Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CFP for Twitter: Global Perspectives, Uses and Criticisms

Fri Mar 16 07:56:03 GMT 2018

*CALL FOR PAPERS: Nova Science Publishers’ Edited Collection on Twitter Communication*

Contributors are invited to submit abstracts (about 200 words) toward our new edited collection *Twitter: Global Perspectives, Uses and Criticisms*with Nova Science (New York, USA). We are interested in new research and perspectives on, as well as criticisms of, Twitter communication.

Topics being covered (though not limited to these) include:

·/Perspectives and concepts in Twitter communication/

·/Methods & techniques in Twitter studies/research/

·/Practices and uses of Twitter (e.g. business, journalism, education etc.)/

·/Activism, campaigning and political discourse on Twitter/

·/Criticisms and the future of Twitter/

_Kindly note the following important dates_

*Abstract Submission: March 15^th 2018 – May 30^th 2018*


*Chapter Submission: June 1^st 2018 – August 30^th 2018*


The contributions for this edited book are intended to range from 4,000-10,000 words (chapters over 10,000 words can be updated by the author for the e-version of their chapter). If you are interested in participating, please consult the *Notes for Contributors* below.

Publication will be about *3-9 months* after the close of the volume.

Please, send your chapter proposals/chapters to:

(innocent.chiluwa /at/ <mailto:(innocent.chiluwa /at/>and/or (gwen.bouvier /at/ <mailto:(gwen.bouvier /at/>




*/Notes for Edited Book Chapter Contributors/*

1. There is no charge for inclusion in the published book. An auxiliary service is available for any authors interested in Open Access. Open Access makes the chapter visible free of charge to anyone in the world who has Internet access.

2. There are no page charges for black and white figures and illustrations submissions provided they are sent to Nova with the source files. Color illustrations are billed at the current rate.

3. A free copy of the e-book version of the book is sent to the first-listed contributor of each chapter. Additional copies are available at a 20% discount. Publication in digital form takes place at approximately the same time as the printed version.

4. The scientific community is the intended audience. Books are marketed by direct mail, space ads, review copies, online bookstore postings and by our international distributors.

5. The choice of theme and approach are at the discretion of the author but preliminary acceptance is only upon submission of the draft abstract. The line-up of chapters is a constantly changing landscape since discussions, commitments and submissions continue on a daily basis right up to and sometimes beyond the close of each volume.

6. An abstract in the following form is required consisting of: 1. 150-500 words; 2. Author affiliations; and 3. Estimated date of chapter submission and Copyright Transfer. Please include the abstract as part of an email and not as an attachment if possible. Acceptance of topics is based partially on which topics have already been accepted for particular volumes. The reply to the draft abstract will contain details about reference styles and other relevant technical details. A reply and decision may be expected within 7 days if the word Abstract is contained within the Subject Line of the email.

7. Co-authors may be invited by you at your discretion without discussion with Nova.

8. Copyright is transferred to Nova via email. Another form will be sent via email along with the electronic page proofs.

9. Personalized chapter offprints are available.

10. MS Word 2003 or Latex are the preferred input programs for text. When submitting your manuscript, please indicate the program you used (i.e., MS Word 2003) in the text of your email accompanying the attached manuscript. If Latex, Nova requests use of the Nova macro. The Nova macros are available from the Nova Website under the tab For Authors. This is ARTICLE.STY set at 5.5 inches (13.97 cm) and letter size (not A4 paper). Please try to use outside justified page headers. If you would like to add any packages to this macro beyond those already specified, it is *mandatory *that the corresponding .sty files be submitted with the chapter. Nova currently uses the Windows Operating System.

11. The chapter must be edited for English prior to submission. Nova can provide editorial assistance if required. A list of optional editorial services is available upon request.

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