys" will be out shortly.

Best wishes,

Kim Toft Hansen

and Jørgen Riber Christensen

Editors in chief

       Global Tales


Kim Toft Hansen

Studieadjunkt (teaching assistant professor)

Aalborg Universitet

Kroghstræde 3, lokale 3.208

9220 Aalborg Ø.

Tlf: 99409144 / 51903911

(kimtoft /at/ <>;; <>; <> <>;

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