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[ecrea] Journal Special Issue; 'Arab Women and the Media'

Fri Sep 11 05:03:22 GMT 2009

Call for Papers: Special Issue



The sudden increase in the number of Arab satellite channels targeting
Arabs inside and outside the region has been paralleled by an explosion in
the number of women working as TV presenters, producers, and news
reporters in these various channels. Their appearance has not been
confined to women?s and children?s programmes, but has been markedly
noticeable in the serious genres of news and current affairs too.
Furthermore, women from the most conservative societies in the Arabian
Gulf have also gained access to these channels, and their presence has
indeed been enforced by the establishment of dedicated Gulf channels such
as Al-Jazeera, MBC, Rotana Gulf, IQRA, Dubai, Sharjah and Saudi Channel2
to name a few.

The aim of this special issue of Arab and Muslim Media Research is to
develop and publish a timely collection of papers representing current
research in gender and Arab media. Of particular interest are papers that
present empirical findings of fieldworks among Arab women media
professionals and which offer conceptual, methodological and analytical
rigour. Example topic areas for inclusion in this special issue include,
but are not necessarily confined to:
1.      Factors that enabled, or conversely restrained, women?s access to and
success in media industries
2.      How women negotiate their success in a male-dominated field
3.      How Arab women media professionals identify themselves and are
identified by others
4.      Women?s representation in the media and the impact of this on their
interest in joining the media industries
5. The success criteria as defined by men and women in the media industries.
6.      Arab women?s consumption/interaction of a media congested world

This special issue will be dedicated to articles dealing with this rather
under-represented issue and it aims to gather scholarly views on gender
and identity in Arab media industry. Contributions based on empirical
studies are particularly welcome.  To ensure the quality of the
contributions a variety of papers will be considered including for example
theory-informed case studies and critical review of current literature
(particularly in Arabic).

Special Issue Editors:
Dr Noha Mellor,  Senior Lecturer in Media & Cultural Studies, Faculty of
Arts & Social Sciences, Kingston University. She is the author of The
Making of Arab News (2005) and Modern Arab Journalism (2007).

Dr Noureddine Miladi, Senior Lecturer in Media & Sociology, School of
Social Sciences, University of Northampton, UK.

Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be submitted via
e-mail. Each manuscript should be no more than 8500 words in main text and
150 words in abstract. All submissions will be blind-refereed.
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines for the Journal of Arab and
Muslim Media Research  before you formally submit your paper. Please make
sure that submitted papers include the following: Title, name of the
author, affiliation, complete contact details, abstract, keywords,
author?s bio, main body, bibliography etc. The style referencing must
follow the Harvard system all the way through.

Deadline for submission of full papers: 15th January 2010

Please send your complete papers to:
Noureddine Miladi: (noureddine.miladi /at/
Noha Mellor: (n.mellor /at/


Submission Guidelines:

The Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research welcomes contributions from
around the world about the above mentioned areas of enquiry. Manuscripts
to be considered for publication should be submitted electronically, via
e-mail, to the Editor. Each manuscript should be no more than 8500 words
in main text and 150 words in abstract. Review articles should be between
1500-2000 words and interviews should approximately be 3000 words. All
submissions will be blind-refereed.

Articles should be original and not under consideration by any other
publication. They should be written in a clear and concise style. Margins
should be at least 2.5cm all round and pagination should be continuous.
Full articles and all correspondence with respect to any aspect of
editorial policy should always be addressed to the Editor on e-mail:
(noureddine.miladi /at/

The Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research is an academic journal and
always blind-refereed. Articles are sent to two or three scholars with
relevant expertise for comments. Anonymity is accorded to authors and

The views expressed in the Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research are
those of the respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Editor or Editorial and Advisory Board.

Checks before any submission stage

Contributors should check that the following information is supplied to
the editor for each and every article before submission:
* Article Title
* Author?s Name
* Author?s institutional affiliation
* Author?s full institutional addresses, e-mail and tel.
* Author biography (50 words)
* Paper abstract (150 words)
* Keywords

Book/Film reviews:
Reviews require a full reference for book/DVD/recording under review,
reviewer name, reviewer address and reviewer biography. Abstracts and
keywords are not relevant, and references are not usually relevant, but
they are always an option in this case.

Bold type should be used only for headings and sub-headings within
articles. It should not be used for emphasis, or in the names of
organizations, conferences or exhibitions. Italics should only be used
sparingly for emphasis. Also because italics are used for other purposes
such as the titles of books, films or plays, etc.

Images and Captions
These are never essential within an item, but are always welcome. In
particular, discussions of particular buildings, sites or landscapes would
be assisted by the inclusion of illustrations as this enables readers to
see them. They do not absolutely need to be submitted at the time of the
initial submission of the article, although it is preferable if they are.
The omission of a caption is only acceptable if you feel the impact of the
image would be reduced by the provision of written context.
All illustrations, photographs, diagrams, maps, etc. should follow the
same numerical sequence and be shown as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. The
source has to be indicated below. Copyright clearance should be indicated
by the contributor and is always the responsibility of the contributor.
When they are on a separate sheet or file, an indication must be given as
to where they should be placed in the text.
Reproduction will be in greyscale (sometimes referred to as
?black-and-white?). If you are supplying any article images as hard copy,
these should be prints between 10­20 cms wide if possible, and preferably
greyscale if being submitted as illustrations for articles. However,
colour prints, transparencies and small images can be submitted if you
need to supply these. If images are supplied electronically, all images
need to have a resolution of at least 12 dpm (dots per millimetre) ­ or
300 dpi (dots per inch).

Tables should be supplied either within the Word document of the main text
or as separate Word documents. These can then be extracted and reproduced.
Reproducing text within images supplied separately is difficult: they need
a high final resolution around 48 dpm. An additional Acrobat PDF document
is encouraged.

Diagrams can be supplied to us as JPEG, TIFF or Acrobat PDF documents. If
a mistake is identified in a diagram, make the amendments and re-supply.

Numbered notes
These are never essential within an item and should always be kept to a
minimum. They must be submitted correctly at the time of the initial
submission as they will need to be copy-edited. It is not acceptable to
add notes at a later stage.

Style for quotations embedded into a paragraph is single quote marks, with
double quote marks for a second quotation contained within the first. All
long quotations (i.e. over four lines or 40 words long) should be
?displayed? ­ i.e. set into a separate indented paragraph with an
additional one-line space above and below, and without quote marks at the
beginning or end.

Referencing, Notes and Bibliography
This journal requires the use of Harvard references embedded in the main
text in the following format (Harper 1999: 27), and a single bibliography
at the end of the article for works that are cited, and only works that
are cited. For books, please try to ensure that there is always a date of
publication; the place of publication and the name of the publisher
whenever possible.
Said, Edward W. (1978), Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient,
London: Penguin.
________ (1994), Culture and Imperialism, London: Vintage.

Journal articles need to be referred to with the name of the first author,
the year of publication [(nnnn),], the article title [?abcd defg?,], the
full journal title [abcddefg,], the issue number [nn,] ­ or the volume
number and issue number together [nn:nn,] ­ and the range of the pages of
the article within the journal [pp. nn-nn]. The number of the page from
which the reference is actually taken is shown on the page of the article,
as in (Harper 1999: 27).
A footnote should not be made specifically to make a bibliographical
reference as footnotes should only be used to provide explanations or
expansions to the main text of the article. Publications can be referred
to in footnotes using the Harvard format ­e.g. ?Smith (1999: 49) says that
??. Do not use ?(ibid.)? or ?(op. cit.)? as they are not appropriate for
the Harvard system.
All quotations must be followed by (in brackets) the surname of the
author, the date of publication and the page number it appears on in the
edition referred to in the bibliography. Note that the punctuation
(comma/colon/full stop) at the end of a quotation should always follow the
reference if a quotation is within the main body text, but should be
placed before the reference if it is an indented paragraph quotation.

Website references are similar to other references. There is no need to
decipher any place of publication or a specific publisher, but the
reference must have an author, and the author must be referenced
Harvard-style within the text. Unlike paper references, however, web pages
can change, so there needs to be a date of access as well as the full web

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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